77 – Cheonhwa (3)

Thus, the T.P.P ship streamer league ended.

The winning team was, of course, Group C, which included Eugene, Sia, and Yuria.

In the final match, they completely destroyed the team ‘Strong and Strong Morning’ and won the entire team.

– Somajwa Is he a god? Soma: Is he God? Soma: Is he God? Soma is he a god?

– I didn’t know Yuria Nunna was that strong… Soma didn’t add Yuria and Nunna to her team for nothing…

– No, but is it really right to have an NPC who destroys even the master tier as one of your team members? No matter how you look at it, isn’t this a loss of balance?

– People analyzed it and said that Nightfall’s Yuria was strong, but she wasn’t strong enough to crush Master Tier

– ㄴ ㄹㅇ It’s just that Yuria, whom Somajwa carries around, is strong enough to be suspicious haha

– No, Soma, did that bastard train Yuria Nuna in any kind of swordsmanship training? Watching the battle scene again, it seems like even a decent number of professional gamers can beat it haha

“The winner of the T.P. Bae Streamer League and at the same time the undisputed MVP! We will invite you to Soma. Hello?”

“Yes, hello.”

“First of all, I was very impressed with Soma’s performance in this competition. However, after watching the match just now, I would like to ask Soma a question. Is that okay?”

“Yes? “A question?”

“Hmm… So, according to the information I heard, it is said that Soma-sama’s ideal woman is a petite girl… “

“… Yes?”

On the screen that viewers saw, a scene was being broadcast of Eugene representing the team, receiving the championship trophy on the podium, and giving his thoughts on winning.

At this point, it is normal for viewer ratings to drop significantly.

Because the majority of viewers came to watch the game, not to interview Eugene or hear his thoughts on winning.

However, the current viewership ratings were much higher than those of the finals that had just taken place.

The reason was really simple.

A little while later, an event match was scheduled to be held between Soma and Chunhwa, the winners of this tournament!

In fact, that was the game that viewers were looking forward to even more than the final.

When things got to this point, most people became curious.

Chunhwa is evaluated as having the highest level of skill among professional gamers in the current first division.

From Nightfall to Thousands, Soma has not suffered a single death, defeating all the enemies that stand in his way along the way, and has risen to where he is today.

If the two face off, who will be the winner of this duel?

It is no exaggeration to say that various community sites are currently on fire due to this topic.

– Of course Chunhwa wins. Haha. These bastards really think Chunhwa is a dick. Haha

– ㄴ ㄹㅇ The composition of the brain cells of professional gamers in the 1st division are specialized for games, so what is it?

– There are some bastards who criticize Soma just for slaughtering the Master tier, but any 1st division pro gamer can do that. LOL

With the type of people who assume that Cheonhwa will win this match as if it were obvious.

– There is more than one player who bursts out in anger in front of Soma while saying something like that. It’s so damn oily haha

-I don’t know anything else, but among the pro gamers in the 1st division, is there anyone who can ignore that and be unchallenged even though his body his moves as it wants due to a curse

– Powell Software didn’t just promise to give you 10,000 dollars if you caught Soma, so it’s really a shame to hit Soma.

Even if Chunhwa was the opponent, public opinion within the community was completely divided in two, with people speculating that Eugene would ultimately win.

In addition, TP’s side even threw firewood at public opinion, which was burning in many ways.

[Typi Bae Streamer League event match! Soma vs. Cheonhwa, who will be the winner between these two?]

[One. Soma (52%)]

[2. Cheonhwa (48%)]

[Everyone who answers correctly will receive a 7-day coupon for TP!]

It was none other than gambling on who would be the winner of this event match!

With public opinion already uproar due to this event match, they ended up pouring oil on a burning house.

Below the event banner, there are already thousands of comments about who will win!

So many people were posting comments under the event banner that the entire site was stuttering due to excessive traffic.

All of these current phenomena are clearly showing how much people’s attention is focused on the confrontation between Soma and Cheonhwa.

And now, Saime and Rion, who were sitting at the broadcast table, were also looking tense, unlike before.

The confrontation between Soma and Cheonhwa.

A duel between two users, one who is becoming a legend and one who already reigns as a legend.

Even though it was an event match, it was obvious that this duel would be the highest level and fiercest match of all the matches that took place today.

“Well, everyone! You’ve been waiting for a long time. Now, the event match of the T.P. Bae Streamer League, ‘Group C’ vs. Chunhwa! Let’s start now!”


[The designated map is ‘Academy City’ and the game format is ‘Deathmatch’.]

[Goal: Kill the opponent.]

“… Hmm.”

A skyscraper soaring high into the sky.

And, to a lesser extent, the high-rise buildings that fill the city.

Anyone who saw it could clearly see that this was the center of a bustling city.

And now, Eugene and Sia were standing at the top of the skyscraper.

A high-rise building that easily exceeds 1km in height.

From noble mtl dot com

Looking down from here, everything on the ground seems like an ant.

And across from where Eugene was currently standing, there was a beautiful woman with silver hair growing down to her waist.

A professional gamer currently active in the first division.

At the same time, the player proved his skills to the world by making a great performance at the recent Olympics.

She was Cheonhwa.

“Hello, Soma. My name is Cheonhwa. It’s really nice to meet you.”

“… Ah, yes. Nice to meet you.”

As her her Cheonhwa her her her bowed her head towards her her her her Eugene her, Eugene also bowed his head towards her.

“I really enjoyed the game that just happened. Personally, I watched those games and even became a fan of Soma.”

As he says that, Cheonhwa looks at him with truly interesting eyes.

“Especially in the last game, when he destroyed the subspace… He used the will. I was surprised. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen someone who can use the will to that level.”

“Is that so?”

“Actually, I was forced to participate in this event match, so originally I was only going to pretend to fight… But after seeing something like that, I want to give it my all for the first time in a long time.”

Cheonhwa’s words gave the impression that she was looking down on Eugene from above.

But even after hearing those words, Eugene didn’t feel bad.

Anyway, I was going to raise my fist and make a fist after a while, so there was no reason to relax so that my mouth was already hurting.

“But… There’s one thing that’s bothering me a little while I’m using my full power. Can’t we solve that first and then start the duel?”

“… Yes?”

Eugene tilted his head at Cheonhwa’s words, but soon realized what she was talking about.

Because Sia, who was next to him, distorted her face when she said those words.

“…Troublesome? Me?”

“It has also evolved a lot. In the past, it was at a cumbersome level.”

“This is real!”


At Cheonhwa’s harsh words, Sia raised her magic gun and fired at her.


A magic bullet fired towards Cheonhwa at a speed slightly faster than the speed of sound.

However, Cheonhwa did not duck or leave the spot to avoid her magic bullets.

However, she just lifted her finger and drew a circle in the air.

[Taegeuk fig (太極無化)]


“… !”

The next moment, the magic bullet flying towards Cheonhwa lost its momentum and crashed to the ground.

‘What is that?’

And Eugene felt intense curiosity when he saw Cheonhwa’s technique

Is this perhaps Cheonhwa’s unique skill? If not, is it some kind of result of using intention?

Meanwhile, Chunhwa, who blocked her Sia’s magic bullet with one of her fingers, sighed and muttered to her.

“I’m sorry, but I really want to fight Soma-sama one-on-one, right? So, can’t you just leave at this point?”

“… Originally, I was planning on doing that even if I didn’t say anything, but after hearing that, I suddenly don’t want to go out?”

Cheonhwa grins at Sia’s extremely blunt words.

As if she had been expecting her to act like that from the beginning.

“Yes, then there is nothing we can do.”


At that moment, an enormous amount of thoughts began to leak out of Cheonhwa’s body.

It’s less than the amount of thoughts that Eugene can handle, but it’s a level of thoughts that far exceeds the amount of thoughts that Sia can currently handle!

And that thought flows into space through the will of Heavenly Flower, transforming all directions!

“Even if it’s by force, we have no choice but to kick them out of here.”

[Image realization area development]

[Embodiment of the realm of thought]

[Taejanggye Mandala (胎藏界茶羅)]

The next moment, flowers began to bloom behind Cheonhwa’s back

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