Another World: My life is on the rise!

Chapter 1663 I am His Adam!

"It exploded!"

Lin En stood on the shoulders of the Titan, looking in the direction of the canyon that had been annihilated into a huge deep pit.

The surging shadows and screams just now were also wiped out in this terrifying and disorderly attack.

But the next moment.

What they saw was that the chaotic force that was supposed to make everything invisible was unable to continue to expand and annihilate when it touched a certain area extending out of the canyon.

"How is this possible?"

Linn frowned because this was the first time he had seen such a situation.

Because there is something that can resist the annihilation of disorder.

The outer canyons were annihilated.

But deeper inside.

But it is still well preserved.

It was as if it was protected by something, isolating those disorderly forces from that area.

The flames in the Titan's eyes were beating, his eyes were deep, and he said:

"A crack in space - the outside is protected by some kind of power - it should be that power that isolates you from the bombing - do you feel it - the nature of that power - I seem to have seen it somewhere - —”

Lin En's eyes stared at the annihilated abyss.

The deepest part of the abyss.

A spatial rift runs across it, like a huge scar, and even the area around that rift makes it impossible for those disorderly powers to advance.

And those shadows of the old gods were obviously born from this.

The Titan hesitated; "It's like..."

Lin En adjusted his monocle, stared at it, felt the throbbing in his heart, and said:

"The power of the Firstborn."

Inside the fissure.

It seemed like an ancient palace that had never seen light. The dense stone slabs were covered with traces of time, and the walls on both sides were engraved with rows and rows of ancient murals.

What is engraved on it is the tragedy and the end of a war.

Above the sky are countless invisible beings standing in the clouds, and all over the earth are ancient evil gods densely twisted together. It is like telling the history of a long-forgotten war, a war that was tragic but ultimately failed. The end of.

And in the deeper hall.

There are monuments standing there one after another.

But it is more like a tombstone than a monument. Many of the writings on it are no longer legible, but the images of ancient gods one after another are still clearly engraved on it.

And in the central hall.

It's countless twisted bones and flesh.

Screams, groans of pain, and roars full of hate gathered there.

The Flesh Dominator kept running away, dragging his huge limbs on the ground, leaving behind countless scarlet blood. Each of his eyeballs was covered with scarlet, and his huge limbs and giant touches passed through the long tremor. In the corridor, he fell painfully into the central temple.

But he still didn't admit defeat.

He gasped crimson.

He knew that Linn had used the jailer's body again, that the entire canyon outside had been blown up, and that he had been forced into a desperate situation.

"You can't win, Dominator of Flesh."

A clown's crazy voice came out from a huge sarcoma that he dragged in.

The sealed flesh and blood tissue and huge chains formed his prison, and for a long time, he was suppressed by the flesh and blood ruler in the deepest part of the canyon.

"Don't you know who he is? Hehehehe, he is a fragment of the great Violet Emperor. He has now learned how to master his own power, and you are at best an heir of the old days, a person born from a corpse. Evil ghost, your fate is as miserable as mine, ruler of flesh and blood.”

The voice sometimes laughed maniacally, sometimes was gloomy and frantic, and was accompanied by a huge cough.

The expression of the ruler of flesh and blood became more and more ferocious.

He looked at the twisted sarcoma.

As the flesh and blood squirmed apart, the creature inside was gradually revealed, bound by overlapping chains.

Half black and half white, a face that is crying and laughing at the same time.

That's a broken clown.

His whole body is on the verge of fragmentation. You can even see the heart beating in his chest from the cursed gears. And that heart is so special and has chaotic power. It circulates in it, but rarely annihilates the entire heart. It is like the perfect coexistence of matter and disorder, a strange combination that is completely unreasonable.

But at this moment.

All the disorder flowing in that heart was suppressed.

A smooth and transparent fragment penetrated the front and back of the heart, suppressing the leakage of Discord and all his power.

The clown coughed violently. His broken pupils reflected the flesh and blood ruler. He looked weakly at the things around him and said with a cruel smile:

"Is this where you were born?"

"It's really unimaginable that you actually came into contact with the raven, and it seems to be a very ancient one. No wonder the power of the monarch remains here. You hide it so well, using your chaotic aura and these countless corpses Covering up this place made me think I had seen through you."

"But he should be dead. There is only one raven left in the world, and he is trying every possible means to kill you."

The Flesh Ruler looked down at the clown coldly.

Malice and indifference danced in his eyes.

He ignored his ridicule.

"He will come back. I thought he was dead for a long time, so I have been working for you. I thought I could find his body, but do you know why I didn't go crazy after Blue Star? That's because I know that he existed more than two thousand years ago."

His eyes gradually filled with malice.

"And I also know that he will come back to find me. It was he who raised me and told me that as long as he lives for one day, he will come back with the bodies of me and my fathers and leave your cage."

"This is the Garden of Eden he created for me, and I am his Adam."



Outside the rift.

Lin En fell from the high shoulders of the Titan.

He trudged and raised his head, standing outside the dark rift. The familiar power stirred his nerves. His expression was still calm, but his eyes kept flashing the last picture he saw from the raven's memory.

Just like countless years ago, on the day after the fall of the old god.

The white-haired man also stood in this place like him.

Separated by endless time.

ps: Due to force majeure, Xianyu is still modifying, so the update is a little slow, I hope everyone understands!

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