Another World: My life is on the rise!

$ Chapter 1652 The Complete Colossus!

In an instant.

The pupils of the Dragon Head, the Star Holder, and the Exterminator all shrank.

They turned their heads abruptly, and their eyes fell on the world that was already 40% left on the back of the space.

"Could it be..."

And almost at the same time when they realized it.

The heads of the Archangel and the Witch God on the screen simultaneously burst out with huge power fluctuations, and two forces, one black and one white, suddenly gathered towards the edge of the world from two completely different directions.

In an instant.

They saw the dense mesh structure blooming on the back of the chaotic space. It was a huge psychic net that was woven at some unknown time. They no longer penetrated into the world itself, but were woven around the bloody world on a large scale.


"Not good!"

The face of the Star Holder changed drastically.

And when they found out, it was too late. The boundary between the back of the space and the real world was like a huge gate knife, easily breaking the barrier of the world that had lost the energy provided by the core in the convergence.

It was like an invisible giant blade that spanned east and west.

The sky was instantly divided into two halves.

Some were cut into the real space, and some were left on the back of the space.

The huge invisible blade easily cut into the earth, and many flesh and blood creatures at the intersection were split into two by the space while wailing, and screamed in pain.

The earth was shaking, and even a beehive in the sky was neatly cut in half when it fell from the space that spanned the east and the west, and turned into countless fragments and fell on the ground.

And in the macroscopic observation.

The boundary of the huge world, which only fell into the real space, was shrinking at an unimaginable speed.

It was like an apple that was forcibly cut in the middle.

The canyon where the flesh and blood rulers who had left the center of the world because of the overturning of the world were also forcibly cut into the half of the real space at this moment, while the entire Mechanicus was isolated from the small half on the back of the space because of the early launch.

Boom boom boom boom——

The earth was fissioning.

The mountain was collapsing.

The boundary of the space quickly cut into the unstable earth's crust.

At this moment, the roots in the world finally understood the real intention of the Night City. They used psychic interference with the spatial dimension to destroy the mobile fortress while completely splitting them in two, and then defeated them one by one.

"Immediately take off - leave the world barrier - bombard the border -!"

The general's cold order was quickly issued.

Because they, the Mechanicus, have the four roots. If they fall into the real world with the Flesh Ruler, then relying on the authority of the Flesh Ruler, they still have a chance to crush the Night City in the proof of the decisive battle.

But once separated.

The first thing that the Night City will destroy is definitely their Mechanicus!

But it was almost when their huge main guns just broke through the world barrier above their heads, and concentrated all their firepower together, trying to blast out a channel in the back of the space and the real space.

In the Night City.

"Lin En, is it okay?"

The silver-eyed girl with closed eyes slowly opened her eyes and looked into the deepest part of the hall.

In the center of the hall, Lin En tapped the brim of his hat with a feather pen and whispered:

"4 to 4, I think we should have a good chance of winning. The brain, just like 7,000 years ago, the Mechanicus will be handed over to you."

He didn't hesitate at all.

He thrust his hand into his bloody chest.


In the conference hall at the center of the Rectification Council, the general turned around coldly and hard, and the harsh warning sounded throughout the hall. The sense of induction from the enemy also made him know something immediately.

"Sure enough, Colossus."

In the shadow at the back of the space, the girl with silver eyes stepped out step by step, her eyes were sharp, without joy or worry, and her long black hair danced wildly behind her.

And in the darkness behind her, there were countless Colossus people from various races.

And with another black-haired little girl lightly landing beside her, the invisible blood energy broke through the shadow at the back of the entire space in one fell swoop, revealing the incomparably violent power.

"Brain, the battle is up to you. Zuo Zuo is only here to learn. That idiot threw me here."

The black-haired little girl beside her stared and swallowed.

The silver-eyed girl had sharp eyes.

She gently held Zuo Zuo's hand.

"Leave it to me."

"I'm tired of your weak body."


At that moment.

Countless blood-red halos burst out from the bodies of the Colossus people behind her, sixteen converged into eight, eight into four, four into two, and two into one.

She held Zuo Zuo's hand tightly, and when she opened her eyes again, she was no longer herself.

A body that covered the sky and the sun.

Crimson flesh veins and eyes.

The pitch-black armor covered the huge flesh giant little by little in the blood, and the spear was like lightning covering the sky and the earth, and fell into His hands with thunder.


A truly complete Colossus!

And when the perfect colossus appeared, the entire back of the space was shaken by it, and his power almost reached the limit restricted by hell in an instant, constantly surging to break through the final power of the pair. limit.

The arrival of the complete colossus also triggered a backlash in Hell in an instant.

Countless dense black threads climbed on His body, trying to disintegrate Him again, and the curse was also resurrected exponentially.

But He did not disintegrate.

When the backlash from hell swept over, Linn's voice rang out in the Colossus network.

"You have one more chance to break the curse, my girls, come on, perform well."


The white light that spread out from the Night City passed through the last piece of flesh and blood that merged into the colossus, and spread loudly on the complete colossus full of cracks. The huge curse was suddenly reduced to 50%.

When He appeared in the white light, his power had already been stabilized at the limit of this hell.

Like a mountain, he blocked the front of the Adeptus Mechanicus fleet.

"Brother Egwene, do you want to deal with the Mechanicus here, or do you want to go over there with me to encircle and suppress the Dominators of Flesh?"

Lin En sat in front of the main hall, holding a quill and holding his single eye with a smile.

Sir Egwene closed her eyes, maintaining the interference and control of psychic energy in this dimension, and said with a slightly raised corner of her mouth:

"Didn't you already make arrangements?"

Lynn gave a big slap haha.

"Then I'll leave it to you. To be honest, I really want to see how you and Colossus dealt with the God of All Machines seven thousand years ago."

He held out his hand.

He picked up the quill again, stained with his own blood.

Put pen to paper.

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