Another World: My life is on the rise!

Chapter 451 Biohazard in the Nanostorm

"Nano clusters - Devour!"

They sent the command coldly.

But just as they controlled the nano clusters to swarm into Lin's flesh and blood body along the hole, a strange scene appeared.


The nano clusters that were constantly expanding and devouring inside the body suddenly stopped.

At that moment.

A strange silence spread.

They did not devour randomly like chaotic nano machines, nor did they work in unison like controlled nano machines, but were suspended in thousands.

It was like a group of little girls stepped into a densely populated city, and millions of people in the city were staring at you with strange eyes.

It was like they were going to eat you.

And at that moment, the mechanical consciousnesses that controlled the nano machines to break through also suddenly felt something was wrong.

"Not good!"

A mechanical consciousness was shocked.

At that moment, the numerous nanomachines suddenly gave up on devouring and decomposing the surrounding flesh and blood, and bared their ferocious fangs at them like ferocious beasts.


Almost instantly, those nano clusters rushed into the cluster they controlled, forcibly decomposing and devouring them.

It was like a group of rebels who attacked them without warning!

"Warning! The first formation of the mechanical nano cluster was destroyed! Current loss: 14214 units."

"Warning! The second formation of the mechanical nano cluster was destroyed! Current loss: 53450 units."

The reminder of the cluster being destroyed kept ringing in their consciousness group.

The mechanical consciousness of the entire special response team was shocked, and they could not understand this sudden change at all.

"Why would those nano clusters attack our cluster?!"

"Something went wrong - No! No! The second rule in the underlying logic that the Overlord programmed for the nanomachines when they created them is that the same type of units cannot be decomposed - then how could they attack our cluster!"

"Can we take control of that cluster?!"

"No! The interference caused by the energy explosion has greatly affected the information exchange in that area - most of the clusters have been out of control - if we want to regain control - we must wait until the interference is completely gone!"

"Quick! Control the cluster immediately! Prioritize destroying those nanomachines that attack their own kind! Quick!!"

All the mechanical consciousnesses realized the seriousness of the problem, roared and changed their targets, and launched a counterattack against those "traitors".

They didn't know what happened!

They didn't know why those nanomachines that were locked by the underlying logic suddenly showed such a huge aggressiveness to them!

And to find the source of the problem, they could only capture those nanomachines for analysis and resolution!

But under the interference of the energy explosion, even this became very difficult!

At this moment, they suddenly heard the voice of the young man coming from the huge squirming flesh.

"Have you discovered it? But I'm afraid it's too late."

The mechanical consciousness was shocked.

Lin En's voice slowly came from the flesh.

"Do you really think I'm just delaying time for the energy explosion? No, no, dear mechanical race, I'm dealing with you, I'm spreading chaos to you."

"And it's true that the nanostorm is difficult to deal with. Without the root cause, it's almost impossible to win against you on the front battlefield."

"But this doesn't mean that the nanostorm is invincible."

A huge smile slowly emerged on the huge mass of broken flesh.

"Because the destruction of most tribes often comes from their internal collapse."

"Other creatures may not be able to do it, but unfortunately, I can, so during the time you decomposed my flesh, I was not idle, but coincidentally, I helped you diagnose a very dangerous virus."

The mechanical consciousness was shocked.



Could it be...

Lin En smiled politely and said, "Ah, although you are not creatures from my world, I still highly recommend you to watch a movie. The name of that movie is "Resident Evil". Do you know zombies? They are very cute creatures."

"Under normal circumstances, creatures that are infected and become zombies are full of aggression! And in some literary works, they are even described as monsters that are full of infinite hunger for their own kind."

"Then it is already obvious."

Under the smile that emerged from the huge mass of flesh and blood, a tentacle slowly grew out, and then supported the void.

"If a biochemical crisis breaks out in the nano cluster, what will you do?"

The image of the mysterious flesh and blood smile appeared on the screen of the entire mechanical consciousness group.

Densely packed, countless screens were all playing that terrifying smile.

"We have captured dozens of out-of-control nanomachines-immediately send a request to the intelligent brain-immediately crack those nanomachines!!"

"Quick! Quick!"

The special response team composed of thousands of mechanical consciousnesses was extremely anxious at this moment, because under their monitoring, the group of diseased nanomachines had begun to attack other out-of-control machines around them on a large scale!

And they were immediately shocked to realize an extremely terrible consequence.

The nano-swarms now controlled by them can also launch counterattacks against those diseased machines.

What if the control of these nanoclusters is also lost?

Because the underlying logic of nanomachines has already been stipulated.

Nanomachines are prohibited from attacking each other unless ordered to do so.

This is also one of the most important instructions set to prevent nanomachines from killing each other after they get out of control.


This moment.

All mechanical minds were tremblingly aware of this problem.

In other words, under the constraints of this underlying logic, once their control over the nano-clusters is blocked, these tens of billions or hundreds of billions of out-of-control nano-clusters will completely become the materials for that group of diseased variants...

It's like a tiger entering a flock of sheep.

What lies before them will be a huge mechanical feast!

"It seems you have figured it out."

Lin En smiled mysteriously, and said through endless information exchange:

"This is a big gamble. If I don't bet on this virus in the end, then I really have no choice but to run away, but fortunately, Lady Luck got me, and this is what I set for you." This little game.”

"Dear mechanical consciousness, every link is useful. This information-shielded area created by my doll lady will soon become a slaughterhouse of nanomachines."

"Gentlemen, you have been fighting against the Flesh Cult for so long, do you really not realize it?"

"Pure chaos is not terrible, because if there is no order, the first person to die is themselves."

Listening to Linn's "lecture" on the nanomachines.

Although she didn't understand the logical relationship based on her IQ.

But I just feel...

Looking closer, he seems to have suddenly become handsome...

And inside the Abnormal Fortress, the commander and all the lieutenants were also shocked to hear those words. For a moment, their mouths were dry and they couldn't say a word.

And at the next moment, the last violent explosion of energy rumbled and swept away in all directions.

And Lin En's smiling face on their screen also flickered violently and went out one by one.

The information interference there has reached its limit!

They are about to completely lose control of the nanoclusters in that area!

"He is stalling for time! Don't worry about those diseased variants, concentrate all the nano clusters and kill him first!!"

The gathered mechanical consciousness furiously issued instructions.

All the nanoclusters that could still be controlled by them immediately gathered into a long stream, swarming crazily towards Linn's expanded mass of flesh and blood.

"It's no use, everyone."

Linn smiled extraordinarily gently.

"What you just broke open was just the first batch of nanomachines I raised. Then how do you know that I only raised this batch?"

The mechanical consciousness is shaken.

And at the next moment, Lin En's swollen flesh suddenly cracked tiny holes one after another from all directions.

Numerous densely packed nanomachines infected with the [Intelligent Disturbance] virus surged out like a swarm of bees.

"I used my body to provide materials for their expansion. I drank dozens of bottles of flesh-proliferating potions to maintain my flesh volume. I created a gentle home for them in my body, thanks to the nanomachines. Unparalleled expansion speed, so within a few minutes, I have a large number of demons that can destroy you."

"Although I can't control them, how can my body compare with yours who are so delicious?"



Lin En's smile became more and more mysterious.

But when he was about to say it, Zuo Zuo suddenly reminded him in a low voice, saying:

"Head, you only have 6% of your flesh and blood left. You are going to die."

Lin En kept the smile on his face and squeezed out a few words from between his teeth.

"Excuse me, don't you see that the master is showing off? He finally got this opportunity, what did you do wrong!"

"But your head is really going to die!"

"It doesn't matter, let's finish it first."


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