Another World: My life is on the rise!

Chapter 1515 Don’t come in!

Because if it is really out of control.

As the first authority holder of the Colossus, she can also contain the bloody riot as quickly as possible.

"Queen, can you hear me..."

But at the moment when she had just finished speaking half of her words, her whole body stiffened while standing on the windowsill.

Because she immediately heard some strange sound from the Colossus network. The sound could not be identified at first, but soon, after she quickly established a synchronized colossus connection with her queen, she immediately Then I understood what was going on.

Because almost at that moment.

She felt the extremely violent and abnormal sensory fluctuations coming from her queen through the Colossus network.

That clear feeling is like...

It's like...


Her eyes became hollow, as if boiling water, and the abnormal blush spread from the roots of her neck to the tips of her hair.

And she quickly figured out what was going on through the shared vision.

In the first person perspective.

An evil, familiar guy seems to be falling to the ground! What strange activities were carried out.


Her mind went blank.

All kinds of blows and impacts made her feet on the window sill soften, and she fell backwards onto the bed with a pop.

"Are you... kidding!!"

First time.

The face of the girl who had always been unsmiling and maintained such an autistic and calm look at all times showed such an angry and angry expression mixed with a blush.

Because although it is true that he has tacitly agreed that his queen can allow them to grow together by becoming that bastard's left hand.

But it is absolutely unacceptable for something like this to happen!

Because that is her queen!

It's hers!

And more importantly, why did the information sent back from the Colossus network seem as if his queen had pushed him down and was working hard without any resistance...


She obviously shouted out without caring about her image.

Because how could it be shaking so violently!

Although the relationship between them is not like that of a secular king and queen, she is her queen after all, and seeing that her queen is now engaging in some indescribable and hateful behavior with that bastard, then No matter how you say it, it is mixed with an indescribable special feeling of being green!

But that's not the point.

The important thing is that she is still sharing her thoughts and senses with her in the Colossus Network, and what her queen experiences seems to be all happening on her body.

It was as if that evil guy had taken both of them at once...

"How could such a thing happen!"

She buried her eyes hard into the crook of her elbow, as if she was trying not to look at them. Her other hand stretched out toward the window tremblingly, and her two slender legs trembled even more. The ground wanted to move over, to stop that absurd behavior.

But that's the next moment.

As if being pushed back by a strong force, she suddenly fell backwards on her bed, with a look of panic clearly in her eyes.

And then, the legs were raised.

"You...are you kidding!"


Because the spirit and senses are shared, the behavior that happens on the queen's side obviously also affects her side. Because the senses can be shared, she obviously gets the same feedback from the force she receives there, and it is in that panic. At that time, she had already been affected by it, as if she was being done the same thing.

She immediately panicked and tried to disconnect herself from the queen.

The two slender hands were scratching randomly.

But at the moment when she wanted to disconnect, she suddenly realized that because she had forcibly broken into the Heart of the Colossus through the Colossus Network, she had forgotten that although as the Brain of the Colossus, she did have She has the highest authority over the Colossus, but in the realm of the Colossus' Heart, her authority is still lower than that of her queen.

And this means that unless the queen takes the initiative to kick her out, it will be very difficult for her to end the sharing.

Of course that doesn't mean it can't be lifted.

If she forcibly lifts it, it will also put some pressure on the queen, and the power there is now in a violent state. If she forcibly lifts it at this time, there is really no telling what bad accidents will happen.

"This...this is so ridiculous!"

she yelled.

Lying on the bed, she tried her best to cover her eyes with her elbows, trying not to let herself see the scene through the queen's perspective.

But because of sharing, even if she closes her eyes, those images will appear in her consciousness.

On the contrary, I can see it more clearly.

What's more important is that the excessive feeling comes one after another.

It's like he was being taken over by him at the same time...

And it was at this time that there were suddenly several clear knocks on the door outside her room, and Sir Egwene's questioning voice came from outside the door.

"Colossus, are you there? I have finished watching the memory image of the Cursed City that you intercepted. Although I can't remember it, I have a rough idea of ​​what happened during that time. You said you would give me a more recent file in the afternoon, so I came here. Colossus, are you in the room?"


She opened her eyes wide.

The sudden voice of Sir Egwene interrupted her attempt to sit up and fly out of the window.


She almost forgot, because she had promised the Cyber ​​Ascendant today to sort out the information about the recent events in the Night City for him.


And at this moment of distraction, the sharing from the queen suddenly acted on her, and her petite body fell on the bed again, and under her trembling gaze, her body seemed to be put in that strange posture.

"Colossus, what's wrong?"

Sir Egwene's doubtful voice came from outside the door. He didn't probe his perception because it was impolite, but he clearly heard a slight movement from the room just now.

Is something wrong?

"Can I come in?"

He said.

He was about to push the door.

But at that moment, the urgent voice of the Colossus's brain, which seemed to suppress the panting sound, suddenly came from inside the door.

"Don't come in!"

Sir Egwene was stunned and stopped his outstretched hand.

Because he clearly heard a hint of abnormality in the Colossus' voice, but he couldn't tell what was wrong for a while.

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