Another World: My life is on the rise!

Chapter 231 Is it because I opened it the wrong way?

Time flies.

Three days flew by.

In the black mist, the raven looked solemn and flew quickly from the distant sky towards the direction of Silence Town.

In the past three days, he reported all the boy's situation and all the abnormalities he showed to their mistress, and had in-depth and intense discussions with many senior officials.


Preliminarily ruled out the possibility that the target is an epidemic doctor.

The logic is simple, because the creatures that follow the path of plague doctors are all chaotic and evil existences without exception.

They won't and don't bother to use this method to break into them.

Regarding the pig-head butcher and blood saw he mentioned, further investigation and evidence collection are needed.

The mistress has given the order.

They can let them vote to decide whether to absorb him into the night doctor group.

The reason is also very simple, because his evil abilities can easily make him a demon who spreads evil and panic. In this case, it is better to absorb him to prevent him from turning dark in the future.

After all, if evil creatures are absorbed, there will be no evil creatures outside.

"It's been three days, and I don't know what the situation in the town is like."

Raven frowned slightly, feeling worried.

Because he was very worried about whether the young man would be ridiculed and lynched by his subordinates.

After all, because the curse got out of control before, his subordinates didn't have a good impression of him at all, so a beating would be enough.

It's okay for me to be here, and I can strictly control myself.

And I haven't been here these days...

He frowned and said, "I hope nothing bad happens..."

As he spoke, he sped up and headed towards Silent Town.

A few minutes later.

The raven slowly landed in the town from high in the sky.

As soon as he landed, he immediately noticed something unusual, because the entire square was empty, and there was no one in the room where the young man was under house arrest.

"Did something happen to the accident?!"

His heart suddenly shook.

Otherwise, why is there no one in the whole town? !

And at the next moment, his eyes suddenly caught sight of several black leather coats hanging on a clothes drying pole not far away.

His pupils shrank instantly.

Because that is exactly the coat and mask of their subordinates!

What a joke!

And there are dried blood stains on it...

His breathing suddenly became rapid.

A terrible thought came to his mind.

Could it be that...

Is that boy's curse recurring again, attacking the townspeople here and his subordinates? !

As soon as this thought appeared, his whole body tensed up.

Say nothing.

He immediately took to the sky and eagerly began searching the entire town.

And at the next moment, he suddenly heard a sound coming from the direction of the church in the town, and there seemed to be a light inside.

Is there anyone inside? !

A survivor? !

He immediately flew up eagerly and rushed to the church door. With a loud roar, he stretched out his hand vigorously and pushed the door open with a crash.

"Are there any living creatures?!"

He suddenly stepped into the church.

And at the next moment, he saw clearly the situation inside the church.

The church was dimly lit by candlelight.

I saw Lin En sitting in front of a chair, eyes closed, holding a homemade acoustic guitar in his arms, plucking the long strings with his fingers, like a little prince singing love songs.

Waves of sweet and dynamic piano music sounded in the church.

Around him, a group of night doctors and townspeople (✪‸✪) were sitting around him, three rows inside and three outside, listening with their ears pricked up, their expressions very focused and indulging.



Raven's expression went blank.

What the hell!

He had some doubts about whether he opened it in the wrong way, which caused such a serious change in his painting style.

Could it be said that he has traveled back in time?

As if hearing the sound coming from outside the door, Linn raised his head and looked in the direction of the door, and then immediately saw the raven standing at the door.

His eyes suddenly lit up and he said, "Mr. Raven, are you back?!"

All the night doctors around him also showed astonishment, and subconsciously turned their heads to look in the direction of the door.

"Sir Raven!" Everyone was shocked.

Raven's expression stiffened.

It seems...not...

A night doctor immediately rushed to the raven in surprise, stood at attention and said:

"Chief Raven, welcome back..."


Raven closed her eyes and clenched her fists. The subordinate in front of him suddenly had a big bump on his head and fell to the ground.

There was silence.


The sound of swallowing.

Half an hour later.

In the church, one after another (x﹏x) night doctors with big bags on their heads stood in line with their heads lowered nervously, and large drops of cold sweat fell from the back of their heads.

The raven looked seriously and paced back and forth in front of them with his hands behind his back.

"You guys had a great time!" The raven sneered, pacing, the veins on the sun pulsing.

"I asked you to supervise him and control him. Are you doing well? Are you going to start a concert with him? How comfortable! We are a family that loves each other?! Play music! Why don't you play?! Didn't you play well just now? !”

He yelled and pointed.


There was the sound of plucked strings in the distance.



A brief moment of silence.

All the night doctors' eyes turned stiffly and fell on Lin En, who was locked up inside the wooden fence.

Linn stared and subconsciously moved his hand away from the guitar.


An inexplicable awkward atmosphere seemed to spread around them.

Raven is so angry

He closed his eyes, clenched his fists, took a dozen deep breaths, and said:

"Come! Who will tell me what's going on?! Come and explain to me! Let me listen to your sophistry!"

His adjutant stood up nervously with his eyes widened, and saluted in a sweet voice:

"Reporting to Chief Raven, the target has been transformed well and is very cooperative with our supervision of him. Therefore, after careful consideration, we agreed to his request for some entertainment activities..."

The raven was so angry, he gritted his teeth and said:

"Speak to me! Don't hold your voice. You are hundreds of years old and you still think you are a naughty girl!"

He reached out angrily and pulled off her mask.


A nervous, fleshy loli face with staring eyes appeared in front of him.



There was silence.

The raven's eyes were empty and he said, "Who are you?"

The loli stared, swallowed subconsciously, stepped on her height-increasing shoes subconsciously, and said:

" to the commander! I...I am your adjutant!"

The raven's eyes were empty.

He turned his head subconsciously and looked at the rows of his subordinates.

An indescribable feeling of confusion instantly evaporated.

"Where's the Black Skull! Come out..." he said hollowly.

In the crowd, Black Head coughed, walked out in cold sweat, and said awkwardly:

"I'm... Chief Raven."

A delicate voice that was clearly female.

The raven shuddered subconsciously and turned his head, staring vacantly at the old friend and subordinate standing in front of him.

He subconsciously reached out and grabbed Black Skull's beak mask.

Then pick it.



A head of thick black hair fell down.

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