Another World: My life is on the rise!

Chapter 1686 My curse doesn't have that function!

Ignore what he said.

Lin En's eyes became serious and he said:

"Brother, how is the condition of the mother tree? Has she absorbed the nutrients from the flesh and blood ruler?"

The smile on Sir Egwene's face also faded, and he said seriously: "The situation is a bit complicated and I can't explain it here. You'd better go and take a look with me."

Beyond the corpse of the ruler of flesh and blood.

The branches of the huge Mother Tree of Desire cover the sky and the sun, and it seems to be more lush than before. The huge root system penetrates into the earth, and under the huge trunk, thousands of night doctors are constantly removing The minced meat cut from the body of the Flesh Dominator was stuffed under the root system of the Mother Tree of Desire.

Sir Egwene was suspended in the air, looking at the lush tree, and said solemnly:

"I also filled the flesh and blood you got from the Flesh Dominator's lair into the root system of the mother tree. The flesh and blood is indeed spiritual, but from what I observed, the situation has not improved."

Lin En followed him and said in shock;

"But it looks very lush."

Ser Egwene shook her head and said:

"It's just her branches that are lush. If we only talk about the physical body, she has now returned to her peak period. Even after absorbing the flesh and blood of the Flesh Dominator during this period, her strength is no longer the same, but the problem is superior."

"Her soul."

Her physical body returned to normal, and she could eat, drink, and enjoy the cool air, but her consciousness was still in that hazy sleep.

Lin En thought: "Is it a vegetative state..."

Ser Egwene: "She was a plant."

Lin En thought: "A plant tree..."

Sir Egwene: "..."

Because according to normal circumstances, her current state is actually the most normal for a tree, but it is wrong to be conscious. After all, no normal tree can eat, move, and curse people.

Lin En frowned and said:

"What's the problem? Isn't it possible to eat the flesh-and-blood ruler?"

What he was thinking at that time was that using the Flesh Dominator as fertilizer for the mother tree, under the irrigation of such rich nutrients, he might be able to wake her up.

But now it seems... it still doesn't work.


And just when Linn was thinking hard, the heart he was carrying behind his back with a hemp rope made a sound.

"It's useless for you to do this. No matter how much nourishment she has, she can't get rid of her current state."

Lynn: "╬!"


The hemp rope in his hand spun around in an instant, and the heart behind his back hit the ground with a snap, causing a pile of sticky blood to flow out.

That heart: "(ヾノ꒪ཫ꒪)——"

Lin En grabbed it, pinched it and said:

"In fact, I really should kill you, because the mother tree became what it is now, all by your own hands. It was you who allowed her to absorb too many curses. If it weren't for you, I would be able to do it openly in front of you now. Her face has reaped her fruit!”

Lin En's murderous intent was felt.

The heart immediately said:

"She's not dead, she's just transforming. You used the wrong method. If that's the case, then she may never wake up in her lifetime!"

Lyn and Ser Egwene were also stunned.

The heart was afraid that Linn would recharge the fragment in its heart, so it immediately continued:

"You have forgotten! She is different from the Dominator of Flesh. She has never been the origin of flesh and blood. It was the creature from hell that gave her such a name, but in fact her essence has always been the spirit of nature. Instead of starting from the natural side, you keep feeding her more essence of flesh and blood, which will only have the opposite effect!"

"Unless you just want a giant tree of flesh and blood, if that's the case, just pretend I didn't say anything!"

Lyn and Ser Egwene looked at each other.

They landed in front of a table. Linn casually threw the heart on the plate on the table, sat down, squinted and said:

"Go on."

The heart waved hesitantly.

"If I tell you, what benefit will it give me?"

Bang bang—bang rumble—puff—pop—

"I said! I said! Don't push that piece down!!"


The will of the heart showed extremely humiliating fluctuations and said:

"The nature of each of your false gods is different. She has absorbed too much of her own legacy, and the curse has had a huge impact on her soul. But you must understand that the curse of the dark world is a shackle. The existence is not to execute these false gods, so in fact, even if the curse is completely turbulent, the cursed person will not die. "

Ser Egwene said expressionlessly: "But life would be worse than death, wouldn't it?"

The heart said:

"That's right, but if we don't put shackles on you and just restrict your rank, it will trigger a second Old War sooner or later. This is what we don't want to see."

Lin En's heart moved.

The heart continued:

"The current situation of the Mother Tree of Desire is actually the backlash caused by the curse's overall turmoil, and the effects of the backlash naturally vary from person to person. Just like this Cyber ​​Soul, he will lose most of his memory. After the angel's curse and turmoil, there is a chance that she will inspire her second personality, and the Mother Tree of Desire..."

"Because of her characteristics, when the curse is at its strongest, some of her own protection mechanisms will be activated, which will put her into a deep sleep. If her soul and origin are also severely damaged..."

The heart said deeply.

"She will begin to transform, just like a phoenix rising from the ashes, completing a natural rebirth."

Just like when she fell.

Flowers bloom and fall, grass withers and grows.

Transformed into a species again.

Re-grow foliage and lush flowers.

Lin En frowned and said hesitantly:

"But if it's true as you said, then why doesn't she show any signs of transformation? She has been sleeping for so long."

The heart said:

"Because what you irrigated her with is unclean flesh and blood. You have been with her for so long. Don't you know that this giant tree now is actually the deformed limbs that grew after she was cursed? It's like If a person has a tumor and you don’t cut it out, but you feed the tumor every day to make it bigger and bigger, do you still expect her to be reborn inside the tumor?”

Lynn: "..."

Sir Egwene: "..."

The heart was beating loudly and said:

"If you really want her to complete her transformation, then temporarily suppress her curse, transplant her out of those deformed tree trunks, find a better land, let her take root and sprout naturally, and she will wake up naturally. When she fell three thousand years ago, it was because of the uncleanness of that land that she grew into this twisted flesh and blood form. "

"And now you've made this tumor so big that it's even harder to peel off."

Lyn and Ser Egwene both fell silent.

top of head.

The branches of the towering giant trees stretch for dozens of kilometers, making it a lush and lush scene. Many people were enjoying the shade under the trees.



Lin En (╯‵Van′)╯︵┻━┻ flipped the table over and said:

"Yes, I thought of this method a long time ago. At that time, I said that the mother tree should be stripped out and then cultivated properly. I had foresight a long time ago. This is entirely because you bastards secretly interfered with me. With my judgment and thinking ability, I put a curse on me and let the clown curse secretly interfere with me to prevent me from saving my mother tree. As expected, this is all the fault of you, the clown curse!"

The heart said angrily; "My curse doesn't have that function!"

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