Another World: My life is on the rise!

Chapter 963 He really tried his best!

At the same time.

In the quiet infirmary of the Blue Star Supernatural General Administration, Bai Yi, who was given two large injections of sedatives and had a big lump on his head, was lying quietly on the hospital bed, and the drip next to him was dripping glucose.

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There was no one in the whole room, it was unusually quiet.

Because it was really too tiring for him. Since he was scolded for summoning his elder brother last time, he started to train himself desperately without sleep and food, because after experiencing the last incident, he also deeply felt his weakness.

He really didn't want to drag his elder brother down again, and he didn't want to become a coward who couldn't do anything at the critical moment.

And his efforts during this period were also obvious to all within the entire general administration.

His devilish training almost squeezed out all his entertainment world, and even eating and sleeping were compressed to less than four hours a day.


The sedative effect is still working.

With the development of science and technology, the medical level within the General Administration has also been greatly improved. For example, the injection of sedatives has been fully automated. As long as the computer detects that your mania exceeds a certain threshold, the system will automatically inject you with the corresponding medicine to maintain your calmness.

As for the reason, it is of course very simple.

Because they are not ordinary people in the General Administration, and they deal with some ghosts and evil spirits beyond human imagination. It can be said that as long as you don't leave a sound, they will affect your mind and make you crazy. Many demon hunters in the General Administration have bid farewell to this world completely because of this.

He has been injected with two injections of sedatives.

This is the dose for baboons.

So he is very calm now, as calm as the sage mode that has been completely emptied after having sex hundreds of times. There is no me, no him, no woman, and it feels like death.

He lay quietly with his eyes half open, quietly waiting for the passage of time.

He thought that today would be spent peacefully.

But in the next moment, his calm pupils suddenly dilated slightly, because for some reason, he suddenly felt that something was calling him, and it pulsated suddenly.

He felt at first that it should be an illusion and that living was a phantom pain.

After all, in some medical knowledge he knew, it was clearly stated that a disabled person sometimes feels that his lost arms, thighs, etc. are still there, but that is actually an illusion fed back to the brain by neurons, which is false, because he clearly knows...

He has no x.

So he actually won't feel the kind of pain that makes men sad.

But in the next moment.


The eyes he just closed opened again in an instant, and his pupils dilated suddenly.

But why? He clearly didn't, why did he suddenly feel some kind of call at that moment, so far away that it seemed to transcend the world, as if it had crossed countless dimensions and gathered on him, along every nerve of his, like a hundred streams entering the sea, and finally gathered on his...

That was not an illusion!

Absolutely not!


Just as he stared stiffly.

A gunshot.

A big bullet hole was punched in the ceiling.

He thought it was out of control at first, but then he didn't expect it to be...




The magazine was empty.

Bai Yi (((;꒪ꈊ꒪;))) stared at the six bullet holes on the ceiling, and the gurgling smoke rose from his body, making him feel that he was getting further and further away from humans.

And just as if he had to release all the insignificant things in order to do other things better, the strange call was transmitted to his nerves again, and it became stronger and closer, as if something was forcibly trying to establish a connection with him.

And that was the next moment.

A voice that he was very familiar with suddenly sounded.

"You failed so many times, so did you succeed?! Hey!! Hey?! Bai Yi (noise)! Can you hear me?! I am your big brother Lin En (noise), I have something very important to tell you now, please reply if you hear it! Please reply if you hear it!!"

Bai Yi opened his mouth, his expression stiff.

His first reaction was that he really had hysteria.

Like all those mental patients, he had begun to have uncontrollable delusions and even had serious hallucinations.

But he denied his idea the next moment.

First of all, he was healthy, and if he considered that it seemed to be his elder brother's voice, then everything seemed to be very reasonable, because if it was his elder brother, he could really make the operation of contacting him in this way, after all, his elder brother was not a normal person.

But he tried hard to open his mouth, but he couldn't make a sound.

Because he was still in a strong state of sedation, it was impossible to speak.

And in general, in this case, for patients who are sedated but still in a clear state of mind, they usually put a small button in their hands to ensure that the patient can call the medical staff outside the hospital with good sound insulation when needed.

But unfortunately.

When his big beep fired those five shots just now, the button had slipped from his hand and fell to the ground.


"Bai Yi!! Bai Yi!! Can you hear me? Are you there? Are you there?! (Frustrated)"

Bai Yi opened his mouth, trying hard to raise his hand, trying hard to use his throat to make a sound, because he could hear the urgency and solemnity in his elder brother's words. Obviously, he must have encountered something there. Something that cannot be handled, otherwise how could it be possible to contact him across two worlds.

Not to mention, this was the first time that the eldest brother took the initiative to contact him.


He must contact his elder brother and reply to him: "I am here.".

But that's when he stretched out his hand tremblingly.

The curve on the computer's monitoring system interface suddenly crossed a certain line, and a rapid flashing red light lit up, and a system prompt lit up above it.

【bite! If your mood swings exceed the threshold, increase the dose. 】


One shot in.

Bai Yi instantly fell onto the bed like a dead fish, his whole body twitching like an epileptic, and he was sedated.

"Bai Yi! Bai Yi! Did you hear what I said (urgent)! If you did, please reply quickly! At least let me make sure that this is a successful attempt. I have already failed this experiment once. ! Bai Yi!"

Brother! I heard it! I've heard it loud and clear!

Bai Yi trembled in his mind and tried hard to reply, but when he opened his mouth, he couldn't say a word. However, his huge perseverance would not let him give up just like that, because he was no longer the same person who always responded when something happened. A good-for-nothing high school student who thinks about giving up and retreating.

What's more, this is a call from the eldest brother.

He definitely doesn't want to...


And finally, with the support of huge willpower and obsession, his sedated hand was raised tremblingly again.

His throat kept trying to squirm, and even his eyes were slowly covered with bloodshot eyes. His ears were almost filled with those calls, with a desperate desire to die, trying hard to send out the slightest response.

Just like a dying warrior, he must also die...


【bite! If your mood swings exceed the threshold again, continue to increase the dose. 】


Two injections in.

Bai Yi's hand dropped down in an instant, and his body twitched once again due to the calming effect. A large amount of white foam came out of his mouth, and his whole body was stunned. Can't be quiet anymore.

It's completely broken.

And maybe this is life, when you try your best to do something, reality will give you such a hard shot that you can't get it.


For those who are truly steadfast in their faith, so what if this is the case...

Even if they encounter all kinds of obstacles, their eyes still flash with the unquenchable fighting spirit and determination to die.

He again.

The third time.

Tremblingly, he raised his hand full of desire for recovery.

Brother! Brother! My passionate brother, I...

【bite! It is again detected that your mood swings exceed the threshold, the dose of medicine has been increased to the maximum, and a full-power sedative injection is administered! 】


Each needle sticks like a dead fish twitching.

And finally...

He was still killed on the spot by the spray of white foam, his eyes were dull, and the white foam stars were sprayed out.

Night City.

Lin En, who was sitting on the magic circle, gritted his teeth, held the Dandan and called out eagerly:

"Hey! Ah hello?! Bai Yi, did you hear what I said? Why don't you tell me if you heard me? My phone bill is very expensive! All I consume are my root-level materials. !”

(〃´ Pan`)q

"If you really received it, would it cost you your life to say a few words back to me?! You bastard!"

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