Another World: My life is on the rise!

Chapter 1549 The Canary in the Cage (Part 3)

It was the boy in the bottom of the boat who turned her in.

There was someone on the ship who could understand their language. Maybe he just wanted to exchange such a report for some better treatment, but there was no doubt that after she was discovered, their biology still did not change in any way, nor did they improve their understanding of the situation. any of their treatment.

Because even without this report, it would have been difficult for her to survive this long voyage with the meager food.

But she didn't die.

When she woke up again, she was hung like a trophy in the cage where he kept large birds.

She is too thin.

It can even be lifted up with one hand by the cage, showing off and admiring it like a pet.

But she never said a word from beginning to end.

Even when those people asked her about her experience in a language she was familiar with, she remained silent.

For sailors and crew members who have been sailing on the sea for a long time, sailing is an extremely boring thing, and they are also very happy to carry out bloody torture on those who illegally take their ships to stowaway, and then dock again. They are then sunk to the bottom of the sea to feed the fish.

There is no law here, the only law here is the captain.

But she didn't die.

But this is not God's protection, it is just because she is too insignificant, like a seabird that fell on the deck, and the reason why they kept her is also very simple, just like raising a monkey or myna, You can have fun during this boring voyage, or like the decent gentlemen of the upper class, raise your own little canary in the ballet theater.

One more thing.

She is really beautiful.

Even though she is already skinny, even if she is only a few years old, it is enough to see that she will be a beautiful lady who will attract attention in the future.

They could keep her and hide her in the deepest part of the cabin as the captain's most personal trophy, waiting for this little canary to slowly grow up and become delicious. Even if they didn't have any thoughts in this regard, With her exquisiteness, she can get a lot of money from selling it.

A new day begins on the ship.

She was kept in a cage every day, with her hands and feet shackled, and only fed a small amount of food.

Many sailors like to play tricks on her. They will drag her and the cage to the stern of the boat, watching the undulating waves submerge her hairline, and watching the white sharks from the deep sea surrounding her cage and being attracted eagerly. Usually they would let out bursts of loud laughter and drag her back from the stern of the boat together with the cage.

But thankfully.

Her puppy didn't die.

It had a new owner, and ever since she woke up, she could see it fawningly wagging its tail after the sailors, as if it had forgotten her, happily begging for some leftovers from them. Bones and scraps of food, bobbing their heads.

It seemed that it had really forgotten her previous owner.


She was finally allowed to come out of the cage, either because she neither cried nor laughed, or because she had never spoken and treated her as a mute. The sailors slowly lost interest in teasing her. Because you can't always maintain a high mood for a piece of wood for a long time.

She was asked to clean the wet deck below the cabin in shackles.

The corridor was dark and smelly.

She had to clean up for a long time every day, and was only allowed to return to her cage at the end of the night to eat the scraps left by the sailors.

But compared to the dozens of days when there was no food to eat, this was already very good.

every night.

She was leaning against the cage alone, holding her stuffed doll, thinking about what Sister Shirley had said to her.

"Even if you have to endure hardships, you must live well."

She closed her eyes.

She thought of that dream again, of the warm fireplace and blanket, of her mother, of her brother, of that little home...

And they are in the New World.

Soon! Soon.

Soon the sailing ship will dock, and she will definitely be able to find them...

That little bit of hope supported her, igniting the candle swaying in the cold wind in her heart, so that she would not be extinguished in the darkness.

But she still forgot.

Sometimes the evil in human nature strikes faster and more violently than you think.

She didn’t know how many days they spent on that boring and depressing voyage. She only knew that the cold winter in the north did not affect this place. They survived a sudden huge storm and finally survived. , and she also learned from their communication that they only had a few days left to sail from their destination.

During that time, the sailors and crew members on the ship also stopped frugal with supplies and supplies on the ship.

According to them.

After this voyage is over, each of them will be able to receive a large sum of money. The smuggling and trade of slaves now has almost a huge profit.

So in those few days.

There are banquets held every day on the ship. They hold rum and talk in various languages ​​​​about how they will spend and have fun after docking.

Everyone seemed to have forgotten about her.

Forgot about the little canary in the cage.

Until that night, when another banquet was over, she still quietly passed through the drunken sailors. She was authorized to clean up the garbage on the floor after the banquet. This job was good because you finally didn't have to eat those expired and spoiled food. You could pick up some of the sailors' leftovers to fill your stomach quietly.

She would put away the leftovers.

She would quietly go to the bottom warehouse and distribute the normal food to the hungry and tortured slaves through the small lookout.

She never spoke, but did it silently.

She saw the black boy.

He hid in the corner timidly, howling and not daring to look at her. He kowtowed to her and kept saying a lot of things, but she couldn't understand what he was saying.

She would quietly give them food and then crawl back to her cage under the cover of night.

But that night.

When she was walking through the corridor as usual and wanted to return to her cage, a huge shadow hidden behind the door suddenly grabbed her.

It was a drunken figure, with a strong smell of tobacco and alcohol in his breath. She recognized him as a sailor on the ship. He had had smallpox, and his face was full of pits and scars left by smallpox. In the strong smell of alcohol, he told her that he had a niece like her before, who was as beautiful and lovely as her, and even had the same eye color.

He said he hated those people in the church and his wife who was as ugly as a sow.

He said his niece was an angel like her.

They maintained an underground relationship for a long time until they were discovered and those people in the church burned her to death. He was lucky enough to escape across the ocean.

He said he hoped she could be his niece on the ship.

He missed her too much.

He missed her so much that he didn't want to wait for her to grow up, and didn't want to watch the little angel in his heart being treated as a private canary by his captain and first mate.

He said drunkenly.

Those eyes were filled with deep sins. She was familiar with that look, just like when Shirley knelt down to beg the foremen, she had also seen it in those people's eyes. It was a look more terrifying than a beast.

At that moment, her pupils dilated. She thought of Shirley and the pain that could not be concealed in her smiling eyes.

For the first time, she was afraid.

She didn't know how she broke free. She hugged her doll and rushed through the corridor quickly to escape.

But the tall figure chased her closely.

The alcohol on his body was like the devil's grin.

She fell several times.

She rushed to the room in the cabin and tried to close the door, but before she could do so, the drunken figure pushed it open heavily.

She could only hide in her own cage, just like all the pets on the ship that needed cages.

Those starlings, those cats, those snakes and peacocks.

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