Another World: My life is on the rise!

Chapter 1396: The aftermath of being dumped!

These things were learned from the horizon the day after Linn said goodbye to Silver Fantasy.

At that time, the great transformation of the Mechanicum was already in full swing.

And this may be another major event that happened after the War in the Desire Realm that caught the attention of the entire dark world. The rise of the Seven Gods is almost unstoppable.

"So, in the last chapter, she came here to find you, and brought so many mechanical legions with her. Maybe she didn't come to attack you, but was actually fleeing?"

Zuo Zuo asked.

【bite! You left the horizon, Skull Coin -500]

Following the prompts in his ears, Lin En, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, opened his eyes and withdrew his consciousness from the field of vision.

He held his chin, adjusted his monocle, and said:

"There is a high probability that when we left Lao Wankun's main nest before, one of the seven gods' generals had already taken control of the Suzheng Council, and the failure of Zhinao and Ex Machina's expeditionary legion is basically certain. It is impossible for them to gain too much power in front of the Seven Gods."

"But I still didn't expect that all this would happen so quickly. I can only say that the person who controls the Mechanicus now is indeed a vigorous and resolute guy."

Lynn glanced sideways.

"Judging from the information currently available."

"They did exactly what I expected. Ms. Omnic became their target right away. After all, as a part of the overall omnic civilization, her subset is still too weak. They can eat her or use her for other purposes. It’s impossible for the Seven Gods to coexist with her.”

And it's obvious.

Perhaps this internal war of division had already begun before he let Silver Fantasy go back.

This is a great purge.

It targets not only the Silver Fantasy, but also the large amount of uploaded consciousnesses that have been absorbed in the dark world for thousands of years after the fall of Old Wankun.

In a sense, those uploaded consciousnesses do not belong to the omnic civilization. Before the separation of the Seven Gods, there were only two real omnic civilizations, Lao Wankun and Silver Fantasy. Like Colossus, they are essentially countless consciousnesses. A collection that evolved after ascension, but Lao Wankun was the real subject, and Miss Omnic was later re-differentiated.

"That would be interesting if that's the case."

A mysterious smile appeared on Lin En's face, and she adjusted her monocle.

"The message said that the one who replaced the uploaded consciousness is a brand new consciousness, and it is extremely loyal. So how do you think the Seven Gods just split apart and created so many Martian soldiers out of thin air at once? Is it a cheat? ?”

Zuo Zuo was surprised: "You don't mean to say..."

Lin En's lips curled up slightly and he said: "Maybe we shouldn't call them the Seven Gods now, maybe the Six Gods or the Five Gods, because since they are the collection of the entire omnic civilization, even if they dismember one of the gods, It should be reasonable to reconstruct the governance system of their omnic civilization, right?"

Zuo Zuo was instantly horrified.

Lin En poked his useless left hand and said:

"It's like Zuo Zuo is the queen of the Colossus. One day when he is no longer useful, he presses Zuo Zuo on the board and chops him into little pieces of meat. Then Zuo Zuo's little pieces of meat slowly grow into more Colossus consciousnesses, a After two or three or something like Zuo Zuo appear, won’t the previous Colossus civilization come back?”

Zuo Zuo (ΩДΩ)? !

Lin En smiled, his eyes flashing, and said:

"I'm afraid it has been planned from the beginning. Although I don't want to admit it, this kind of person is indeed more difficult to deal with than Lao Wankun. So Zuo Zuo, guess who they are tearing down this time?"

Zuo Zuo said in horror: "Light...Light Banquet?"

Linn smiled lightly and glanced at the semi-finished machine in his system space.

"So you feel terrified. I almost demolished their entire main nest, but he didn't move at all. It's not that he didn't dare to fight me, but that he had a plan that was more in line with their interests. In just a moment, he Treat me like a pawn,"

"Guang Yan's consciousness may have been dismantled now, which is why so many omnic consciousnesses were born."

"And if that's the case."

Linn stood up from the ground, patted the dust on his body, turned his head and looked in the direction where Silver Fantasy and the others left.

He said slowly:

"I'm afraid she won't be able to escape the fate of being demolished even if she is found."

After listening to his analysis, Zuo Zuo once again felt the cruelty and horror of this dark world, and the back of his hands became numb.


In fact, in this hell, killing and calculation are actually the real subjects.

It's just that this Minato is so proficient in dealing with this situation that you don't feel anything big about it, but just because you don't feel it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

"That is to say...the current Mechanicus has actually split..."

Zuo Zuo said in a daze.

Lin En looked in that direction from a distance, raising his head, and the black mist was steaming.

He smiled lightly and adjusted his monocle.


"Because she finally learned to be selfish and think about herself, she finally became a human being."

"I'm very happy."

She is no longer confused.

The biggest difference between machines and humans is here. In the past, she might have directly voluntarily dismantled herself because of an order from the Seven Gods, or frequently formatted herself. She didn't realize what went wrong. In fact, the real reason is that she does not regard herself as a person, but only as a part of the collective.

But it's different now.

She truly has herself.

And if that's the case...

Lin En closed her eyes, held the back of her head, turned around in stride, and turned her back to the long stretch of yellow sand.

"I have to get her over here."

Linn raised his fist seriously.


Zuo Zuo (꒪Д꒪) said: "Do you have a serious problem with your head? I drew such a big Dao before to break up with you, and you forgot about it in the blink of an eye?!"

Lin En adjusted his monocle, closed his eyes and said:

"Yes, but what does the drawing with Linn have to do with my small refrigerator?"

Zuo Zuo was shocked.


Linn jumped back through the long and deep passage.

"Isn't this just jumping over? It's just a line. Who doesn't know how to draw a line? And since the past has been overturned, isn't it okay? It's okay. I'll flirt again in a few days. she."

Zuo Zuo was so shocked that he couldn't say a word.


This guy! !

"You're coming out all of a sudden?! You're not going to cry or be sad for a while?!"

Zuo Zuo said in shock.

Lin En touched his chin and thought: "It seems right. After all, it is considered a lovelorn. The flowers are broken into pieces. If I don't cry..."

He fell silent.

It brewed for a few seconds.

Feeling the sadness.



The next moment, Lin En burst into tears, howled loudly, and wiped her eyes hard with her sleeves.

【bite! Your morals-1]

【bite! Your morals-1]

So in that vast wilderness, the lovelorn boy walked alone in mourning, tears streaming down his face, as if he had encountered the saddest thing in the world, and the entire wilderness was filled with his sad cries. He made a loud sound, wiping his tears vigorously, as if he would die sadly at any time.

"I'm out of love! I'm out of love!"

Zuozuo(≧口≦)o said: "Idiot!! Idiot, you're trying to get your head in! Your crying is too fake!! How can you cry like this all at once!! Can you be more sincere? good!!"

"I was dumped! I was dumped! °(°ˊДˋ°) °!"


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