Another World: My life is on the rise!

Chapter 1796: Collective Upgrade!

He wasn't exaggerating.

Before the disaster in the main universe came, the armies of the four kings had always been the main force of the hell army. Once they returned to the main universe and completed their upgrade, the strength they could exert would increase exponentially. It became a torrent that swept across Haoyu.

And the clown knows very well that after being enhanced by another raven, coupled with the trident in his hand, he is now absolutely capable of temporarily breaking the grip of this hell on them.

"But you have to know, Lynn."

At this time, the clown's eyes flashed and he had to remind him.

"Once they are promoted, the power of disorder will quickly conflict with their own power, and this balance will be broken. So far, only a small number of hell soldiers can maintain the stability of the power of disorder in the ancient god stage. This is why hell has its jailers and is limited to those above and below the root.”

This is not just a yoke.

It is also a kind of protection.

Because even a mistress can hardly guarantee that a person has the status of a god and at the same time retains a large amount of disordered power in the body for deployment.

Because these two forces are inherently in fierce conflict.

As for the jailers who can maintain disorder and stability in the body at the same time as gods, none of them are ruthless among the ruthless. Only the four kings and a few high-ranking jailers have this ability.

Lin En's heart moved and her eyes flashed:

"How long can it last?"

The clown said solemnly:

"On average, it takes about thirty minutes, and no more than an hour at most. However, as long as you downgrade your body and soul before the power of disorder burns it, there is still a possibility of survival."


Lin En's eyes were burning with blazing golden flames.

The collective upgrade of dozens of king beasts is enough to tear a hole in this fortress within thirty minutes!

And more importantly.

This is not just a simple upgrade, but also the ultimate blessing of his power as a newborn!


That moment.

Lin En rose into the sky and suddenly raised the trident in his hand.

The trident buzzed and trembled, and a dazzling light erupted from the tip. Rolling yellow sand spread out from the trident, forming rolling yellow sand around him.

He closed his eyes.

Unreservedly drive the power of the first birth within the trident.

In fact, this is something he has already done!

When fighting against the Dominator of Flesh, he also used the power of the Firstborn to force his family to complete the ultimate upgrade of the main universe in hell. He only needed to temporarily suppress the curse in their bodies and temporarily break the curse on them. Shackles, while blocking their connection with hell.

Then they can restore their original combat power!


Linn's eyes shot open.

His voice rumbled in the minds of every king beast.

"Listen carefully, in the next thirty minutes, I will break your connection with hell, remove the curse from your body, and I will make you fully upgrade! Whether you can break through this fortress, we will see next You’re on your own!”

"I'll count down to three!"

"Get ready! After three counts, I will make you all become gods!"

All the fighting king beasts were collectively shocked.

They turned their heads sharply and looked in the direction of Lin En. Their pupils reflected the man who was shrouded in brilliant light like a god. His eyes were as sharp as an eagle, and he was obviously not joking at all.



His voice was dark and hoarse.

Along with his countdown, the yellow sand blooming above his head began to rumble and spin almost like a sandstorm, exploding into shock waves one after another.


That moment.

The countdown is over.

In an instant, dozens of brilliant golden torrents burst out towards them from the tip of the trident, rumbling into their bodies.

The moment their bodies received that power, their pupils shrank instantly, and an overbearing spring flowed through their bodies, quickly and accurately washing and suppressing the curses in their bodies, while avoiding any disorder to themselves. The influence of force.

The curse was reduced to a minimum, and the power of the Firstborn formed a thin halo on their bodies.


It was as if some kind of shackles restricting them were broken at that moment.

And the ranks that had been suppressed by hell were like wild beasts that had lost their confinement at that moment, and the contained power returned to their bodies furiously and turbulently.


Dozens of king beasts raised their heads and roared one after another.

Their bodies began to swell, and the radiance of power quickly flowed through their blood vessels. Dozens of king beasts collectively completed their upgrades at this moment.

The black fog in space was directly dispersed.

Even this terrifying scene caused the expressions of the black-robed men in the Sky City to change drastically.

Under the dazzling golden halo, they seemed to be reborn from the ashes, one after another terrifying existence of god level, walking on the earth again at this moment.

Collective upgrade!

Dozens of terrifying existences equivalent to the divine level of the main universe!

What is even more terrifying is that in this short period of time, the influence of the power of the first born given by Lin En formed a brief confrontation with the disorder in their bodies. They were shocked to find that at least during this period of time, they were able to use the disorder in their bodies as a weapon while being protected by the power of the first born!

The two highest positions between heaven and earth, and the power of disorder and order, which are also extremely opposite, became their strongest spear and shield at this moment.

Maybe it will never appear again!

It will never appear again!

For those king beasts who pursue extreme power, the miracle of this moment will definitely become a highlight that they will never have in their history.


They were so excited that they couldn't speak, and their eyes became more and more crazy.

At this moment of collective upgrading, all the king beasts were inspired and burst out with unprecedented fighting will.

In an instant.

After the upgrade, the king beasts once again launched a charge against the sky city.

"Stop them!! Quick!"

On the walls of the Sky City, the black-robed men screamed, and it was obvious that they had already felt tremendous pressure under this terrible scene.

The towering spires were loaded to the extreme, and the disordered power and bombardment were madly vented towards the dozens of king beasts.



The huge explosion and annihilation sounded.

But the effect was significantly reduced. The protection of the power of the first-born allowed them to be unscathed even if they faced the disordered attack head-on, and quickly integrated the disordered disintegration. Their own speed and flexibility were greatly enhanced after the upgrade.

The defense of the Sky City gradually could not hold up.

And some king beasts, after the upgrade, were unable to use some forbidden magic and spells, but they were also cast at the moment of the upgrade.

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