123 – Destiny Over – Reaction (3)

This is a fact that other people commonly misunderstand, but Eugene actually does not have any particular feelings about the sword.

It’s just that, because he possessed a realm called [Festival of Swords] Where he can control multiple swords, and was capable of communicating with humans and even humanizing them like the holy sword Altina, he was somewhat misunderstood by the people around him.

‘Oh my gosh, no matter how I look at you, Eugene, you seem to be pampering Altina too much. I finally woke up after being unconscious for a week, and the first person they looked for was not me, but Altina?’

‘I plan to destroy that damn sword someday. No, if that sword wasn’t a holy sword, it would have split it in two a long time ago. Ah, wasn’t that something you should say when there is a saint from the church?’

‘Well, I’m a saint full of charity, so I’ll leave it to you. And if you’re going to break that damn sword, please call me there. I really wanted to break that damn sword with my own hands.’

‘… Why on earth do you hate Altina so much? What on earth did he do to you?’

‘Are you asking because you don’t know that now? Even if it weren’t so, I feel like I’m going crazy because it’s annoying to have two trembles next to you, but it’s because I’m in a miserable situation where I have to worry about my sword now.’

‘… Are you shaking? ‘Have you finished speaking now?’

‘What? Have you heard anything? Ah, now that I think about it, I guess I had no choice but to listen because my ears were so big that they were hideous. Anyway, the elf race is a race that specializes in stealing and listening to other people’s words like rats.’

‘What’s wrong with an inferior species that can’t live for less than a hundred years?’

‘Oh my, you can’t believe you suddenly made a racially discriminatory remark. After all, elves are a race steeped in the consciousness of being the chosen people.’

‘You started that comment first!’

‘I said that because I envied the elves for having suspiciously large ear holes. Is there any problem?’

… Well, the other women at the party would express their unexplained feelings of hostility towards Altina in this way.

In fact, from the middle, for some reason, it seemed like we started fighting over a topic that had nothing to do with Altina… Well, that’s the extent of it, so let’s just move on.

Anyway, the conclusion is that Eugene does not have any special feelings about the sword.

However, her holy sword was her, Altina, was treated specially, not thinking of it as a simple tool like her her her her other swords her her her her.

In fact, that is inevitable.

Because it is a sword that has a personality, can communicate with others, and can even transform into a human.

But isn’t it possible to treat Altina carelessly, saying it is nothing more than a tool?

In addition, the more she built a strong trusting relationship with Altina, the more smoothly she was able to lend her power to Eugene, which resulted in Eugene’s combat power improving even more than before.

In other words, the conclusion can be drawn that Eugene’s overall combat power varies greatly depending on whether Altina is present or not.

And now, the reason why Eugene is dissatisfied with the fact that Altina does not exist to him is extremely simple.

‘We must win a medal at this Olympics… And for that, you need to be able to control everything without missing even the smallest variables!’

During his free time, Eugene watched matches from Europe’s first division or previous Olympics, and as a result, he was able to draw one conclusion.

If he fights head to head, there is no one who can beat him.

But to paraphrase, he is not one-on-one and unless you choose to fight him head-on, he cannot guarantee unconditional victory.

In the world of competition, there is nothing more foolish than saying that victory or defeat can be judged by physical strength or strength.

If you look at it that way, the Demon King, who had strength and magic power dozens of times more than Eugene, should never have been defeated by him.

And, even Eugene is no exception.

Even if Eugene lets his guard down, he may suffer defeat at any time or place.

If something unfortunate happens, such as not being able to win a medal at the Olympics because he let his guard down like that… Eugene couldn’t have guessed what he was going to do.

So, Eugene was planning to use Altina as a means to block even the smallest variables and crush all opponents he faced with overwhelming force.

‘It is possible to force Altina to appear and fight through [Festival of Swords], But… No matter how you think about it, it’s a very inefficient method.’

From noble mtl dot com

The Altina realized through [Festival of the Sword] Is an Altina projected into this world through Eugene’s thoughts, and is not the real Altina.

In addition, [Fight of the Sword] Could not perfectly embody Altina, so it had the disadvantage of collapsing the area every time a power like [Annihilation Light] Was used.

‘Instead of [Festival of Swords], We need to find a way to implement Altina in a different way.’

And the moment I heard Moonlight Company’s proposal, I was able to think of a concrete way to make my idea a reality.

‘Key sword. As compensation for this contract, just ask for a key sword to be made.’

The key sword is a sword owned by the immortal king Decels, one of the heavenly kings, and passed on to Adelheit. It had the effect of connecting the space and dimension he recognized.

In the past, Eugene held back tears and handed over ownership of the key sword to Adelheit.

Because Adel Haidt strongly desired to have a key sword for his own ‘research’.

… In fact, in order to use the key sword properly, a tremendous amount of computing power was essential, so even if Eugene wanted to use it, he couldn’t.

‘But if only my self with computing power could enter the key sword and activate its power on my behalf… ‘

If the ability of the key sword implemented in the virtual reality game and Eugene’s intention are combined, it is not impossible to bring Altina’s body, which exists in another world beyond the dimension, here for a while!

Eugene organized the approximate shape of the key sword, the ability to fit into the sword, the ego that will be inside the key sword, and what the ego will look like when transformed into human form into ten A4 sheets and then submitted them to Moonlight Company. Submitted to.

There was a part in the material where I had to draw a picture, so I summoned Yuria for a while and got her help for that part.

Of course, she looked dissatisfied when she heard that Eugene was trying to recruit a sword with an alter ego into [Festival of Swords], But fortunately she cooperated.

About an hour passed like that.

They had been anxiously awaiting Eugene’s call, so the marketing team leader called Eugene immediately after checking the data he had sent.

[Hmm… Lord Sword. I have just finished checking the approximate shape and settings of the sword that the sword lord sent me.]

“Yes, is it possible to implement the type of sword I desire? “Aren’t I asking too much?”

[That’s not it. If you had asked us to make a sword with the ability to endlessly connect space and dimensions, we would have been a little embarrassed, but the sword lord explained the work perfectly, starting from the specific appearance of the sword, the principle of activation of the ability, and even its limitations. I don’t think this will be that difficult.]

The marketing team leader said this while looking at the data sent by Eugene with sincere admiration.

The settings of the data collection sent by Eugene, commonly known as ‘Key Sword’, were extremely detailed and specific.

It may not be possible, but it made me think that Eugene had actually witnessed this sword called the Keysword and someone else using its abilities.

Of course, even if the principle of activation of the ability is written in detail in this material, it will be an arduous task to actually implement the ‘ability to connect space and dimension’ in a virtual reality game, but it is still better than nothing.

But at this moment, that wasn’t the only thing the marketing team leader was really concerned about.

[By the way… Sword Lord? Can I ask you a question?]

“Yes. “Why are you doing that?”

[That… The sword lord wrote down the specific appearance and form of this key sword when it is humanized… ]

“Why is that? Is there any problem?”

[No… It’s not that there’s a problem, this is… ]

The marketing team leader hesitated for a long time about what to say to Eugene, then closed his eyes tightly and spoke.

[That is… Aren’t you setting the appearance in too much detail? No matter how you look at this, um… Isn’t the sword lord a little serious about the humanoid sword? That’s what I thought… ]

It was like that.

The data on the human form of the key sword that Eugene sent to the marketing team leader was too detailed.

If the key sword changes into a human form, it starts with a detailed drawing of what the face would look like, and then describes the height, weight, body shape, and even the length of the hair.

The detail is so detailed that it makes you wonder if it was copied directly from living human data!

And, the marketing team leader’s guess was true.

‘Because Adelheit’s appearance was written down in the data book.’

The key sword was a weapon that once belonged to Adelheit.

In order for Eugene to handle such a key sword himself and instill intention into it, it needed to be in a form that was very familiar to Eugene.

In Eugene’s mind, the only person that came to mind when thinking of the key sword was Adelheit, so he requested that the human form of the key sword be made in the shape of Adelheit.

The time he spent with Adelheit was over 20 years.

That’s why it’s even more strange that Eugene doesn’t know much about Adelheit’s appearance

However, one regrettable thing was that the marketing team leader had no knowledge of the inside story.

‘… The owner’s sincerity.’

Also, I didn’t know why, but behind Eugene, Yuria was also silently looking at him with an expression of anticipation.

[Hmm… Sword Lord… ? Lord Sword… Hmm… It seems like you’re being a little sincere.]

“… Yes? “Are you serious?”

Eugene tilted his head, not understanding what she was talking about.

Does she mean it? Well, the truth is true.

Because I was burning with the desire to somehow achieve a gold medal at the Olympics, even if it meant using such dirty and shameful measures.

“Well, now that I think about it, I think the truth is true. No, I really mean it.”


The marketing team leader didn’t say anything in response to Eugene’s hesitation-free answer, but Yuria nodded with an expression of great satisfaction.

‘Very good.’

Looking at Eugene’s personal tastes of her, it seems like she could be a good match for the women in this world.

Yuria no longer felt afraid of the three women in this world at all.

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