Another World: My life is on the rise!

Chapter 1394 Either kill me or follow me!

And maybe life is like this.

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On the wasteland, Lin En sat there silently waiting, smoking one cigarette after another. Even if Zuo Zuo cried loudly, he did not move.

Until time passed by minute by minute.

Until the sound of crying gradually weakened and then disappeared.

Zuo Zuo turned back into his left hand, but this time she didn't say anything. The moment she turned back into his left hand, her flesh and blood pierced into his eroded arm like a lock, firmly as if no method could be removed.

Lin En raised his hand, looked at his left hand, and suddenly smiled:

"I didn't say I was going to throw you away."

But Zuo Zuo was silent.

But how could Lin En not know her attitude? He raised his head, looked at the sky, and sat alone under the desolate black fog.

"Then let's wait together."


Time passed quickly.

It was clearly a few hours, but it felt as long as several years.

There was even a moment when Lin En thought that she might not come.

But when Lin En opened his eyes again.

He clearly saw the familiar figure under the black fog, like a bubble in the water, she appeared in front of him.

She still came.

The wind under the black fog blew the yellow sand and dust.

Just like seven or eight hours ago, it was still the body that Lin En had repaired, as if nothing had changed. She did not restore the data she had lost. She was still the ignorant mechanical race who did not even understand the Mechanicus and the Purge of Flesh and Blood.

But her surprisingly calm eyes still told him.

She was back.

She stood there, her eyes were like the eternal ice field, flowing with the rolling digital torrent.

The wind and sand were blowing.

Lin En adjusted the bird-beak mask and said slowly:

"Look, am I keeping my word? I said I would wait for you here, and I did not break my promise, did I? Miss Omnic."


The burst of light at that moment was like the dawn passing under the endless black fog.

Lin En raised his head, and the sharp monomolecular sword was already against his neck. A certain amount of erosion was evaporated bit by bit in the strong and murderous light of the monomolecular sword.

Time seemed to stop.

In the light of the monomolecular sword, he saw her eyes up close, without emotion or fluctuation.


The bird-beak mask on his face exploded in the residual power of the monomolecular sword.

Lin En's cheek was exposed.

"It seems that your data has been restored. The technical strength of the Mechanicus is indeed very strong. If we talk about technology, your technology is still very trustworthy."

He said with a slight smile.

Silver Fantasy said nothing, staring at him intently, the sharp monomolecular sword sank into his flesh bit by bit.

But he could see the sparks from her body.

That was because the repaired body could not bear her huge data flow.

But she still came.

But there was no tension on Lin En's face. He was still calm and smiled, letting the flesh of his neck be cut.

"So do you still want to hear the second half of the story I told you?"

"It's a mess."

"But I haven't thought about the ending yet, because it's really a very tiring thing... But now you can write it, no matter how you put an end to this chapter."

"I accept it."

Silver Fantasy stared at him intently, holding the monomolecular sword in her hand tighter and tighter.

Her emotions were turbulent.

But Lin En could feel that she was holding back.

That was just a story. If there was no beginning and no end, maybe it could really become a perfect fairy tale. It seemed acceptable to die in a dream like that.

But the dream was broken.

Then there would be no way back.

In the yellow sand.

Only the two figures stood opposite each other. The sword in her hand crossed his neck. The eyes full of hatred were like the final performance of this drama.

But she finally withdrew her hand.


She whispered.

The strong wind blew her hairline. Lin En's eyes reflected her. He subconsciously wanted to move forward, but in an instant, one after another deadly light was locked on him.

In the surging black fog above his head, the Death Star Hive that covered the sky was like a prehistoric beast floating in the sky. Countless dense warships and aircraft, like dense meteors, covered the entire sky covered by the black fog.

Looking around, the sky was full of stars.

Lin En stood there, motionless, his eyes still looking at the figure so close.

"This is the last time."

"I know you hate me, so I don't want to hide anymore, because there will be no result, so I stand in front of you now and leave the decision to you, but no matter what, I hope this is the last time."

He calmly stretched out his hand to her.

"Either kill me or you come with me."

Endless silence.

Suffocating like the vast wilderness covered by yellow sand.

The countless warships and mechanical legions locked onto him, and the bone-deep murderous intent seemed to be able to freeze the entire sky.

Silver Fantasy slowly got up from the ground. She lowered her head. No one could see the expression under her hairline. Her fists slowly clenched.

"You don't let me die - just to tell me this?"

Lin En looked at her and said:

"Just think that I have a change of heart. I don't ask for any forgiveness. The difference in our positions determines our mutual situation. When I want to withdraw, it's too late, but the decision is yours. If you want to go with me, I will take you away. If you don't want to, then kill me. I won't fight back."

The atmosphere around was silent.

Silver Fantasy finally slowly raised her head and looked at him with a look that no one could understand.

"Is this the result you gave me?"

Lin En looked at her and said, "Yes."

"If you can't let it go, I can..."

Bang -

The punch landed heavily on his face, and his words were interrupted on the spot. His body flew out heavily in the splash of erosion marks.

There was no holding back, and there was no gap.

He could only see those cold eyes staring at him like death, and punch after punch landed on him, each punch seemed to take his life.

It was like some kind of venting.

Some kind of huge hatred and suffering.

Under the vast mechanical army, in the vast wilderness, punch after punch landed on him.

No one understood what kind of emotion that was.

He kept beating Lin En until he was covered with scars and almost torn to pieces.

PS: I have been seriously stuck these days, sorry.

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