159 – Olympic Finals (6)

Eugene’s realm of thought, [Festival of the Sword].

That is the area of thought that Eugene, who judged himself to be talented at the ‘sword’, concentrated his imagery and all his thoughts into the category of ‘sword’ and forcibly implemented in order to maximize it.

However, Eugene absolutely did not create the realm of thought called [Festival of the Sword] Solely with his own power

This is because Eugene’s realm of thought, [Festival of the Sword], Is essentially nothing more than a direct copy of [The Festival of Nothingness], The realm of thought used by Arrieta.

Arrieta was born with one of the greatest martial arts talents in the history of the empire, so it would not be an exaggeration to say that there was no weapon she could not handle and no martial art she could not use.

After all, she was chosen as a saint of the Heavenly God and the area she directly oversees is none other than the area of ‘war.’

If Adelheit was the strongest person in the field of magic for mankind, the pinnacle of the field of martial arts was none other than Arrieta.

It was only natural that Arrieta would be in charge of the education of the ‘hero’ summoned from another world.

To conclude, it can be said that Arrieta was the one who taught Eugene all the martial arts, including the yam sword he used.

Therefore, it can be said that it is very natural that Eugene looked to the [Restaurant of Nothingness], The realm of thoughts of Arietta, who can be considered her teacher, when planning her own realm of thoughts.

The only difference is that while Eugene’s [Festival of the Sword] Is a realm of thought specialized only in handling ‘swords’, [The Festival of Martial Arts] Is a realm of thought that contains all the concepts of martial arts known to Arrieta. Should I do it?


As the area unfolds, the surrounding space changes as quickly as when the [Fight of the Sword] Unfolded in the past.

However, the surrounding environment is clearly different from [Fight of the Sword].

When Eugene came to his senses, at first glance, there were more than a dozen swords stuck upside down around the space where Eugene was standing, just like the ones in [The Festival of the Sword].

No, it’s not just a sword.

Starting with swords, spears, shields, maces, bows, and axes, the series is long and long, as if bragging that there are no weapons that do not exist in this world.

The embodiment of weaponry that can be said to be close to infinity.

In Arrieta’s opinion, it is the culmination of the elements called martial arts.

This was the identity of the [Festival of Nothingness], The strongest realm of thought boasted by Arrieta.

“They won’t use it as a reference. From the moment you killed the Demon King, Eugene, I think you are on the same level as me.”

Arrieta’s body disappeared before Eugene’s eyes and suddenly appeared to his left her.

Yam Sword (斬魔劍)

Rakshapok (羅刹爆)


A sound resembling the air vibrating loudly resounds, and the spear fired by Arrieta pierces Eugene’s body

The technique by which Arrieta pierced Eugene’s body with a spear was none other than one of the yam sword’s herbivores!

Of course, since Arrieta was the one who taught Eugene the yam sword, she was also able to use the yam sword.

Moreover, it is possible to do even the nonsensical task of performing a swordsmanship thrust with a spear without any hesitation!

But Arrieta’s stab only pierced Eugene’s illusion.

Eugene moves at an incredible speed, leaving behind an illusion, and then goes behind Arrieta. At that moment, Arrieta instantly finds the real thing and attacks him, as if to say that she read Eugene’s movements in advance.

Yam Sword (斬魔劍)

Late night

The next moment, the weapon in Arrieta’s hand changes from a spear to a sword and flies towards him as if it will tear his body into pieces at any moment.

Eugene narrowly avoided Zanya’s orbit and tried to burrow into Arrieta’s body her, but unfortunately, the attempt ended in failure.


As if he knew in advance that Eugene would act like that, a huge shield came down from the sky and blocked his attack.

That is none other than one of the benefits of the [Festival of Nothingness]!

It was the ability to freely handle all the weapons implemented within the area and materialize the weapons in the desired location.

– Uh… What am I looking at now?

-Monga… Monga is happening now…

– Haha, is it true that people are moving now? I can’t follow it with my eyes lol

– My heart feels magnificent… It is truly a battle between the strongest in the world…

Meanwhile, viewers were watching the showdown between Eugene and Arrieta with dumbfounded eyes.

This is because the confrontation between Eugene and Arrieta was fast and fast, but more than anything, the exchange of offense and defense between them was so high-level that it was impossible to recognize it unless you were a decent player.

The viewers were watching the confrontation between them with their mouths agape, but Eugene, who could actually be said to be a party to this confrontation, ended up biting his own lip.

‘If we keep going like this, we will definitely lose.’

At first glance, the confrontation between Eugene and Arrieta appears to be taking place on equal levels.

However, if we look at this match at a deeper level, we can see that this is absolutely not the case.

Arrieta was able to handle countless types of weapons from the [Festival of Nothingness] Without any penalty and handle him with perfect skill.

That’s why she attacked Eugene as if it was a prank, and Eugene had to risk his life to stop him.

Also, there was another reason why this match was absolutely unfair to Eugene.

Yam Sword (斬魔劍) Baldo (拔刀)

No moon, no clouds!

In the midst of the repeated clashes, Eugene took advantage of the brief moment Arrieta gave her and used her fastest foot.

Judging from her timing and the gap she is exposing, it is a normal blow that can never be blocked!



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Even in Eugene’s opinion, Arrieta casually avoids an attack like a surprise attack that unfolded at perfect timing.

“It was a surprise attack… Obviously, if you’re trying to beat me, the best way is to take me down by surprise. In that sense, this attack was pretty good. “I praise you.”

“… It was clearly aimed at a vital point in a blind spot, but how did they avoid it?”

“Well, the ‘method of conducting a surprise attack’ that you used just now is also what I taught you. “If you combine things like your breathing, your steps, and your viewing angle, it’s easy to figure out what you’re going to do one second later.”

It was like that.

Since Arrieta was no different from the person who taught Eugene martial arts, it was very easy to predict what kind of attack he would make in the future just by looking at Eugene’s small movements

One side is anxious to even block the other side’s playful attacks, while the other side is fully aware of what the other side will do next.

At this point, let alone Eugene winning against Arrieta, it was even questionable whether a ‘game’ could be established between them.

“… Hmm, looks like that’s it. Still, I had some expectations as your teacher, but it looks like your skills haven’t improved that much over the past three years?”

Arrieta said that as if she was suppressing a yawn, and then she looked at Eugene and made a meaningful expression.

“Actually, I have no interest in competitions that are children’s pranks in a false world. Should I just abstain? “If you want, I can give up this competition right now.”

Eugene momentarily looked as if he was tempted by Arrieta’s words

I don’t know anything else, but as long as she leaves the British team, it won’t be a problem for the Korean national team to win today’s game.

But for a moment, Eugene looked at Arrieta with her face regaining her composition.

“No, that is a request from my side.”

“… Yes?”

“Not only would I have nothing left to beat you like that…” ” Above all, crucially… “

“… “Conclusively?”

“I think I have a good chance of winning against you.”

I knew it from the beginning.

It would be extremely difficult to stand a chance against Arrieta, who taught him everything about martial arts, including how to hold a sword.

However, if she were to ask whether that meant there was not even the slightest chance of winning for Eugene, it would not be true.

Because after breaking up with Arrieta, Eugene didn’t make any progress on Earth, as she said.

If her her her her Eugene her her her cannot beat her because Arietta knows everything about her her her her, then on the other hand, it is not entirely possible for her her her her Arietta to beat her by using her her her her her unknown territory her her her.

Yes, for example, like this.

[Master of the Sword – Embodiment]

[Godslaughter Sword Yuria]

The next moment, a reminiscent of starlight was summoned in Eugene’s hand, and he lightly lowered the sword diagonally.

At first glance, it doesn’t seem like a big deal, it’s a very light blow.

However, just because that slash didn’t seem like a big deal on the outside, that didn’t mean its power wasn’t that big of a deal.


The next moment, Arrieta realized that the trajectory of her sword had pierced all her defenses like a sheet of paper and inflicted her wounds.

And Arrieta knew very well what the energy contained in the sword Eugene was holding was.

“… The power of Godslaughter? How?”

When Arrieta looked at her Yuria and made a surprised expression, Yuria nodded her head without realizing it when she saw Arrieta’s expression.

‘Not bad.’

The time for the worst came faster than Yuria expected.

Somehow, it seemed that the time had finally come for Eugene to prove that the women of the present were superior to the women of the past.

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