Another World: My life is on the rise!

Chapter 1753 The Great Rebellion!

The deep and dark ocean floor.

The huge whale transformed into a huge deep-sea devourer kept swallowing seawater and quickly advanced towards the deepest part of the ocean. Its huge body cut through the ocean like a sharp sword.

But that huge sense of oppression did not weaken as they went deeper into the seabed, but instead got closer and closer.

In the cavity of the Devourer's belly.

The sea water was quickly drained away, and Linn and the others emerged from the rising and falling tide.


"What the hell is going on?!"

The clown doll gritted his teeth and quickly levitated.

"Since there is such a large-scale rebellion, why doesn't anyone in your Xihai report it?! And it's been so long, how come there's no news from the outside!"

Although he has been abandoned and expelled by the jailer.

But obviously he still regards himself as a jailer of the dark world.

The huge body of the Devourer continued to swim deeper into the ocean, and his hoarse voice rumbled in his abdomen.

"Everything happened so suddenly - but this was not a sudden incident - but during the war more than two thousand years ago - the disaster from the outside world had already been planted in our bodies The seeds of pollution—all the war beasts that were injured in the past—without exception have all become the initiators and participants of this rebellion—"

"I didn't understand it until just now - why we suddenly lost ourselves -"

Lin En climbed up, adjusted his monocle, and said with a gloomy expression:

"When did the rebellion happen?"

That hoarse voice sounded in the belly again.

"A few months ago - I remember that time - the disaster outside launched an attack on our world - it seemed to be summoned - and it was after that - Her Majesty the Queen and fell into a deep sleep—our rebellion began the moment the Queen fell asleep—"

As soon as these words were spoken, the clown doll's whole body was shaken.

Because that time was right before and after he and the Butcher implemented the plan to revive the Great Lord.

And he also heard about what happened next.

The disaster outside had indeed launched an attack on the world, and it was precisely because of this attack that the hostess had to briefly recover from the chaos.

And the beginning and end of this matter is obviously...

He instantly turned his head to look at Lin En and said:

"I remembered! It was you who led the Japs here!"


Lin En adjusted his monocle, his eyes flashed, and said:

"Yes, but I don't regret it. If my family can't come back, I really don't mind being buried in this hell, because He came to kill me."

But obviously.

This was not just a simple attack.

During the short window period when He actually invaded this world, He obviously did a lot, and if his guess was correct, perhaps it was His appearance that accelerated the growth of those left in their bodies. The distortion of pollution then led to the occurrence of this great rebellion.

His coveting of this world may have been laid out as early as three thousand years ago.

"Keep talking!"

Linn said seriously.

The hoarse voice came to mind again and said:

"The rebellion happened very quickly - the moment the pollution appeared - most of the loyalists, including me, were snatched away in an instant - at that time - the master and many senior officials of the West Sea were still at the border. In order to fight against another round of invasion from that disaster area - and it was during that time - we seized control of the West China Sea as quickly as possible -"

Many jailers were captured and dozens of jailers were killed.

Those vague and chaotic memories emerged, making his huge pupils full of scarlet.

It all happened very quickly.

All loyalists were quickly eliminated, including the man who controlled various authorities in the West Sea on behalf of their master, who also became one of them the moment the rebellion began.

Contact with other jailers was quickly blocked, and Xihai had actually entered a state of separatism.

And during that time.

The entire jailer group is leaderless, and the failure of the recovery plan has caused panic among the entire jailer group.

And the rebellion in the West Sea.

It was in this chaotic situation that it was quietly hidden and suppressed.

In his hoarse voice of despair, he quickly told them everything he still remembered about what happened at that time, including how they were broken into pieces, how they hid the news of the rebellion, and how they hid in every corner of the West Sea. , waiting for his arrival.

"We know your news - and we know that you will definitely come to the West Sea - so we have made preparations in advance - as long as you dare to come - no matter where you step into this sea - including me Many war beasts will immediately know your coordinates——"

he said hoarsely.

"This is a siege net that has been prepared for you a long time ago - you can't escape even if you have wings -"

Lin En's brows furrowed, and his tone became gloomy, and he said:

"What about your master? Can't he come back?"

At this point, its voice suddenly became trembling and said:

"The master is the top guard of the border - at the moment when the disaster attacked - he had already led people outside the border - we... we prepared a trap carefully for the master - when... the master was about to When we returned through the domain gate - we used some special method - to banish all the master's troops into the outer world - "

When it finished saying this sentence, his soul seemed to be trembling violently.

Because it knows what that means.

In the moment of exile.

What awaits their master is the crazy suppression and counterattack by the disaster in Waiyu and his polluters, and his master will not get any support at all.

This is almost a fight to the death!

His voice was sad, almost wailing.

And Lin En's heart also sank.

Because he immediately thought, this is just the West Sea, but is it just the West Sea? What about the other jailers outside the West Sea? Are there polluters among them, but they have been hiding it, and it is not time for them to turn against them?

"how so?!"

The clown doll's voice became extremely shaky.

"Where's the mistress?! I don't believe that the mistress didn't react at all! How could the mistress not notice such a big thing?!"

Linn's eyes flashed.

"Last time you said, when did your mistress first fall asleep?"

The clown trembled and said: "A long time ago, I said before that not long after the beginning of this era, the mistress began to sleep for a long time, but she also woke up several times during this period, and we can all contact the mistress!"

Linn's eyes were solemn and he said nothing.

But maybe.

It's not that their mistress doesn't know what's going on in hell, nor is she really asleep, but she has no time to care.

Because she is fighting another war.

Time war.

Because the nature of the time war directly leads to no matter when the war starts, as long as it starts, it will be a full-scale invasion at every time point in the entire history!

Judging from the information currently available, the only one who can participate in this war across the timeline is myself...

It’s just her!

Lin En adjusted his monocle and said calmly:

"She should know about this rebellion, but since she doesn't care about it, it means that we are still on the right timeline. Since we will still be there in the future, it at least means that we must not have died in this Western Sea!"

The clown doll trembled: "What about me?"

Lin En glanced and said, "I don't know, he should be dead, but don't worry, I will visit your grave every year after you die."


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