Another World: My life is on the rise!

Chapter 562 Flesh and Blood Leviathan, the real purpose

He obviously gathered some of the data they used to fight against the God of All Machines.

Although the data was lost severely.

But he understood the horror of the God of All Machines, or the horror of the intelligent machine civilization.

If he had not fallen, but was still in the peak state of the year, the result of the full launch of the mechanical civilization would be that the materials of the entire galaxy could become their weapons.

Expansion, manufacturing, endless, endless, a torrent of steel.

"You will soon be able to see the true war potential of the mechanical civilization."

He raised his head.

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Lin En looked at the chaotic battlefield intently.

Boom boom boom boom——

Countless fighters and mechanical units were killed on the battlefield by the aftermath of the Mother Tree of Desire and the Flesh and Blood Ruler.

But Lin En soon noticed.

A series of beams of warped light appeared almost without intervals in various places on the battlefield. With the rapid filling of the outline, new mechanical units were warped onto the battlefield again.

Although most of them were quickly destroyed as soon as they appeared.

But strangely, with the blue light of warping constantly flashing, the number of mechanical units appearing on the battlefield was even greater than before.

Most of the mechanical clusters that descended at the beginning had already been destroyed in the early stages of the battle, but the subsequent mechanical troops descended as if endless.

Tens of thousands of mechanical units exploded every minute.

But tens of thousands of mechanical units may be warped and replenished every minute.

Lin En turned his head suddenly, his eyes deep.

At this moment, he seemed to hear that in the distant distance, it was the fully operational factory of the Mechanic Cult. With the accumulation of countless resources, countless war machines were manufactured every minute and every second and put into the battlefield.

Mechanization, factoryization.

It seemed vulnerable, but in fact, the two roots of the Flesh and Blood Cult were not only facing the God of All Machines, but the entire civilization system he represented.

And this was only in the dark world.

What if it is in space?

What about in the universe?

"Consciousness is immortal, and machinery is eternal."

Sir Ewen's eyes flashed, and he said those eight words.

As one of the three giants of science and technology, his civilization also experienced the era of machinery, but in the end they chose psychic ascension, completely abandoned matter, and countless creatures in the entire civilization gathered into a unified spiritual body, existing only in the form of psychic energy.

But as the last of the three civilizations to achieve ascension, they participated in the war against the God of All Machines together with the Colossus civilization before they really reached the peak of psychic energy.

Although they won.

And successfully exiled the God of All Machines.

But they also declined.

But this also led to the fact that when the disaster came, they could not fight the enemy in their peak form, and he, as the last AI of the cyber civilization, could only inherit the legacy of the cyber ascender at the last moment and try his best to keep the last spark of civilization.

But he did not hate the God of All Machines.

Because if you want to make the strength of civilization go further, you can only carry out the trinity.

But the self of civilization also determines that this cannot be solved in a peaceful and voluntary way, because as an ascender, you no longer represent yourself, but the future of the entire civilization that has brought you together.

"If this continues, they will lose."

Lin En held a SLR, constantly analyzing the situation and making his own judgment.

He was talking about the two roots of the Flesh and Blood Cult.

Because he had seen that although the battlefield was chaotic, the Mother Tree of Desire and the Flesh and Blood Ruler were still unable to do anything to the main body of the God of All Machines.

In this situation, the mechanical units that were folded in were still growing uninterruptedly.

Killing them is indestructible, and they are endless.

The most terrifying thing is that even in such a chaotic situation, the units of the mechanical family are still orderly and precisely execute their war orders.

Just like every part in a big machine.

After completing their tasks, they immediately caused partial damage to the two roots in the form of self-explosion, and the residual heat was used to the extreme.

It seems insignificant.

But if it continues like this, it will be a reaction from quantitative change to qualitative change!

Because in the sky, in the airspace that the two sources had not had time to deal with, in less than two minutes, tens of thousands of mechanical fighters had gathered to bomb and attack them.

The God of All Machines never relied on his body, his real strength was the entire intelligent civilization he represented!

"But they seem... still waiting."

Lin En's eyes were fixed on the two huge flesh and blood sources on the battlefield.

What are their trump cards?

What is their purpose?

After fighting with the Mechanicus for so many years, they couldn't help but understand the consequences of challenging the war potential of the Mechanicus.

So what are they for?

Plague... extinction... trump cards... consciousness...

At that moment, Lin En was shocked.

Because he suddenly thought of a possibility, a terrible idea that once it happened, it would definitely cause a devastating blow to the Mechanicus.

Even this idea just came to his mind, and he felt a chill and coldness.


Is there such a possibility.

The kind of plague developed by the plague doctor is not aimed at the mechanical body at all, but is aimed at the consciousness they carry? !

Even if it is not a blow to consciousness, but can only lock their consciousness in the body, making them unable to upload and transfer quickly, cutting off their connection with the God of All Machines or the hive...

That's scary enough!

Because if this is really the case, it is tantamount to instantly cutting off the powerful war potential of the Mechanicus, completely erasing their mobilization ability, and breaking the arm of the God of All Machines!

At this moment, Lin En was enlightened.

"I see!"

Linn yelled, looking up suddenly.

But almost at the same time, the sky at the edge of the battlefield suddenly became hazy and illusory, and a long cry like a deep-sea whale resounded throughout the sky.

The eyes of all creatures were attracted by the deep sea cry almost at the same time.

And in the next second, as the illusion was peeled away, a huge thing that almost covered half of the sky slowly emerged over the edge of the battlefield. The blood-colored squirming meridians were clearly visible, and countless pupils were embedded in the flesh. A blood-red light penetrated the entire black mist.

Like a twisted giant whale swimming in the sky.

And just at the edge of the chamber revealed in the center of the huge flesh-and-blood Leviathan, a man wearing a pale crow mask stood in the midst of the roar and the strong wind. The black eyes of the mask looked down at the countless mechanical clusters below.

And at the moment when the Leviathan appeared, a twisted smile of joy appeared on the huge human face of the Desire Tree.

It's like a premeditated omen.

It's like a grand and mysterious performance,

When everything is ready and all the actors come to the stage, the stage reaches its climax.

A sect that unites the two pillars of the Flesh God Sect and a respectable doctor hidden in the deepest part of the Night City. After paying countless prices, the two major roots will die personally.

Their true purpose is revealed at this moment.

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