Another World: My life is on the rise!

Chapter 1390 The highest SS-level threat!

A mix of chattering noises came intermittently from the data terminal.

And at the next moment, the prompt sound stopped abruptly. In the data contact of Silver Fantasy, an AI face composed entirely of numbers emerged among the noise, and that was when the battleship AI was activated. In an instant, the instruments and equipment in the entire cabin were activated simultaneously.

And almost instantly, the battleship AI completed scanning the entire cabin.

"I see you—Miss Omnic—"

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The AI's voice suddenly sounded in Silver Fantasy's central processor.

"The fleet that is rushing to your rescue has been attacked - the flagship data terminal has been dormant for 7 days and 13 hours - I belong to the 21st sequence advance fleet of your expeditionary corps - in the second hour after being attacked - we took over Urgent message from Hive 3——(noise)——”

"The Mother Tree of Desire has left the target coordinates - the expedition failed - the last order we got was-"

But that was the moment before it finished speaking.

Scanning the entire battleship cabin, Linn's face was captured almost instantly.

A moment.

The light traces in the entire cabin instantly turned from white to red, and the light of the camera instantly locked onto Linn's figure standing there.



The battleship's intelligent AI recognized the guy who had caused their Mechanicus to suffer huge losses at a glance.

Linn could even hear the tremor in the voice when she saw him.

"Miss Omnic—let's go—!"

Brushing, brushing, brushing——


The steel walls in several areas of the cabin suddenly deformed, and the defense system in the cabin was activated. Laser rays burst out one after another in an instant, and shot towards Linn without any hesitation.

Linn was immediately shocked.

"Are you sure? Are you sure you want to hit me with the energy I provide you?"


Linn immediately unplugged the Colossus Heart plugged into the cable.

The moment it was unplugged, the operation of the defense system and various instruments and equipment in the entire cabin stopped instantly, directly losing the energy supply. Even the floating digital intelligent AI in the center flickered. To dim.

"Omnic... Miss - 呲呲呲 (noise) - run away... the target has been positioned as... the highest SS level threat... target - upload... proceed immediately -"


The intermittent voice finally entered the dormant state of crashing again after Linn unplugged the phone.

Silver Fantasy's expression did not change. He just turned his head and looked in Lin's direction. He didn't know what he was thinking of writing in his calm eyes.

But Lynn ignored it.

As if he heard nothing, he strode up to Silver Fantasy and opened the screen of the operation terminal in front of her.

"I didn't expect that after being eroded for so long, it still retains a basic AI. But that's fine. This also shows that the data information of this fleet has not been lost too seriously."

Lin En smiled, and transferred a little bit of energy that could only maintain the operation of the terminal hardware. With his fingers clicking, he quickly passed the completed permissions of Silver Fantasy and began to invade its database.

Silver Fantasy looked at the screen calmly, watching him quickly copy the battleship's information database.

She finally said:

"It made me run away - and I couldn't remember anything - and lost a lot of data - it was afraid of you -"

She finally turned her head and looked at Lin En's side face closely, her eyes calm.

But she didn't continue to ask.

Just watching.

The surrounding atmosphere fell into a brief silence.

Lin En manipulated the panel, slightly raised the corner of his mouth, and said: "Normally, many things in this dark world are afraid of me, including the Mechanicus, but you don't have to be like this, I am working hard to help you recover your data, and I will wait for you to think of everything. After you get up, of course you will know who I am."

"Of course, if you really think I have any ill intentions towards you, the choice is yours."

He did not continue to explain.

Focus all your attention on collecting and copying data.

Only Silver Fantasy still stared at him for a long time. Her hand slowly grasped the hilt of the monomolecular sword, and the flow of numbers flashed in her eyes.

Time seems to be suffocating.

But no.

In the end she did nothing.

"Okay! Data collection completed!"

Lin En held the single eye with satisfaction, operated it with a smile, and said:

"Luckily, this warship does have an uploading device. If it is repaired, it may still be used. Oh, and there are also live records of the march. Now you have everything you want."

Linn reached out and opened the last video record before the battleship crashed.


Accompanied by bursts of noise.

Pictures began to appear on the screen, and the time of the video recording was displayed on the lower right, which should be before and after the crash.

The black mist was billowing, and through the gaps in the black mist, one could vaguely see frigates flying past the screen one after another at high speed. Judging from the command records received at that time, Lin En's conjecture was indeed confirmed. The crashed battleship should indeed be a flagship of the fleet that Zhinao mentioned at the time.

According to the records, the fleet that rushed to the battlefield was a legion drawn from the dozen or so branches of the Mechanicus closest to there.

From eight directions.

To quickly rush to the location of the Mother Tree of Desire.

And this battleship was one of them.

Time kept passing, and in the picture, Lin En clearly saw that the flagship began to jump, and a large number of fleets also entered the folding state almost at the same time, but because of the suppression of the power level by Hell, the more powerful the unit, the more difficult it was to teleport and fold, which also led to them wanting to rush to the battlefield quickly. They had to perform several large-scale jump operations.

And that was the next moment.

In the picture, that is, when the battleship just left the jump gate and appeared at the other end.


The huge sound can be clearly felt even through the screen.

In the picture, they clearly captured the extension of the black fog, which suddenly seemed to have been ambushed, and the huge blood tumor that burst out at their entire fleet.

When the tumor exploded on the surface of the warship, a large amount of flesh plague quickly spread over the entire warship like maggots on the tarsal bones.


Lin En pinched his chin and repeatedly stared at the flesh giant hidden in the black fog that appeared in the picture.

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