60 – One of Thousands – Placement Test (1)

Recently, Eugene has emerged as a hot topic on the Internet.

It was common to find shining, rising stars on this planet, but it was hard to find people who were on people’s lips every time they turned on the broadcast and were writing legends in real time.

Amazing skills and physique that an average person, or even an average streamer, can never follow or imitate!

In addition, he has the cool-headedness and situational judgment as if he had been on the battlefield for 20 years.

Eugene was an ecosystem disruptor who appeared like a comet and turned the entire industry upside down in a single moment.

Of course, ordinary viewers may not know this, but other streamers could never like Eugene.

I don’t know if it was just a feeling, but every time Eugene turned on the broadcast, he had to feel like the number of viewers was decreasing.

But even they had no choice but to admit that Eugene’s skills were real.

Therefore, now that Eugene has seen the true ending of Nightfall, people’s attention is focused on what game he will play.

[What do you thi

– Once streamers finish a story-oriented package game, it is the national rule to play an online game after that…

Soma, I can’t be sure because this guy’s behavior pattern is unpredictable haha

However, what is certain is that Soma will definitely become a legend in the next game as well

For your information, I’m Socheonji who got her head broken by Soma haha

Before going to bed, I should watch Soma Aksu’s Mad Movie and Shin Doo-hyung’s Free Kick Special. LOL

Recommended: 37 / Not recommended: 148

– Wow!

– I know it’s a template, but it’s disgusting. Really.

– I think Soma should do a single game as the next content, even if it’s because of bastards like you ㅇㅇ

– But I really think there is a possibility of playing a single game haha. First of all, isn’t there a possibility of doing the Nightfall DLC or the Dark Ring series?

– What kind of dark ring is this? Why on earth does Soma play such a boring game? LOL

– Soma must be played online. Honestly, I really want to see the scene where Soma massacres civilians. LOL

– ㄴ ㄹㅇ The things that didn’t work out in Soma Toe were actually hacked or program corrections, so I was shaking like hell. LOL

– What is a hack in a virtual reality game? Haha, will your head melt if you use something like that? Haha

– If you’re playing an online game, there’s a high possibility that you’ll play One of Thousands, haha. Soma might play another game, though

– If Soma does Thousands, I will definitely snipe him lol. Get ready to get hit like a real dog.

– Bitch

Even though there has been no broadcast for the past two days, interest in Eugene is increasing rather than fading!

Given the circumstances, it was only natural that countless viewers flocked to Eugene as soon as he started broadcasting.

“Long time no see. Nice to meet you all. “It’s Soma.”

– Soha! Haha

– I thought I was really going crazy because there was no broadcast for two days…

– ? Aren’t we actually unemployed? Why are you suddenly pretending to have a job?

– You ? : I’m watching the broadcast at this time because I’m unemployed (actually, my girlfriend and I are watching the broadcast together on the bed in a motel)

– You ? : If you have less than 65 friends, you are not a human but a ‘chimpanzee’

– Let’s just do verse 1, please… After…

“Forgive me for being late. But something personal happened over the past few days. And I was wondering what game to play as the next content.”

As Eugene was answering viewers’ comments one by one, Winter reflexively checked the number of viewers.

[Viewers: 102,196]

At the same time as the opening, as many as 100,000 people entered Eugene’s broadcast!

Many viewers who watched Eugene’s broadcasts were fans of Powell Software and Nightfall.

So, I expected that if Eugene started new content this time, a significant number of viewers would leave…

– Now that Nightfall is over, you’re playing another game, right?

– Now that I’ve seen the true ending, I have to switch to another game haha

– It’s a bit of a shame that I can’t see Yuria, but I’m sick of it now, so let’s go meet another woman!!

– Somajwa human trash theory kkkk

Far from leaving Nightfall’s fans, they are taking the lead in demanding another game!

They no longer came to watch the broadcast because Eugene was playing Nightfall.

Now, in the truest sense, they had become fans of a streamer named Eugene.

“As you might expect, we are going to start a new game starting today. And the game I chose was none other than… “

– It’s no different?

– Don’t hesitate and speak quickly!!

– You’re not saying it will be released in 60 seconds, are you?

– What is the commercial? LOL

“It is One of Thousands.”

At Eugene’s her words her her her, her viewers nod their heads as if they had already expected her.

– Increased foresight ㄷㄷㄷㄷ

– Well, if you’re going to play online games, it’s best to play Wonosa.

– These days, when you play other multiplayer games, you hear the sound of hipsters. LOL

At the moment, One of Thousands is the most popular among online games and there are a huge number of users who enjoy it, so it is not impossible to understand why Eugene made such a choice.

“Like other virtual reality games, this is my first time playing a game called One of Thousands. So originally, I was going to show viewers how to create an account… “

Eugene smiled bitterly and scratched his head.

“When I tried to do that, I got scolded by his sister. “What would happen if you revealed your unique skills in real time?”

– Haha, if it wasn’t for Winter, Soma would have been in big trouble haha

– Soma Shrine From today, when I wake up, I will have to bow towards Winter’s room three times haha. It is a very lifesaver haha

– The thought of my unique skills being exposed all over the place makes me feel terrible. LOL

“Because there were such circumstances, I couldn’t show you the process of creating a new account. But instead, I should show you what unique skills I have acquired, right?”

– Are you going to show us your unique skills here?

– Dae-beom

– Other professional gamers are afraid that their unique skills will be revealed, so they use them occasionally even in professional matches. LOL

When Eugene said that he would show off his unique skills with an attitude that it was really nothing, the viewers all cheered.


[Master of the Sword]


In front of Eugene, a sword that looks very familiar is summoned.

And the moment viewers saw that sword, they tilted their heads.

– Huh?

– The shape of the sword looks familiar for some reason? Is it because of my mood?

– Right? It’s not just me, right?

And at that time, the shape of the sword deformed here and there and soon changed into the shape of a cute doll.

A doll that viewers who have watched Eugene’s broadcasts so far cannot recognize.

It is no different-

-And!!! Snow!!!

– Eh? Yuria’s eyes? With ㄹㅇ?

– No, Yuria, why are you here? LOL

When Yuria, a character from Nightfall, appeared in Thousands, viewers all responded with an absurd reaction.

“This is one of the effects of my unique skill, [Master of the Sword]. To be more precise, it is a skill that has the effect of temporarily materializing a sword that I have experience swinging.”

– So Somajwa was able to summon the Holy Sword of Nightfall, which he wielded the most, from here?

– Thousands unexpectedly forced to collaborate with Powell Software ㄷㄷㄷㄷ

– Is this really a copyright issue? I think it will be a little annoying if Powell Software officially steps in.

“If it’s a copyright-related issue, you don’t have to worry. This is because this is a problem that has already been officially approved by Powell Software. The general director also listened to my situation and readily gave permission.”

In fact, to be more precise, it would be correct to say that the general director had no choice but to willingly give permission.

In this situation, where it is confirmed that Eugene will appear as the final boss of the Nightfall DLC and one of the bosses of the next game, there was no need to make him uncomfortable by talking about copyright or legal issues. < Br﹥

However, the general director went one step further and even came up with an idea that could turn this situation to their advantage.

“Everyone, do you remember? “In the upcoming Nightfall DLC, a boss monster based on me will appear, and the first person in the world to catch it will be given $10,000.”

– How could I forget that lol

– Users are so strong that there’s no way they’ll forget the company’s crazy idea of making them bosses. LOL

– I see you are naturally promoting the Nightfall DLC

– But why is that story suddenly happening? Are you bragging about yourself?

“No. I’m not bragging, but this time the general director said this. It will likely take some time until the DLC is officially released, so why not hold one more event in the meantime?”

-Event? What event?

– I’m dying of curiosity, so tell me quickly!!!

“It’s simple. Just as $10,000 will be given to the first person to kill the final boss of the DLC, the Demon King, he said he would hold an event where he would give the same $10,000 to the first person to kill me in Thousands.”

At that moment, the chat window where endless comments were posted was suddenly engulfed in silence.

Therefore… What now?

You’re going to pay $10,000 to the first person to kill Eugene?

A truly absurd statement.

However, Eugene continues speaking in a very serious tone.

“Of course, the method doesn’t matter. Whether they set up a sniping spot targeting only me, conduct a surprise attack, or dig a trap, it’s all allowed. All you have to do is kill me in some way.”

Eugene, who spoke like that while crossing his arms, seemed extremely arrogant.

However, viewers who watched the scene thought that Eugene’s appearance suited him very well.

In fact, Eugene had every right to say such arrogant words.

“In that sense, we hope that as many users as possible will participate in this event, ‘Catch Soma,’ prepared by Powell Software. If possible, I hope that the viewers watching this broadcast will be the lucky ones.”

And right after saying those words, Eugene ended up adding a useless word.

“Of course, if it’s really possible to kill me.”

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