Another World: My life is on the rise!

Chapter 443 We have only won twice! (Million-word commemoration)

Mechanical Nano Storm!

Almost the moment those six words appeared in the system prompt, Linn realized something was wrong.

He finally found the source of that sense of crisis!


At this moment, Lin En yelled, and without any hesitation, he suddenly turned around and ran away in the direction he came from at an unimaginable speed.

And behind him, a dense buzzing sound suddenly sounded.

There were wisps of subtle fluctuations in the air, as if something invisible was sweeping crazily in his direction.

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Like a ray of evil wind!

And where the gust of wind blew, the flesh walls on both sides decomposed and disappeared almost at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"What's that?"

The voice of Miss Doll reached his ears.

She was aware of the crisis, but even though she could clearly see the decay of the surrounding walls, she still didn't feel any breath or fluctuation!

"It's the Nano Storm of the Mechanical Tribe!"

Lin gritted his teeth and almost increased his speed to the extreme.

But he has no time to explain to Miss Doll!

In fact, he didn't know much about this cluster of Mechanicus. He only heard a little about it from Bai Ye last time when he was with him.

Lin En only knew that it was a micro-level machine, a top-level killing weapon developed by the Cult of Mechanicus specifically for the purpose of extermination of flesh and blood!

Although I haven't seen it with my own eyes.

But as a traveler from the earth, he knew the destructive power of nanomachines without even thinking about it!

No wonder the system directly issued him the task of "survive"!

Is this really aimed at him? !

The next moment.

Lin gritted his teeth and suddenly rushed through a "T" shaped corner.

But at that moment, he immediately saw that in the corridor just in front of the corner, the lighting source flashed and flickered, and the huge darkness was like a surging beast, spreading silently in his direction. Come over.

His heart suddenly sank.

Linn suddenly turned his head and looked in another direction behind him.

In that direction, deep in the corridor, the flesh walls on the left and right sides also began to peel off and decompose at an unimaginable speed.

Faced with enemies three times!

At this moment, Linn calmed down.

Because he knew that in this situation, impulse and fear would not help him survive.

The Mechanicum was obviously coming for him this time.

"Let's go!"

Linn raised his head suddenly, put on the bird's beak mask, quickly turned on the ghost mode that came with the equipment, and then jumped up, instantly passing through the wall of flesh above his head, and appeared on the second floor of the distortion fortress.

Without any hesitation, he rolled suddenly, with a calm expression, and quickly ran towards the other direction of the Abnormality Fortress.

He knew Miss Doll was around.

But in this situation, I'm afraid even Miss Doll can't protect his safety.

But what is going on!

Isn’t this the underground root network of the Mother Tree of Desire? !

Why did their aberration fortress encounter the mechanical nano-swarm here!

And just as he was speeding along the corridor, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

"Mr. Doctor! I am Commander Gauss, and I am now fully controlling the Aberration Fortress! We have encountered some situations! The nano-swarm of the Mechanicum has invaded the root network of the Mother Goddess, and now there are countless nano-swarms behind us Hunting!"

"I already know it!"

Lin's face was sullen and he ran quickly.

He knew that the commander must be looking at him now. After connecting to the Aberration Fortress, the entire fortress was almost equal to his body, and he must have been aware of the danger he was facing now.

"Sorry! Doctor, some of the mechanical nano-clusters have now penetrated into the interior of the fortress. If they are allowed to develop, it won't be long before the entire aberration fortress will become their breeding ground! And by that time, we will all be dead. Here!"

The voice became more and more urgent.

"I barely observed their movements through the damage to the fortress! Now on the next floor below your feet, there are three nano-swarms chasing you! Abnormal wear and tear was also detected directly behind and in front of you! "

He could only remind Linn in this way.

On the three-dimensional map of the Fortress of Distortion in his consciousness, the light spot representing Linn was moving rapidly.

But right below him, the torrent marked as representing the mechanical nanocluster is also approaching rapidly, and it is getting closer and closer!

"I see."

Lin En ran calmly and said:

"Do you have any way to deal with them?!"

The commander's urgent voice soon came to his mind.

"I'm afraid not! According to the current records of our Desire Sect, almost all battles that encountered nanostorms ended with our total annihilation!"

"We've only had two wins in hundreds of years."

"The first time was the death of our Mother Goddess herself, and the second time was with the help of the Dark Insects, using their microscopic insect swarms to barely repel the invasion of the Nano Storm."

"But under the current circumstances, we have no ability to protect ourselves!"

He tried hard to keep himself as calm as a commander, but bursts of desperation were inevitably revealed in his rapid voice.

Because he knows.

The moment the nanoclusters were discovered in the Fortress of Aberration, their slow death was actually announced.

Because even a war weapon as powerful as the [Abnormal Whale] appears so powerless in the face of such a microscopic attack!

"keep Calm."

Lin En held down her tall hat and ran wildly, narrowing her eyes and saying:

"We are not dead yet. We will wait until we are really dead. Since we are still alive, there is no chance."

"And since they are machines, even if your anti-mechanical methods cannot destroy them, they should be able to weaken them to a certain extent, right?"

The commander's anxious voice came.

"I don't know, maybe it's useful, maybe it's not, because we don't have the means to monitor them intuitively! And the nanostorm outside has already formed a certain scale, even if..."

Before he finished speaking, Linn interrupted him.

"I see."

Lin En said calmly:

"Immediately use all your anti-machine means to fire at the nano-swarm outside the fortress with all your strength! Don't seek to destroy it, just delay it. If you can delay it for one more second, we will have one more chance of survival."

"As for the cluster inside the fortress, leave it to me."

The commander was shocked.

"What can you do?"


He wanted to say something else, but after hearing the calmness in his words, the despair in his heart was suppressed for a while.

Could it be that the doctor really has a way to deal with the invading nano-clusters? !

His mind once again flashed back to the scene where he had appeared before and the massive bombing of the Mechanicum had been forced back with just one stop.


He gritted his teeth and immediately took action according to Linn's suggestion.

Because at this time, he could only make a desperate move.

In an instant, following his instructions, countless ferocious human faces appeared on the outer wall of the speeding distortion fortress, and countless spores burst open on the densely packed tentacles.


In an instant, countless flesh and blood spores were thrown into the darkness behind the fortress, and the densely packed human faces let out waves of spells and roared, launching a desperate attack on the darkness.

The huge explosion of spores could even be clearly felt inside the Abnormal Fortress.

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