Another World: My life is on the rise!

Chapter 1914: They are all deceiving you

Lin En came back to his senses, rubbed his dry eyes vigorously, and said with his eyes wide open:

"No, how could you see me pregnant? I just had sand in my eyes."

Zuo Zuo Ծ‸Ծ said nothing.

"I didn't say you were crying."

"Do you think I would cry?"

"Of course I would, it's not like you haven't cried before, but you're too deep, and you never let people know whether your expression is real or fake. When you cry, maybe it's just a false sympathy."

"No, I'm sincere when I cry!"

"Really?! Then you squeezed out a tear when you were bullying Ether just now, don't tell me that's sincere? You're just false sympathy! Don't pretend for too long, and don't even know who you are. You don't remember any kind of people, idiot!"


"Why don't you talk? "

"Maybe you're right, Zuo Zuo, I don't seem to remember, but even if I don't remember, I can still live, right? Only in this way can I live, right?"


"If not, if it wasn't chaotic enough, I should have died when I went to hell, and I wouldn't have met you again, wouldn't have met Brother Titan and the mistress, wouldn't have had Brother Ewen and Xiao Xiao so many people who cared about me, am I right?"

"Ծ‸ԾAren't you born confused? "


"Idiot, I'm joking, can't you see? ! Don't suddenly become emo and depressed (╬◣д◢) (slap two slaps)! I don't know what's wrong with you, but cheer up!"

"It hurts, don't hit your face for no reason..."

"(interrupts) Really! If you really want to find your old self, do you think you can't do it with your current strength? Go to Blue Star and find a place to live in seclusion, forget about everything here, or just delete all your memories of the past few years and live your happy life, isn't that enough?"

"It's obviously you who can't let go, so why are you so emo! I know you best. Because you can't find your home, you put all your feelings into this big family that you built in hell with great difficulty. Even if you take all the things on yourself, you don't want your family to be hurt, just like this time , you can obviously fight the Mechanicus head-on with certain casualties, but you insist on playing infiltration, isn't it because you are afraid of the casualties of the Night City? "

"So since you have chosen this path, then keep going with your head held high! If you really want to return to your pre-hell self, then work hard to become stronger and solve all the threats in the world. At that time, can't you do whatever you want? ! Idiot!"


"Zuo Zuo, you talk a lot."

"Isn't it because I'm angry with you, idiot!"

Lin En shook his head vigorously, looked at Zuo Zuo in front of him (▼へ▼メ), adjusted his monocle, and showed the same smile on his face again, saying:

"Yes, thank you Zuo Zuo, Zuo Zuo, although you are stupid, but sometimes you are really a good hand, I know."

He stood up.

Clenched his fists.


In the data network, he looked at the back of Silver Fantasy in front of him.

I'm sorry.

He said to himself in his heart.

I deceived you.

Because when I realized that the person in the dream was me under the mask, I was scared.

Because many people have said that when a person wears a mask for a long time, he can't take it off. He will get more and more used to his current appearance and forget the weak self in the past.

I am the same.

Because I always wonder what I should do? Should I obey my heart and let the former self come alive, or continue to wear such a mask to face all challenges in the future.

I chose the latter.


I will no longer hope that you will treat him as me, because even I can't do such a thing, how can I ask you?

There seemed to be a halo flashing in his eyes, with soft fluctuations, looking at the back in front.

Take a last look at her.


Silver fantasy moved.

It was as if she suddenly felt such a familiar gaze at that moment, she almost subconsciously turned her head and looked in the direction behind her, trying to find it.

But it was gone in a flash, like a trance illusion.

What she saw was Lin En.

With an unfathomable smile on his face, he adjusted his monocle and said:

"What are you doing, Miss Omnic?"

The silver fantasy eyes stared at him from afar and whispered:


She turned her head again.

It was just that a trace of inconspicuous loneliness seemed to pass through the depths of the eyes under her eyelashes, but it was so small that it was almost impossible to capture, as if it had never existed.


"We are here--"

The next moment.

The two of them suddenly stopped at the end of the webway in front of them. They raised their heads. The huge blue data barrier was like a wall that extended infinitely to the left, right, up and down, crossing the end of their road and blocking their steps forward.

"In front is the data network leading to the lower core area - the Colossus is imprisoned in the lower area - but it is impossible to go forward from here - without the general's authority - no information or data can break through - this is the last firewall -"

Lin En adjusted his monocle and said:

"What's your plan?"

Silver Fantasy glanced sideways and said: "The next step is up to you - you must first break through from the real world - then upload me - I will find the exact location where the Colossus is imprisoned as quickly as possible - but once you land in reality - you have to Facing the wrath of the five machine gods - do you have confidence? "

Lin En slowly moved his hands and said:

"Isn't that what I had planned? Don't worry, my Eve and my aunt are here, I have the confidence to break through. "

Silver Fantasy nodded, quickly pulled out the screen in front of him and operated it, saying:

"Okay - I will give you one last help - I can help you temporarily paralyze the nanomachine cluster in the nearby block - the rest depends on you - I must leave enough computing power for the search after uploading -"

She turned her head, stared at Lin En, and stretched out three fingers.

"Let's start."



"Wait a minute!"

Silver Fantasy glanced sideways.

Lin En pinched his monocle and looked at her, saying:

"The intelligent brain is with me, I didn't kidnap her, I saved her, and the words I told you before were all to scare you."

Silver Fantasy stared at him and said: "Asshole -"

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