Lin En only felt a cold darkness spreading in his heart. This feeling was very uncomfortable because he couldn't imagine what the ending would be. All of them, all the things that had existed in this universe, would disappear in an instant?

Just like when you wake up from a dream, everything in the dream will be forgotten.

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But they are clearly alive, how can they be regarded as phantoms in a dream!

Lin En took a deep breath, his eyes flickered.

But he knew.

Even if he knew these things and the truth now, he couldn't do anything. Apart from bringing him more heaviness and despair, these information could not solve the situation they were facing now.

"Tell me, why did you call me here this time? You don't really just want to tell me these things, right?"

Lin En looked at the girl.

The girl turned her head, staring at him with her blue eyes, and said:

"The order of the main universe is being annihilated. He has launched a second round of devouring and crushing all living things. I need your power to exert enough influence on the main universe to make those who are dying and overconfident fall into hell."

The war will continue.

The annihilation will not stop.

Even if they can win the final victory in the end, by then, the entire main universe may have been shattered.

And no matter what it is for.

Under the background of this end, this hell is no longer a cage, but the last ark of this main universe.

Lin En stared into her eyes and frowned:

"Why do you have to rely on me? Can't you do it now?"

The girl looked up and said:

"I am a disordered creature. Although I have a will, I am not compatible with the main universe. In the past, my influence on the main universe relied on the assistance of you ravens. Later, after most of the ravens died, I could only use their corpses to barely maintain this influence. Now... there are not many raven corpses left in this world."

Lin En stared at her and said:

"Before, it was you who guided me to devour the bodies of those ravens, right?"

The girl closed her eyes and said:

"It's just the right path."

Lin En's heart moved, and said: "If that's the case, then why do you have to go to so much trouble? I'll make a deal with you. You give me all the raven bodies now, and then I'll help you take the lead. What do you think? After all, a living raven is better than a dead one. Don't you think it's a good deal?"

The girl turned her head and stared at him with her eyes without any fluctuations, which made people feel creepy.

But he didn't hear the girl's refusal.

"I tried."

Lin En was startled and said:

"What do you mean?"

The girl looked up, as if she had seen through time, and said:

"A person without experience and accumulation easily gained power far beyond his imagination. This is both terrible and sad. With that ending, you can hardly even get through half of your life."

"And in this time and space, I don't have enough raven corpses to give you. I still need to use the remaining corpses to maintain the operation of hell."


She stretched out her hand and said no more.

Just when Lin En wanted to ask more questions, the curtain in front of them rippled like water waves.


Lin En seemed to see countless galaxies flashing before his eyes, densely packed stars, lingering in front of the curtain, dazzling, and the picture finally continued to expand, forming a vast universe-level huge scene in front of him.

Lin En's breathing became rapid.

This scene is self-evident.

The scene she showed was obviously the main universe they were living in now, the orderly world.

But Lin En also saw immediately that although the Milky Way was vast, a large part of the scene in this huge universe was shrouded in dark and wide black holes, without a trace of light or a star, just like a piece of pure white paper with a lot of ink splashed on it.

And on the periphery of this scene, the boundless darkness seemed to reflect some kind of great terror, which was eroding the inside little by little.

It was just because the main universe was too big.

It was so big that many places in the main universe did not have time to feel the progress of the erosion.

But under this macro perspective.

For the first time, Lin En felt the suffocation from the end.

Is that the erosion of the entire main universe by the disaster? !

The girl's eyes reflected the countless stars, and she said:

"Since three thousand years ago, the gods of the main universe have gradually begun to build a defense against the disaster, but it is meaningless. The reason why they can still survive is not because of their resistance, but because the attention of the disaster is all on you ravens."

"But this time, it's different."

She waved her hand.

The huge universe in front of him quickly zoomed in, and one fallen world after another appeared in front of Lin En.

The huge pollution, the terrible curse, the dense army of death.

One world after another was slaughtered by those polluters, and countless people died and were sacrificed in each world.

"It's the ones I saw before..."

Lin En gritted his teeth.

The girl looked up and said:

"He has his own strategy, which is constantly proving that he is waking up little by little. He is no longer the pure chaos like before. He is gradually giving birth to his own thinking ability."

"Those polluters have become his agents and minions in this main universe. They will kill every world and then offer them to their Lord of the End."

"At the same time."

"They are also the main opponents who are constantly fighting with my future self in the Time War."

She waved again.

The scene in front of her changed again. On one planet after another, the dying powerful gods who were fighting with the polluters were marked by her.

She was very skilled, as if this was something she often did.

One after another.

Just like the invasion three thousand years ago.

She never explained, and never paid attention to the shouts and anger of those gods. She just indifferently dragged the seeds that failed in this war into hell one by one, imprisoned them, and protected them.

"Let's get started."

She raised her head.

"Release your Firstborn's power as much as possible, and don't worry about the rest."

Lin En frowned and said:

"If you have this ability, why don't you pull down all the gods? Why choose those who are dying?"

Because whether it is Brother Titan, Sir Ewen, or the Matron, they are almost dead, or even dragged down by the power of hell when they are already dead.

The girl said quietly:

"First, because you can't bear it, I don't have too much extra Firstborn's power."

"Second, transferring those dying gods will consume less of my energy. The better their condition, the greater their power to resist me. I won't waste time on such things."

To put it bluntly.

Everything is because of the scarcity of the power of the Firstborn.

When the ravens are close to extinction, without a strong and stable source of power, every consumption of yours will become a burden to you.

And this is probably the reason why he needs to be sharpened bit by bit.

He is very important.

In all aspects.

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