Another World: My life is on the rise!

Chapter 883 Group crime, shared loot!

Ten minutes later.

Lin En sat solemnly in the wheelchair, holding the purse of 200 skull coins that had just been handed out in his hand, adjusting his monocle, closing his eyes and saying:

"The rescue just now may have been a little intense, but that's mainly because this is hell. For those dangerous patients, this kind of physical anesthesia must be used to make them obey. After all, you You know, if the patient doesn't cooperate well with the doctor's assistance, then even the best doctor will be of no use. "

Yin Yi stared blankly at the dark elf patient not far away lying there with a bruised nose and swollen face (((;꒪ꈊ꒪;)))).

He watched as several night doctors in white coats came in carrying a stretcher, skillfully performed a series of cardiopulmonary resuscitation tasks on him, then lifted him up and walked him out one after the other.

As she passed by them, she vaguely heard the patient's murmuring voice.

"I just have a cold... Just arrange an evisceration surgery for me... I really don't have a serious illness... Why don't you believe it..."

"You believe me...believe me (trembling)..."

Yoongi was frozen in place.

Watching the muttering patient being carried out on a stretcher.

Something's wrong!

Why does it feel like something is wrong...

Is this really the moral model of hell as Mr. Lin En said... Why do I always feel like an unscrupulous doctor in a black factory... Is this really saving people...

Lin En watched them go away with admiration and praised:

"What a responsible and dedicated doctor! Yin Yi, you must take notes in a small notebook. When you become a night doctor in the future, you must treat every patient in your hands with this conscientious attitude! Because they are all loving! You must let them walk out of your hands without any disease or disaster, even if they have the smallest problem. This is the way of salvation for our night doctors!"

Yoongi opened his mouth blankly.

"But... he just said... he seems to have just caught a cold..."

Linn adjusted his monocle seriously.

He reached out and gave her a diagnosis report.

"Really? This is the report I just diagnosed him casually. You can read it yourself."

Yoongi immediately took it in a daze and looked at it carefully.

[Symptom 1: Mild cold]

[Symptom 2: Fissure fracture]

[Symptom 3: Moderate concussion]

[Symptom 4: Moderate dislocation of internal organs]

[Symptom 5: Facial swelling and bruises on many parts of the body]


Yin Yi opened her mouth, looking at the symptoms above and stiffly unable to say a word.

"Is it a lot?"


Yoongi stood there stiffly.

Indeed there are many...

But she really wanted to ask...

Aren't these really the by-products brought out when you physically anesthetized him just now?

Was this really a condition he had from the beginning? !

Why do you think of words like "It didn't exist before, but now it exists"...

"It's a lot."

Lin En closed her eyes, intending to adjust her abnormal concept, and said seriously:

"That's why I said, Yin Yi, you are no longer in Blue Star, you are in hell! The patient's words cannot be trusted, because they are not as professional as us. After all, a cold is just a symptom. How can you be sure whether he has pneumonia? Even if his lungs are not cancerous, how can you be sure whether he was parasitized by evil spirits, whether he was cursed, or whether he had a cold due to the influence of parasites in his brain? "

"So we must take a serious and responsible attitude and rule out all the symptoms in the patient's body! This is the responsible attitude that a night doctor should have!"

Yoongi was sluggish.


It seems to make sense...

But why do I still feel that something is not quite right...

Lin En closed his eyes and continued to teach: "Let me tell you some things to pay attention to. In the future, when you become a loving night doctor, you must remember that although we often act alone, we will also Group attacks are frequent, so if you are outside, you must always turn on the contact, call for support at any time, and respond actively. "

"Just like just now, once such a group incident occurs, you must decisively join everyone as soon as possible, and then quickly join in to jointly solve the problems you encounter. In this way, you will not only get good rewards, but also deepen your understanding of the situation. The relationship between team members is a beautiful thing.”

Yoongi nodded confusedly.

Then he took out a small notebook and quickly wrote down the key points of Lin En's words.

[Committing crimes in groups...sharing the spoils together (emphasis added)]

"Did you write it down?"

"Remember...write it down."

Lin En nodded with satisfaction, pointed forward with his big hand, closed his eyes, and motioned for her to push forward.

Follow me!

"Because of time constraints, I haven't taken you to take you around the Night City recently. In fact, hell is also very beautiful, and there are many cute creatures."

Yoongi stared stiffly at a bunch of tumor-like creatures covered with eyeballs, slimy and wriggling past them.

"And the people here are nice to talk to and never hurt each other."

Yin Yi turned her head tremblingly and looked at the two humanoid monsters making noisy noises on the chairs in the distance, hugging each other and eating each other's flesh bloody bite by bite.

Lin En raised his head, his eyes full and happy, and said:

"And the most important thing is that the security here is very good. Even if a person is walking on the street, he will not be killed because of the sudden appearance of some monster."


Yin Yi stared stiffly and dazedly as a huge hill-like head rolled past the door, crushing the tumor-covered eyeball that had just left the house into a thick, splattering mass of plasma.

Even the plasma and mucus were splashed all over the door.

【bite! Yoongi’s sanity value is -10]

【bite! Yoongi’s sanity value is -10]

Lin En looked at her with a smile, winked and said, "Believe me, living here, you will definitely feel as happy as me."

Yin Yi covered her mouth and nose, held her legs together tremblingly, and held on to her wheelchair. She was so frightened that she almost cried, but she still nodded vigorously and did not dare to speak.

Sure enough, it was the little girl who came down from above...

After just saying a few words, I was so moved.


Sure enough, there is nothing we can do about it.

Lin En parked the wheelchair in front of the workbench with satisfaction, then submitted Yin Yi's basic information and report, and said:

"But since you don't have any medical foundation, there is obviously no way to pass the assessment directly, so I will arrange for you to train as a trainee night doctor first. After you have initially mastered some basic skills, I will Let someone arrange the exam for you.”

"As for whether you can pass it, don't worry."

"I have a close relationship with the reviewers. For my sake, it's normal for me to give you some water or something."

Yoongi nodded confusedly.

"It all... depends on Mr. Lin En's arrangement..."

After all, in such a terrifying place, she only knew Mr. Lin En, the only "human being". Even if it was just to survive, she would listen to whatever Mr. Lin En asked her to do.

After watching Linn take the form, he leisurely held the pen and filled in the information on it for her.

She pursed her lips.

She stood beside him cautiously and reservedly, like a little girl who didn't understand anything (ó﹏ò。).

Although it is indeed very strange and terrifying here.

But she can actually tell that Mr. Lin is actually really nice to her...

Because he was originally offered as a sacrifice, but Mr. Linn did not really treat her like an object. Instead, he worked hard to make her adapt to life here, and also provided her with a job... …

Can I really repay such kindness...

After all, it always feels very shameful to do nothing but receive free help from Mr. Lin En.

She even felt that if she was played and slapped hard by Mr. Lin from the beginning, she might be able to feel at ease, just like a little pet kept by her side, wagging its tail and licking the owner's body. Only after gaining the favor of the master can you get food and rewards...

Besides being a girl, I have no other assets.


Should we also find an opportunity to... work hard to repay Mr. Linn?

It should be possible to work hard to make Mr. Lin feel comfortable without using a flesh and blood body...

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