115 – Destiny Over – Day 1 (3)

Basically, humans can never win against heroes.

This is not simply because they are heroes that appear in history or mythology, but because after death, they have already become higher-dimensional beings beyond humans.

Just as a two-dimensional being cannot interfere with a three-dimensional being, and just as a three-dimensional being cannot dare to oppose a multidimensional being.

The only thing that can match a hero is the same hero.

If a human fights against a hero whose spirit level is much higher than his own, there is no such thing as a chance of victory.

That was the common sense that all wizards who participated in this war knew.

The girl who participated in this war as Eugene’s familiar also knew that fact well.

Because before she was Eugene’s familiar, she was also a magician whose name was etched in history.

So now, she couldn’t believe what was happening right before her eyes.


A young man holding a sword and a young man holding a spear cross their swords and spears to kill each other.

A truly loud sword sound rings out, and every time the sword and spear collide, dozens of sparks are created around it.

The two move so fast that it is difficult for the girl to follow them even though she has strengthened her own eyeballs with her magic!

In her opinion, the heroic spirit wielding that spear must have been an extremely famous hero, judging by his ghost-like spear skills.

However, her master was perfectly blocking the opponent’s attack without taking a single step against his spear.

… And that was precisely what was truly magical about her.

What on earth is the identity of her own master?

Even if you are a wizard who has mastered mysteries forgotten in modern society, is it really possible for you to become equal to a hero in a mere human body?


Sparks fly once again, and the two bodies retreat backwards.

As the attacks aimed at each other were canceled out, there was a brief lull, although it was not intended.

And at this point, the young man had no choice but to admit it.

The wizard in front of him was a warrior whose sword skills were comparable to his own, and was said to have the skills of a ghost.

… No, in a sense, he may be a much greater warrior than himself.

Because right now, the young man was facing the wizard with the spear he had been using for half his life, but the wizard was blocking his own spear with the sword he was wielding for the first time in his life.

“… That’s amazing. As a mere human body, you can refine yourself to that point.”

That’s why the young man gives generous praise to the enemy in front of him.

“In my time, there were only three people who I thought were equal or better than me… “If you, the wizard, had lived at the same time as me, there could have been four.”

“… “Are you sure you’re calling that a compliment?”

And Eugene ends up making a somewhat shocked expression upon the young man’s praise.

– ㄹㅇ It doesn’t sound like a compliment lol

– But isn’t that just a secret bragging? Was it just me who heard it that way?

– ㄴ ㄹㅇ If you look closely at that statement, it means that you are one of the top five people in the world. LOL

From noble mtl dot com

– So what you’re saying is that even if it’s not as good as Krillin, it’s still in the Yamuchi Innocent line?

– Haha

“In my heart, I want to keep fighting until I decide the winner with you, but… I guess we need to stop fighting. No, actually, I have a suggestion to make to you.”

“Offer? What is it?”

“Let me be blunt. My master is looking for collaborators to eliminate the most likely winner of this war. If it’s okay with you, would you mind cooperating with us?”

Eugene laughed at the young man’s suggestion.

“This is ridiculous. Do you want to say that we should make peace with the subject who hit us first? What if I say no?”

“Well. I don’t think it’s such a bad offer for you either. This is because that being is so powerful that not even ordinary heroes, let alone humans, can come close to it. There are already a few heroes who have surrendered to his power and volunteered to become his subordinates.”


“I would like to respectfully apologize for trying to kill you just now. However, if you want to win this war, I think the most effective way is to temporarily join hands with us.”

Eugene frowned slightly at the young man’s words.

It wasn’t because he couldn’t believe what he said, but in fact, Eugene had also been feeling something squishy and terrible a while ago.

It must be quite far away from here, but I can feel that energy all the way here.

As the young man said, that being must be a powerful enemy that even a few decent heroes can never defeat.

“… Good. In that case, let me join hands with you temporarily.”

After weighing everything in his mind, Eugene accepted the young man’s offer.

If he had been able to use [Fight of the Sword], He would have gone toe-to-toe with that guy without any hesitation.

Unfortunately, [Fight of the Sword] Cannot be used carelessly in games other than Thousands.

“But before that, why don’t you take this first.”


With that said, Eugene returned the sword he had used to his heart’s content to the young man.

“Well written. “It seems like a great sword, but it doesn’t seem to suit me.”

In fact, my interest dropped drastically after I found out that this sword had no ego.

– What is the point of giving a sword NTR and then returning it haha

-Sweet Soma sends her back to her her, her her original boyfriend her, her after a one night stand ㄷ ㄷㄷㄷ

– Now that you’ve enjoyed it enough, you’re definitely not going to throw it away, right? Right?

“… I didn’t know you’d bother giving the sword back to me. In fact, I also thought that since I had stolen this sword from someone else, there was nothing I could do if it was stolen by someone else.”

While mumbling that, the young man obediently took the sword back from Eugene.

“Thank you for your wise judgment, wizard. Well then, let me guide you to where my lord is. “I will leave a trace, so please follow me.”

That moment when the young man suddenly disappeared somewhere, as if he had no intention of fighting with Eugene anymore.

[Tutorial ends.]

[I survived the tutorial where the chance of dying was ‘extremely high.’]

[Hero in the tutorial? You defeated it from the front.]

[Hero in the tutorial? Received recognition.]

[One hidden requirement of ■■■■ has been met.]

[Current number of surviving wizards: 58]

“… Ha.”

Eugene let out a sigh as she looked at the system message window popping up in front of her, as if it was okay to let go for a while now.

Since he has now accumulated a lot of experience as a streamer and can call himself a skilled gamer in his own right, he knows very well what the system message window that is popping up in front of him means.

Since Eugene pioneered Nightfall’s hidden route that no one has been able to crack until now and has seen the ending, there is something we can definitely guarantee.

What Eugene experienced a little while ago was a situation in which it was absolutely impossible to survive if he played the game normally.

Judging by the strength of the young man who tried to kill Eugene earlier, he was definitely not something the player was designed to catch.

If that young man appears in a game like Nightfall, all community sites will be in flames, asking how on earth they can defeat a boss like this.

And viewers, perhaps feeling the same way as Eugene, started posting comments in the chat window like crazy.

– Haha, I thought it was impossible, but was this really a tutorial? Haha

– Even though the difficulty level is legendary, isn’t this a bit too much? Isn’t this at a level that is meant to be broken? LOL

– ㄴ If I were in that position, I’m confident I’d be behind in just 10 seconds of the game starting haha

– The enemy hero is so strong, but this hero is just a piece of luggage. Look at the loss of balance.

– Instead of ㄴ, there is a Soma seat on this side, so isn’t it balanced?

-ㄴ ㄹㅇ Even if the hero spirit on our team is really weak, Somajwa can fight on his behalf haha

– ? : The heroic spirits get involved in the fight and solve the story of a human doing a hard carry haha

‘It’s luggage… ‘

Looking at those comments, Eugene stared at the girl who was trembling behind him.

Originally, in the game called ‘Destiny Over’, the summoned hero fights at the front and the player just stands behind and commands or supports him, but no matter how you look at it, it seems like the roles are reversed.

As Eugene approaches the girl with that thought in mind, she shows a sign of flinching and then bows her head.

“Okay, thank you. As soon as she entered the war, she thought she was dead, but thanks to her master she lived.”

A girl who bows her head towards Eugene in a very humble and polite manner.

“It’s enough to say hello. Anyway, first I want to know what your true name is.”

“… Are you talking about my true name?”

In that moment, the girl twisted her body around.

“We need to know what your true name and abilities are so that we can fight together in the future. So, I’d like you to tell me.”

The girl smiles awkwardly, as if she is embarrassed by Eugene’s logical words

“Well… I feel like I want to let my master know what my true name is… “

“Do you want to?”

“Actually, I’m suffering from amnesia right now… I don’t even know who I am. And I’ve forgotten how to fight… Ahahaha…”

And to those words, not only Eugene but also the viewers react as if they were absurd.

– Haha, what is a heroic spirit with amnesia? Haha

– There is no other type of retirement class like this haha

– Is Somajwa really going to have to protect him and fight from now on? LOL

– Jujong Station Worldwide ㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷ

– Is Somajwa a broadcasting genius? LOL Every game you play, something happens like this LOL

“Well, that doesn’t mean I’m completely useless! Even though I don’t remember who I am, I still have the ability to be useful even in this state.”

“… What is that?”

“It is a precognitive ability.”

For a moment, Eugene looked surprised.

Foresight ability.

So does that mean she has the ability to know what will happen in the future?

If she really has that kind of ability, it’s understandable to some extent that her ability is of such poor quality.

If a person with foresight had outstanding combat skills, that would be a complete loss of balance.

“It’s a precognitive ability. How do you use it? Is it an ability you can use at will?”

“Yes. If I point to the future I want to see and activate my ability, I can roughly know what will happen in the future.”

“Really? Then I want to know what will happen to me in the future.”

At Eugene’s request, the girl stretched out her hands and held Eugene’s right hand tightly, and then she closed her eyes.

But at that moment.

“… Hmm?”

The moment the girl closed her eyes, all of Eugene’s thoughts were she sucked into her.

It was a time when Eugene himself was embarrassed because it was not a phenomenon he had intended at all.

“… I can see it.”

The girl muttered with her eyes tightly closed.

“I can see the master’s future… I can’t believe it, this is… Um… “

“What do you see?”

“I see a woman, a woman… “

“… Woman?”

Why a woman all of a sudden?

Could it be that the wizard who could be said to be the owner of the young man from before is a woman?

“There are three women by the master’s side… A woman who looks like a wizard, a woman who looks like a priest, and a woman who looks like a human and has pointy ears…”

“I see a future with those three women… By the master’s side… “

“… ?”

Those three women. It’s a combination that seems strangely familiar, isn’t it?

Due to the ominous feeling that she didn’t know why, Eugene’s body trembled.

It seemed very possible that her precognitive ability was a quack-like ability.

… So, I decided to think that way for now.

Eugene didn’t want to think about this anymore.

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