71 – TP Pear Streamer League (4)

After the battle royale ended, the last surviving team was given priority in drawing up the bracket.

As a result, an equal bracket was completed with no strong or weak teams placed on either side.

Of course, from Eugene’s point of view, it was only a good thing.

Because I was confident that I would win regardless of whether I was playing against a weak team or a strong team.

“The first team we will face is the ‘Ghost Eating Marines’ team.”

In the end, with Eugene just folding his arms and doing nothing, Sia had no choice but to step forward and collect information about the opposing team.

“It is said that the three streamers from the opposing team have often been doing joint broadcasts and have worked well together. The team consists of two Diamond Tier members and one Master Tier member.”


If he is said to be a master tier, it would mean that he has similar skills to Reiji, who unilaterally pushed Sia earlier.

“Do you even know what the opponent’s master tier streamer’s unique skill is?”

Originally, it was common to not reveal one’s unique skills carelessly, but streamers whose job it was to reveal their gameplay in front of others were actually only half-disclosing their unique skills.

Even if the streamer does not reveal what his or her unique skills are, if you continue to watch the game play, you can get a feel for its effects and weaknesses.

So, some streamers simply reveal their unique skills in front of viewers.

It was because I thought it would be better to make it public than to hide it because it would be revealed anyway.

“Umm, well… “I also did some research on the internet, and it seems like the other side’s unique skill deals with curses?”


“They say it specializes in weakening the opponent’s strength and applying debuffs… I don’t know the streamer personally, so I don’t know how to explain it… “

Eugene looked very interested in hearing Sia’s words.

To be honest, in Eugene’s opinion, the level of streamers who participated in this competition was all just average.

Well, it would have been more surprising if there had been someone even half as good as Eugene in an amateur competition like this.

But when I thought about it, I realized that even if he wasn’t physically great, there were plenty of ways to compete with Eugene.

It’s as if in this world, there were several strong people who reached a similar level by using magic or sorcery.

“Okay then, let’s begin the third match of the T.P. Pear Streamer League, a match between Team ‘Group C’ and Team ‘Ghost Eater Marines’!”

At the same time as Saime shouts, the field where Eugene and Shia were standing begins to be reassembled again.

At the same time, the field was turned into an underground stadium blocked on all sides by barbed wire.

[The designated map is ‘Illegal Underground Fighting Arena’, and the game format is ‘Extermination Battle’.]

[Goal: Kill the opposing team more than 20 times.]

-Are you here for the annihilation war? LOL

– I can finally see Somajwa’s hot dog fight haha

– Isn’t there a siege battle?;; I want to see the siege…

– ㄴ Still sucking at the AOS genre ^frame^

I’ve played virtual reality games many times so far, but seeing the surrounding environment change in an instant like this is a sight I can’t get used to.

At that moment, when Eugene was looking at his surroundings with a very relaxed expression, a red flash of ominous energy flew towards him at high speed.

No matter how you look at it, it’s not a very good type of attack if it hits the body!


“I know.”

Giving a light answer to Yuria’s warning, Eugene accurately cut the black flash of light flying towards him in half.

I’m not sure what the identity of that attack is, but it seems to be some kind of magic, so if you cut him in half exactly like this, the ‘cutting’ effect will activate and it won’t have any effect on him-

[You have been hit by the curse of the great evil, Harkaris!]

[Aging occurs rapidly in random parts of the body.]

“… What is this?”

A curse with a name that somehow makes you feel very bad!

At the very moment when Eugene cut down the red flash, his right leg suddenly went out of his control.

When he tries to force his legs to move, the area around his knees his suddenly starts to tingle, and his muscles he has no strength at all.

Even though it is a body in a virtual reality game, it is a truly unpleasant feeling that your body is not moving according to its own will!

And Eugene had experienced similar sensations several times in the past.

‘When the fanatic stats are accumulated and when you are cursed by the evil god!’

That’s right.

When the fanatic stat rapidly builds up after witnessing the ‘ruler’.

And when the evil spirit declared the ‘curse of stasis’ within his ‘territory’!

Even back then, didn’t you feel like your body was moving out of your control and moving at will?

“What did I say, guys? “I said this would definitely succeed, right?”

– Okay, you’re great, really haha

– I heard I was pooping and thinking about how our gold side can beat Soma. Was it true? LOL

– I didn’t know that Soma would actually die without even avoiding the curse. LOL

And at that very moment, a witch doctor appeared from the other side, looking at Eugene and grinning.

“When I heard that Soma would be attending this streamer league, I looked up all of Soma’s broadcasts and did a thorough analysis. As a result, I realized that there was a certain pattern to Soma’s behavior.”

– Battle pattern? There was such a thing?

-No, Somajwa hasn’t even aired a few times yet, but he figured out a pattern. Haha

“It’s not something grand to call a pattern. I just found out that when a magic attack comes, Soma prefers to use the ‘cutting’ system to cut it down rather than dodge it.”

Well, in a way, it is very natural.

Rather than having to move your legs to avoid magic, it was much more efficient to completely destroy the magic through ‘cutting.’

“That’s why I decided to take an adventure somewhere. The condition for activating the curse was set to ‘the opponent will cut the curse apart,’ and he sent it flying towards Soma.”

Listening to the witch doctor’s words, Eugene was finally able to realize what had happened to him.

‘Because it was not magic in the first place but a type of curse, the [Cutting] Effect was not applied, but rather met the activation conditions.’

Clearly, this was his mistake

It’s not that there was no information about the other side, and didn’t Sia clearly warn that there was a witch doctor among the enemies?

Of course, I never imagined that the other side’s curse doctor would even analyze his behavior patterns to set the conditions for the curse to be activated in advance.

“Of course, this is not the end. From the looks of it, the ‘Curse of Harkaris’ has definitely hit Soma, but we still can’t let down our guard here.”

– Is there still something left?

– Confirm kill ㄷㄷㄷ

“The opposing team actually consists of only Soma and Ecclesia. Then, if I can securely hold Soma here, our team will be sure to win!”

[Unique Skill – Curse of Nightmare]

[Condition met: Pay 50% of your life force and apply ‘Shimochi’s Curse’ to the opponent in return for being affected by ‘Curse of Slowness’!]


The next moment, a curse of black energy leaks out from the curser’s body and hits Eugene.

I tried to avoid it, but the speed of the curse was so fast that I couldn’t avoid it!

[You have been hit by ‘Shimochi’s Curse’!]

[While the curse remains, all effects applied to the user are applied in reverse.]

[While the curse lasts, all sensations and movements of the body are reversed.]

“… !”

The moment the curse hit, the entire world Eugene saw turned upside down.

A strange feeling, as if gravity had reversed and heaven and earth were reversed!

“This is one of my secret skills, [Shimochi’s Curse]. Everything that applies to the other person is applied in reverse. Of course, the sense itself of up, down, left and right.”

Witch doctor and streamer Geum Kim said this with a grin.

“I admit that Soma-sama is amazing. However, during the fight, everything is reversed up, down, left, and right, so can you fight while paying attention to all that? I think absolutely not?”

Therefore, at the moment when ‘Shimochi’s Curse’ hit, this fight was no different from Kim Geum’s victory.

Although the activation conditions and demerit of the curse are very strict, so far there has not been a single user who has been able to fight properly after being hit by this curse!

But that was then.

– Haha, this is so funny. This is why GagCon was ruined haha

– Breaking News) Kim Geum is so confidently declaring victory haha

– You said you analyzed this bastard’s Soma seat, but didn’t you actually do anything?

When I took a quick look at the chat window, there were only comments ridiculing him.

Ecclesia’s expression standing next to Eugene is extremely peaceful, and even when it comes to Yuria-

“… What on earth is that?”

“Uh-huh, Yuria. Bad words.”

“Excuse me. But, talking about yourself so confidently reminds me of Ariandel.”

“…Isn’t that Padrip? Still, I think he’s being too harsh when he’s your dad…”

“Is that so? But, since that person hasn’t done anything for me, I’ll just call him teacher.”

She looked so relaxed that she even shared her jokes with Eugene.

What? By any chance, it doesn’t feel real? How terrifying and vicious is ‘Shimochi’s Curse’?

“No, it’s not like that…” “It’s simple.”


And, the shield warrior standing next to Geum Geum opened his eyes wide.

Because Eugene, who was standing at a distance, was standing in front of her in the blink of an eye!

Yam Sword (斬魔劍)

Sleepy night!

Eugene’s sword cuts him down at an unrecognizable speed.


The next moment, the shield warrior turns into powder of light and disappears.

After learning that Eugene was under a curse, he let down his guard, and the sword hit his vital spot, killing him instantly.

And when Kim Geum-gyeok saw that scene, she was so shocked that her heart stopped.

The opponent must be in a state where he can’t distinguish between up, down, left and right due to ‘Shimochi’s Curse’?

But Eugene, can he move normally like that?

How? By what means?

“It’s a little dizzy because the top, bottom, left, right are reversed… But it’s not much better than the curses I’ve experienced. So I got used to it right away.”

“… Are you familiar with this?”

Eugene said that as if it really wasn’t a big deal.

“So, this curse is much worse than the curse of an evil spirit that I have experienced.”

And as if continuing Eugene’s words, Yuria giggled and softly whispered to him.


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