Another World: My life is on the rise!

Chapter 335 The special use of pink potion

Accompanied by a large number of system prompts, Lin En (╬ ̄ Pan ̄) finally successfully sawed open his hard forehead with an electric saw.

[Ding! The target's current health value is 2%]

Another two percent?

Quite a lot.

And this is when a doctor's technical content is reflected. For such a difficult and high-risk operation, as long as you can firmly grasp the red line of death and accurately complete the operation on the patient at the stage of dying but not dead, you are a qualified doctor!

Lin En immediately gave him a quick-acting heart-saving medicine to keep him alive.

Then his calm eyes fell on his head.

You don't know until you see it.

Once you see it, it's pounding.

The nurses around him all covered their mouths in shock.

If there were enough worms growing in his eyeballs before, then this time the worms simply made their home in his head!

Densely packed and full.

Like the protein crawling in the pit!

In the introduction of the system, if you find a metazoan in a person's body, it means that your body is full of metazoans.

But it is not incurable.

Lin En's expression immediately calmed down.

Because there is a mother worm in every colony of metazoans. As the saying goes, "Catch the king first to catch the thief", as long as you can find the mother worm, these worms will scatter at the touch.

But usually the mother worm is hidden in a very secret place, and may even be hidden in the deepest part of his brain stem.

If you use violent means, it is basically difficult to find the mother worm without hurting his brain and turning him into an idiot.

So if you want to get the mother worm out, you have to use some special methods.

Lin En narrowed his eyes, and his eyes instantly fell on the bottle of metazoans he had collected.

He slowly poured out the salt water in the bottle, then took out a bottle of red medicine from his arms and gently twisted the lid.


A faint sweet fragrance immediately spread from it.

Instantly, all the creatures around who smelled the smell widened their eyes, their cheeks almost unconsciously turned red, and even their breathing became a little anxious.

"This... this is..."

[Astringent Potion]

A formula he got a long time ago, but it has always been kept as a bottom of the box, and there is no good place to use it.

Lin En squinted his eyes, clamped his nose with a clip, and shook it carefully.

Suddenly, everyone around was refreshed.

Zuo Zuo said dully: "Head... What is this pink thing..."

Lin En squinted his eyes and said: "A powerful aphrodisiac!"

Zuo Zuo: "Eh (ΩДΩ)?!!"

[Ding! Zuo Zuo's fear of you +20]

Lin En did not delay, he squinted his eyes, picked up the bottle of Yuanyu, poured out all the salt water inside, and then gently poured the red potion in his hand into it.

The little nurses watching around all trembled subconsciously and covered their chests with trembling.


Mr. Good Doctor, what is he going to do...

After pouring it in, Lin En covered the stopper, then closed his eyes and shook it up and down vigorously.

The principle is also very simple.

Because just like most insect swarms, as a matriarchal society, most of the insect kings and mothers are females responsible for reproduction, and only a small number of male insects can get the opportunity to mate in the insect swarm.

If that's the case, it's much simpler.

He only needs to let these hundreds of insects be fully affected by the astringent potion in his hand, and then they will rush towards their mistress like wild beasts in heat.

Then they will try to further offend their insect mother, and even if they want to lie down (beep——), they will definitely not be able to resist the attack of hundreds of insects one after another.

So the insect mistress basically has only one way to go...

Lin En narrowed his eyes, and after fully drugging the insects, Lin En filtered out the astringent potion, and then poured the insects dyed pink into the skull of the multi-eyed demon.

The nurses around were all surprised and asked: "Mr. Good Doctor, what are you going to do?"

Lin En said calmly: "I just gave the insects aphrodisiacs. Now I just need to wait for the insects to find their mistresses. If the mother can't bear it, she will definitely rush out impatiently."

Nurse: "!!!"

Everyone: "!!!"

Everyone looked at the crazy squirming pink insects in shock.

He actually drugged the insects? !

God! God!

Something's wrong! This person is not right!

Is this really a treatment? Why do I always feel like Mr. Mou is conducting a crazy experiment!

And that's the next moment.

The insects moved! !

As the nurses around watched anxiously, the crazy bugs kept moving forward, swarming into the brain stem of the multi-eyed demon impatiently.

The narrow gap in the brain stem suddenly became a strange shape because of the influx of too many bugs!

They have gone crazy!

Under the influence of that strange potion, they are going to offend their mistress!

And after waiting for about a minute.


An insect sound that seemed to have some kind of panic suddenly came from the brainstem of the many-eyed demon.

"It works!" a nurse exclaimed.

And at the next moment, they were suddenly shocked to see a fat and bloated white insect with difficulty protruding its head from a gap in the brain stem.

It was as if something extremely frightening had happened.

The fat female worm squirmed vigorously, then fell into the skull with a splat, and then crawled out with a splash. Behind it, the red metaphile worm that was much smaller than it rushed forward in a hurry. Go up.

It's out!

They're out! !

"It's really offensive!"

The nurses around were all shocked.

They are obviously so small, and their mistress is so big, but they don't seem to care at all, they want to attack with all their strength, and looking at Mr. Good Doctor's calm expression, it seems that Mr. Good Doctor has similar feelings. Experience!



The female insect kept making strange noises.

Everyone was in disbelief at this moment. The nurses looked at Linn in shock and admiration.

Can a bottle of love potion drive out the mother parasite living in the brain? !

It’s unimaginable! Mr. Good Doctor is indeed a senior-level night doctor!


A small bottle of love potion has been of such great use in the hands of Mr. Good Doctor. This is simply a genius treatment method!

Too strong! Too strong!

Mr. Good Doctor is really very knowledgeable about the use of love potions!

【bite! Your popularity in the night doctor camp is +1]

【bite! Your popularity in the night doctor camp is +1]

【bite! The nurses' favorability towards you +10]

But Linn did not let the mistress be brutally violated by those pink bugs. He calmly and quickly took out the tweezers, clamped the bug mother, then squinted his eyes, took out the needle and gently pricked the bug mother. Insect mother.


The insect mother immediately let out a cry of pain and continuously released bursts of pheromones.

Upon sensing the insect mother's cry for help, the metaphilic insects parasitic in the head of the multi-eyed demon immediately became restless, rushing out from everywhere, and continuously coming towards the direction of the insect mother.

Just a moment later.

Except for some larvae, most of the metaphilic slaves were easily captured by Linn.

And those larvae were also searched by Linn like a carpet, and they were all caught soon.

"Get the staples!"


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