Another World: My life is on the rise!

Chapter 1442 Mage Tower under the blue sky!

It is indeed the jailer. The closer you get to him, the more certain it becomes, because there is only one existence in this hell that can remain beyond the source without being suppressed by the curse, and although he tries hard to keep himself calm, when you really When you get close, the breath that escapes casually makes your heart beat wildly.

And when he finally approached the being kneeling at the end of the column.

Lin En's eyes suddenly moved.

Because at the very end of where he was kneeling on the ground, he felt a breath that was extremely familiar to him. He looked at the figure kneeling on the ground with difficulty, hidden in the black robe, and his weakness was different from the surrounding people. Compared with those existences, they seem so out of place.

"The Controller of Vision..."

His pupils trembled and stopped, and he said calmly.

"Is it you?"

The figure trembled obviously, but he knelt there without moving, with his head lowered, as if there was some huge authority that prevented him from responding even a word.

And at that moment Linn finally saw it.

He has shackles on him.

He was actually still alive. It seemed that the jailers did not kill him. The huge pupils that covered the sky in the black mist that day once again appeared in his mind, and this made him feel even more absurd. Because what kind of authority can make him...

Linn's eyes became serious.

He tried asking him.

But the figure with the aura of vision was kneeling there like a sculpture, with his head lowered, and didn't give him any reaction.

Lin En's heart gradually became cold.

He squinted.

Finally, along the cobblestone path, among the densely packed figures kneeling on the ground, they walked step by step towards the mage tower in the center.

The further he moved forward, the more he felt unspeakable trembling.

Because of those jailers.

Too many.

At that moment, he even saw a few of them, and they actually had the same aura as the corpses he saw on the battlefield.

In other words, many beings here may have died once, but they are still here...

And this has to make your hair stand on end.

There was silence.

The silence takes your breath away.

Only Lin En's footsteps sounded among the densely packed jailers standing here.

And finally.

He stopped solemnly in front of the towering mage tower, suppressed the tension in his heart, and slowly raised his head.

But the more he looked at it, the more strange he felt, because this mage tower did not look brilliant. Even the castle of Happy House looked more majestic than it. And there was a fence outside the mage tower. You even You can see the few benches and bamboo benches placed there in the nondescript circled yard like a pastoral.

Just the only one that's a little weird.

It was covered with fine dust and looked like it hadn't been taken care of for a long time.

Linn raised an eyebrow.

He glanced at the extremely powerful shadows kneeling outside the courtyard.


He held out his hand.

He tried to push open the gate of the fence outside the mage tower.

But at the moment when he pushed away, he was suddenly startled. At that moment, it was like countless memories that did not belong to him flashed before his eyes in a daze, as if he had been there for a long, long time. I lived here and spent many long years in that tranquility.

He walked into the yard subconsciously.

Right there on the dusty table.

He saw a ring.

It was also covered with dust, as if it had been placed here by its owner for countless years, but it was broken and no longer what it was before.

Linn was stunned.

It wasn't until a voice sounded from the mage tower that he suddenly woke up.

"Come in."

That voice had an unfamiliar familiarity to it.

It was like the distant cry coming from that dream, ethereal and ancient, like the endless blue of the sky.

Linn frowned again.

He held out his hand.

Stretching towards the wooden door of the mage tower.

And just when he was hesitating, the door creaked open on its own.

He stared blankly into the mage tower, and it was at that moment that he saw the talking figure clearly. At that moment, a huge sense of familiarity rumbled over him, making his pupils dilate in an instant, but he He quickly suppressed it with force.

In the living room of the mage tower, in front of the table that was also covered with dust.

He saw the figure sitting there, hidden in the blue.

She was silent.

You still can't see her true appearance.

But you can feel the traces of time emanating from her body, the loneliness and fragility that cannot be concealed. When she looked at him, he saw the pair of eyes under the brim of her hat that were as blue as the sky outside. Her eyes are still so slender and small, and even at that moment you feel a kind of pity, a kind of sadness flowing from the bottom of your heart for no reason.

Linn was sure...that he had seen her.

From the beginning of that dream until he confronted the clown in the air, he gradually remembered that name and the dream that he didn't know whether it was real or illusory after falling.

That time.

He seemed to have talked to her a lot, and he didn't know why he felt so strangely familiar when he saw her.

It's like you are in front of her.

I dare to do this.

But later, until he gradually understood his situation and the meaning of the magic circle, he felt cold, because the familiar feeling did not come from him, but from another person.

Lin En gradually stabilized his emotions and looked at the girl.

"What should I call you?"

And the moment he said this, he suddenly felt a dull pain in his heart, but he soon realized that this pain did not come from him.

The blue figure did not speak.

She just stared at his cheek for a long time, and that look seemed to be filled with countless emotions that he could not understand, so long that it seemed to be traced back to the beginning of time.

But he soon realized something.

That was sadness.

Rumble rumble rumble --

Suddenly, there were huge shocks from the outside world, causing the entire magic tower and the ground under his feet to rumble and tremble, but Lin En soon realized that it did not come from here, but from the outside world. Something was impacting outside the blue sky.

At the moment when the shock came, the figure of the girl in front of him seemed to shake into the chaotic colors, but was soon replaced by the pale blue.

Lin En's heart finally couldn't stop beating wildly at this moment.

Because he was finally sure.

Not much time had passed, he was still in the dark world, and he still summoned the darkness.

And in front of him.

This girl...

was the endless...

chaotic colors that spanned the sky above hell!

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