Another World: My life is on the rise!

Chapter 1724 How can there be a vampire who is afraid of blood?

Thoughts are flying.

She murmured, feeling the warm baptism wandering throughout her body.

Lin En smiled lightly, held her single eye, and said:

"Since I said I would help you suppress the curse, of course I will do what I said. How about it? Do you feel comfortable eating this sugared date?"

The Underlord obviously hasn't recovered from the shock.

Part of her strength was restored, and her body slowly straightened out in the bright red light, floating little by little and landing on the ground.

She murmured, looking at her hands.

"The curse...has faded..."

Although she could still feel some remnants of the curse.

But compared to the previous situation where it was always at its limit and prone to chaos at every turn, it is already much better.

She raised her head suddenly and looked at the man in front of her in shock.

"Those rumors are true!"

This moment.

She finally believed the rumor.

Many times before, when she heard that Lin En from Night City had the ability to suppress the root curse, she had scoffed at it and was extremely disdainful, because she simply did not believe that there was such a thing in this world, and the roots of Night City were also It's just a nonsensical lie to keep people warm.

So even if Lin En personally made this deal with her before, she didn't take it to heart. She didn't believe it at all.

All she wanted was to get away from the flesh and blood ruler as soon as possible.

She was so surprised that she felt like she had had a big dream.


Lin En leaned on her throne, crossed her legs, adjusted her monocle, and said with a smile:

"What are you doing? Why do you think I'm here? If it weren't for hearing your arrogance and trying to plot against me secretly, what would I do to you?"

"You should be satisfied. If you are facing a real devil now, based on what you just said, you will have been turned into a rbq by me and locked up in a small dark room, and I am still willing to I’ll give you a chance only because I’m a good person.”

"There are not many people as good as me in this world."

The Underlord stood there stiffly.

At this moment, she didn't know how to respond.

Because if he came here specifically to give her such a blessing, then let alone being held down and slapped, holding down and having sex is not unacceptable!

Her eyes became complicated.

" do you have such ability...because...because you are a raven?"

Lin En's lips curled up slightly and he said:

"You don't have to worry about it. Just ask, are you enjoying this sugared date?"

Does this even need to be said? !

She was shocked.

“Of course I’m using it!!”

If this is not useful, then nothing in this world is useful. As the source of hell, who can accept such a temptation?

That's a curse! It is a curse that will make life worse than death!

If it can be eliminated, let alone going up the mountain of swords and the sea of ​​fire, it is completely okay to sell her!

She touched her smooth skin so excitedly that she couldn't help but lift up her collar and peek inside. She danced excitedly and even tried to tear open her skin with her claws to see if she still had that strong blood thirst. and cause ulcers and pus.

there is none left!

Really no more!

She hurriedly rushed to the side and picked up her magic book. With eyes wide open, she opened it and started flipping through it.

“I don’t know a single word! I have no desire to learn at all!!”

That desire for knowledge has been pushed to the bottom.

When I was cursing, I also thought about studying and understanding the forbidden knowledge, but now...

I no longer want to learn at all!

She stared at Lin En urgently and said, "There is no desire anymore!! It's completely gone!"

Lynn: "..."

He always felt that this was not a good thing.

Linn hesitated and said: "So, this curse of yours will strongly increase your desire for certain things, right?"

The Xueluo stared, nodded and said: "Yes, my elders are too obsessed with knowledge, so after being affected by the curse, they can't help but pursue knowledge that is too taboo, so they are just one The next one died! But I am different. I have never liked studying since I was a child, so when the curse came, I could catch it forcefully!"

Lynn: "Well..."

Because I'm too stupid and don't want to learn, even the curse can't be changed...

Come to think of it.

This is really a sad life.

Lin En hesitated: "What about blood thirst?"

She glared and said, "I've stopped it! I don't want to suck blood anymore! I feel like vomiting when I see blood!"

Linn hesitated: "But aren't vampires born with a little thirst for blood? You've lost it all?"

She stood up proudly, as if she had mentioned something worth showing off.

She crossed her arms, held her head high and said:

"Of course, do you think that this ancestor is the same as those ordinary vampires? If it were not for the curse, this ancestor would not be affected by blood thirst at all, ha!"

"Are you dizzy?"


There was a brief silence.

Lin En saw that her expression was not normal, but she still raised her head disdainfully, folded her arms and sneered, saying:

"What a joke!"

"Have you ever seen a vampire who faints from blood? Don't use your unfounded conjectures to slander a noble and pure blood clan leader. Of course, this ancestor does not faint from blood. Now he can still suck it casually if he wants to. He weighs three to five hundred pounds! I am able to suppress my blood thirst because of my strong willpower. This is a sign of extraordinary talent!”

Lin En looked at her in shock.

He just said it casually, but looking at this little guy's reaction...

He turned to look at the heart and asked hesitantly:

"Is she really bleeding?"

The heart was beating loudly and said reluctantly:



The surroundings became dead silent.

Lin turned his head and looked at the little girl who was holding back a sneer with an expression of extreme shock, but it was obvious that she was nervous, as if she was trying to cover up something, and there was a trace of secretion on her forehead. A thin stream of sweat.


Linn looked at him hesitantly.

Then stick out your nails.


He opened the artery in his wrist.


Scarlet and delicious blood suddenly spurted out in front of her.

It can almost be clearly seen that the Underlord's body is tightening, and her eyes are still trying to show part of the desire for blood, showing the blood clan's usual arrogance and contempt, but it can be clearly seen that her Eyes dodge and shift.

"What...what are you doing? You actually dare to seduce this ancestor in front of me...Although I can indeed curb my thirst for blood...but if you tempt me like this...I may still suck you clean... …”

Lynn glared.

He held down his wrist, which was spurting blood, and waved it back and forth in front of her.

The Underlord's face turned slightly pale, but he still stood tall and swallowed, saying:

"I really... really sucked it!"

"It would be terrible if you were sucked by me! If you think I don't dare, I will... I will..."

Lin En looked at her hesitantly, and finally healed the wound on her wrist, then shook her head, ( ̄▽ ̄)/ said:

"I'm not dizzy either. Let me just say, how can there be a vampire in this world who faints from blood? This is too weird, don't you think so, Underlord?"

The Underlord laughed and said:

"Yes...yes! Ha...haha!"

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