Another World: My life is on the rise!

Chapter 1677 Endless Abyss!

Lin En said to himself.

However, with the core of the Flesh and Blood Ruler, in a sense, he was also equivalent to inheriting the legacy of the Flesh and Blood Ruler.

Lin En pinched his monocle and smiled lightly.

In an instant.

He looked at the huge stone gate in front of him.

Hula Lala——

One after another, tentacles emitting blood-colored halos burst out from his body, and the tentacles that burst out were obviously thicker and tougher than before. Lin En could even clearly feel that with the blessing of the Flesh and Blood Core, the pressure and consumption of splitting the flesh and blood were almost completely gone.

Even if he wanted, he could now use this core to easily transform himself into a flesh and blood deformity as huge as the Night City.

The power contained in this flesh and blood core is no less than the heart of the colossus!



Lin En's tentacles pierced several specific points on the stone gate.

"There is movement!"

The surrounding night doctors watched anxiously.

As if sensing the breath of the Flesh and Blood Ruler, the inscriptions on the stone doors lit up, emitting waves of blood-colored halos, and the points that Lin En stabbed gradually connected into a huge pentagram in the light.

The stone door made a huge vibration sound.

Little by little.

A thin halo of light emanated from the gap of the door, and it slowly opened in front of them.

"That is..."

As the door opened, the night doctors around were all stunned there, because behind the door was not some kind of secret room they imagined, nor was it another temple.

It was a dark abyss that seemed endless.


There was no road ahead to pass, and further down was a steep stone wall that went vertically downward. It was pitch black, and gusts of cold wind blew over, making people feel cold and icy from the heart.

"An abyss."

They looked down and could not see the bottom at a glance.

A night doctor couldn't help but throw the torch in his hand into the abyss, but he didn't see the bottom until the fire disappeared in the deepest part of his vision.

"This is too deep."

The night doctor was shocked.

"But what is such a place used for?"

Lin En didn't speak. His eyes swept across the huge abyss, feeling the coolness and chill that came to his face.

He narrowed his eyes and said;

"Back off."

Then he took out a bottle of potion from the system space.

At that moment.

He threw the bottle of potion in his hand, and when it flew into the air, he used psychic energy to blast it open.

Suddenly, all the night doctors around were shocked by the scene they saw, their faces changed drastically, and they showed extremely horrified expressions.

The exploded potion spread like falling fireworks, and under their gaze, one after another empty faces appeared in it. They screamed, swam, and wandered in the abyss in a daze. As the potion spread, the densely packed souls almost made the entire abyss feel so crowded.


The night doctors felt a burst of horror.

This place is not nothing at all, but densely filled with invisible souls.

This is not an abyss at all, but a cage!

A prison that binds countless souls!

They were so shocked that they couldn't say a word until the evil spirit revealing potion dissipated and the eyes were empty again. They couldn't say a word for a long time.

Lin En put on his bird-beak mask again.

With the opening of ghost vision.

The whole picture of the abyss appeared in front of him, and the densely packed souls reflected countless faces, and each soul represented a living being who had died here.

"Tens of thousands...hundreds of thousands...or millions...maybe more..."

A night doctor murmured, looking at everything from the perspective of a ghost.

Perhaps in the eyes of the evil god.

All life is just some insignificant things that can be consumed.

But for them.

This is like a real hell.

Lin En's eyes swept around everything and said:

"The Flesh and Blood Ruler once invaded one surface world after another, plundered countless lives, and my hometown was also polluted by him. If I guess correctly, all the souls here are probably the nutrients of those old flesh and blood."

He stepped out.

The surrounding night doctors rushed forward quickly in shock.

"Mr. Lin En!"

But Lin En had already jumped out.

His body continued to fall towards the lower level of the abyss, and from the perspective of the ghost, he saw more undead under the abyss.

They were imprisoned here, with darkness everywhere and unable to escape.

He kept falling.

After falling for more than ten minutes, he slowly used his psychic power to suspend himself in the air.

He raised the torch.

The light illuminated everything around him.

Then at the bottom of the abyss, he saw a huge, wriggling flesh and blood machine. It was a huge flesh and blood pipe woven by a dense flesh and blood network. The soul power generated by those dead souls was continuously devoured into it from afar, and then extended into the stone wall along those pipes.

Lin En narrowed his eyes.

Among those wriggling flesh and blood, Lin En saw one living skinless creature after another. They were like puppets, maintaining the operation of the flesh and blood pipes in a daze. Even if Lin En appeared in front of them, they did not react at all.

Lin En looked at the pipe extending into the stone wall.

A tentacle burst out from his shoulder and connected to the huge flesh and blood machine under his feet.

In an instant.

He saw the scene at the end of the pipe through the nerve connection.

As he guessed, those webs were directly connected to the bottom of the deep pit in the center of the temple. Those soul powers were continuously transported into it from afar, providing vitality and mental strength for those old flesh and blood.

Although the remnants of the flesh and blood of the old gods had long died with the flesh and blood ruler.

This huge machine is still running.

"It is indeed a sin."

Lin En adjusted his monocle, his eyes cold.

"No wonder even after so many years, those old shadows still show no signs of fading, but are getting stronger and stronger. It turns out that there have always been so many supplies."

Lin En even had such a guess.

If this machine continues to operate like this, if the flesh and blood ruler is given another hundred years, will those old gods be resurrected from the rotten flesh and blood under such nourishment?


Everything is in the past.

But Lin En did not burn the huge flesh and blood machine, because through the connection just now, he could feel that these squirming flesh and blood had been soaked in soul power for thousands of years, which is definitely the biggest tonic for the root of flesh and blood.

It can be said.

This is also an unexpected gain.

With these things and the remains of the Flesh and Blood Ruler, if all are absorbed by the mother tree, the chance of the mother tree surviving will definitely increase again.

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