Another World: My life is on the rise!

Chapter 1620 My Ghost Story Daughter!

However, unlike her brother, it does not have eyeballs at specific locations. Instead, she can grow any part of her limbs at any time when she wants to use them. However, because she is an invertebrate soft body, those The eyeballs can easily fall off due to her movements.

And what's even more peculiar is.

Linn raised it curiously and looked at its base.

There seems to be some cavities at her base that are different from her mouth. As for the specific purpose, I don't know. If she has a complete set of digestive organs like humans, it should also play an important role in excretion.

Instead of being like Zuo Zuo, she had a bad stomach and asked herself to help her...


All the current observations of its body are his guesses. Regarding the structure of this weird and twisted thing, Linn's knowledge in this area is still too limited.

And it’s not early today either.

If there is a chance tomorrow, it is not impossible to perform some limited dissections with its consent.

Lin En (* ̄︶ ̄) hugged the wriggling thing washing Xiangxiang and thought.

Place it in the next room.

Linn returned to his room, lay on the soft bed, and fell asleep quickly.

Because to be honest, although his body is already active to the point where he doesn't need to sleep very much, the fatigue caused by devouring the raven in the first half of the night still makes his cells overwhelmed, and he needs a long period of healthy sleep. to ensure you have enough energy for the next day.


In the darkness, there were faint sounds of strange friction and squirming coming from the door of the next room.

It can be vaguely seen that in the cracks of the door, tiny blood vessels are vaguely spreading out. They are like insects climbing and squeezing out of the cracks in the door. At a glance, they look like... Like a dough press, pieces climb and squirm out from all sides of the rectangle.

Along the ceiling, along the floor, little by little towards the bed where (๑´ㅂ`๑) Lin was sleeping.

It's like it has some kind of abnormal aura.

Eyeballs twisted out of the blood vessels clinging to the walls and ceiling, flashing with intense desire and reflecting the owner on the bed.


The blood vessels wriggled around Linn's bed and slowly climbed up the soft sheets.

Just like in its chaotic consciousness.

In addition to the hope and love it felt from Lynn when it was created, there was another indescribable influence that had already become a part of her consciousness, which was a strong desire to be close to herself. Father" and took it all as his own.

Crash la la la——

It slowly crawled onto Lynn's bed.

The blood vessels wormed their way onto Linn's skin and penetrated along Linn's cuffs and quilt. The cold and slippery feeling was like a bunch of molluscs rustling on your skin. Climbing.

Then little by little, you can see that the quilt on the sleeping Linn's chest slowly bulges, as if those twisted blood vessels are gathering there.


When the quilt on Linn's chest fell off, he gradually saw those blood vessels expanding and contracting into a small bloody figure.

It has a thin and uneven female outline, but there is only an outline, like a skinned girl. The whole little girl's blood-red body is messily covered with large and small eyeballs and mouths, just like it is. I vaguely know the structure of a creature like my father, but I lack some detailed understanding.

But it felt restless and hungry.

This feeling drives it from birth, making it want to find him.

Its eyeballs reflected Linn's appearance.


Its mouth made unbearable sounds amid the fluctuations of desire.

But that's when it was ready to take further action.

Lynn sneezed loudly with her left hand.


The breeze outside the window was blowing.

The bloody silhouette of the girl tilted her head little by little in a twisted posture. The eyeballs left Linn's body and finally landed on Linn's left hand.

Those tiny blood vessels clung to Zuozuo's hand bit by bit.

Like some kind of spying.

Those small blood vessels wrapped around her fingers, and then gradually avoided the pain nerves, pulling a drop of blood from the back of her hand.

A moment.

A large amount of information about Zuo Zuo was deciphered and pulled from the blood information into her consciousness. Its chaotic thinking seemed to slowly understand its relationship with her father, and its eyeballs slowly revealed He felt pure jealousy and malice, and that malice soon turned into a strong desire to devour.

Just like nature is the root of evil.

Even if there are those good things covering it up, it can easily be affected by the bad nature and turn into another strong emotion.


and rejection born of intense jealousy.

Slowly, it tilted its head, wrapped Lin's left hand and raised it in front of it.

A crack slowly appeared on its neck. The crack was neatly lined with sharp teeth. Its head slowly moved back, opening its terrifying mouth with that evil killing intent. Feelings and morbid possessiveness towards the sleeping Zuo Zuo...

Bite hard.

Zuo Zuo: "(ΩДΩ) Wow!!"

Lin En: "(ΩДΩ) Fuck! It hurts!!"


When Lin En sat up suddenly, the twisted skinless blood-red girl had disappeared, replaced by the blood vessel thing lying intimately on his chest, making a gurgling sound, licking his wrist innocently and harmlessly, and the tooth mark on his wrist looked like a small harmless prank.

There was no evil look at all.

Lin En stared at his "daughter" who had climbed onto his bed at some point, his head was buzzing, and his scalp was numb.

Zuo Zuo said stiffly; "What...what?"

Lin En shook his head and said, "You fell asleep at that time. It was the embryo we found at the plague doctor. After she hatched, she came to me."

Zuo Zuo said stiffly: "Is this? But I felt like I was bitten hard just now. Is it an illusion?"

"No, there are teeth marks."

Lin En reached out and lifted Eve, who had been transformed like a small animal. When she lifted her up, the sticky secretions fell on the quilt like pulling silk. It looked like it had just been fished out of the sugar color, with an unusual luster.

Lin En hesitantly taught:

"Don't bite people casually, understand? You have to remember that you are a root. If you bite it casually, it may cause disability to people, understand?"

"Especially if you accidentally bite other places..."

Lin En emphasized this wriggling thing.

The squirming creature made a gurgling sound of intimacy, and its blood vessels were wrapped around Lin En's arm, with a sticky intimacy and goodwill.

But Zuo Zuo clearly felt that there seemed to be a little bit of strangeness, especially when looking at her, she always felt that there was always a special abnormal look in those eyeballs. For a mother's hand, this sixth sense is still very accurate.

But Zuo Zuo didn't think much about it.

After all, her nerves have always been big.


Zuo Zuo yawned, tilted her hand down, and there was no movement.

Lin En had no choice but to get out of bed and send the squirming creature in her arms back to its own room, and told:

"Although I know you don't need to sleep, you still have to be good and don't attack at night, understand?"

The squirming creature nodded its eyeballs intimately, and behaved very obediently.

He kept looking at Lin En and gently closed the door.

The night was quiet.

The unusual gurgling sound was heard again in the room.

A moment later, on the dark bed, the blood-red girl with no skin but only a body grew out in a twisted posture. She tilted her head and looked in the direction of the door, her eyes flashing with a morbid and strong possessive desire.

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