Another World: My life is on the rise!

Chapter 1369 I feel guilty because I can’t be like him!

Tunnel deep in the tree trunk.

Green smoke billowed out from the muzzle of the pale demon-hunting revolver in Lin's hand. He gasped violently and staggered back. There were two finger-width bullet holes in his chest and temples, and a gurgling flow of sticky liquid Etch marks.

And in front of him.

Silver Fantasy was still lying there, with her eyes closed tightly like a sleeping beauty. The thick flesh-and-blood plague kept regenerating and climbing up her body, but her lips were still covered with viscous liquid.

Linn panted violently, holding the demon-hunting revolver in his drooping hand.

There is still huge madness in his eyes.


Hard to guard against! As always, as long as you are subtle, he will take advantage of you as long as you don't pay attention.

Even all your thoughts are in line with your logic, and it even makes you feel that this is what you originally thought. It is really just a little bit away, just a little bit away from him being like the last time. slave.

But maybe this is the other side of you, right?

Because no matter whether you interpret the mini-refrigerator or not, he was originally born out of you. Even if you resist thinking of yourself as him, isn't the end point of love just desire?

And now you just need to possess her.

Then everything about her belongs to you, and the so-called guilt is just a trivial emotion reflected by your human soul. Why should a truly powerful person care?

It's like there's an evil spirit climbing on you, whispering softly into your thoughts.

And listened for a long time.

It’s as if the person whispering is actually you.

Linn said crazily:

"Yes, that's right. You're right. You've been dormant on me for so long. Don't you just want to see me do this?"

Who do you think you are talking to.

You just don’t dare to face your heart and your desires. You have been restrained by human values ​​​​for too long, but if you think about it, you should understand that from the moment you lose your heart, you are no longer You are human, and later you even lost your body, but as a result, you became more chaotic and more powerful than them.

Because no one cursed you at all.

You just have that little bit of human delusion left in you.

Just like at that moment, half of his face became mysterious and full of smile, but the smile was also full of madness.

"Only you know how happy you are in the deepest part of your heart, because what is good and bad, what is righteous and evil, those are just certain standards set by man. What you really want is the one without A chaotic world of rules and standards, enjoying and possessing to your heart’s content, ah! How wonderful it is!”



Lin En's half of his face suddenly shrunk. He held the revolver in his hand, staggered forward and back, grabbing his own face, and let out bursts of irrational and terrifying laughter.

"And haven't you always done this?"

"You possess the Brain of the Colossus, you possess the Mother Tree of Desire, and even you in another world want her to surround you tightly, because if you don't let more people around you, you will surely You will also feel as lonely as being abandoned.”

The face that looked exactly like his suddenly appeared in the back of his head again, with the corners of his mouth curled up indulgently, just like another side of his heart.

You don't need to resist at all.

Because as long as you accept the desire in your heart, I will naturally disappear, because I am you, the one you want, the real you.

Driven by those voices, Linn moved closer to the girl step by step, with turmoil and madness flashing in his eyes.

That's right.

That's it.

She will fall in love with you soon. If she accepts a part of you, she will never mind accepting all of you. And you only need a little trick to add her to your collection. You Don't you want her to die? Then tie her to you forever, even if she doesn't want to for the time being, what does it matter?

Sooner or later she will figure it out.

Bewitching voices kept ringing.

Linn finally came close to her again, his eyes were crazy, his desire was so charming, it was like a poison.

He slowly extended his hand.

His fingers caressed her cheeks and slowly brushed her touching lips.

That's right.

How beautiful she is.

Her soul is also so pure and flawless in the hive, and such a soul must be possessed by yourself. You cannot leave her to anyone, and aren't you always feeling guilty? Then use your actions to make up for this guilt. As long as you get her, all the emotions will disappear.

But Linn's hand stopped.

"You know what I feel guilty about?"

Linn said crazily.

You feel guilty that you hurt her, you feel guilty that you cheated on her, don't you?


His voice rang out throughout the corridor.

The wind coming from the end of the corridor blew the black hair on his forehead, his lips opened and closed little by little, and the madness and clarity in his eyes fought and intertwined with each other.

"What I feel guilty about is that I can no longer be a person like a small refrigerator. What I feel guilty about is that after I went to hell, I slowly turned into a madman."


The surroundings slowly became quiet.

It was as if some kind of war was going on fiercely.

"So you are still wrong."

He slowly withdrew his hands, drooped his head with difficulty, gritted his teeth as if he was wearing extremely heavy shackles, and climbed up little by little.

"I never wanted to go to hell, and I never thought of becoming such a heavy-hearted guy. I could have lived without thinking about anything. Even if our family's way of doing things is not acceptable to everyone, I don't need to speculate about others with the greatest malice every time like now!"

Then everything changed.

He suddenly woke up from the moment his heart was dug out.

It turns out that innocence and kindness can never protect oneself. This is the real hell and no longer the interpretation at home. You must make yourself accept and adapt, you must wear a thick mask, and make yourself chaotic and crazy enough to resist all fears!

Then that Lin En disappeared.

Instead, there was a crazy ghost who was constantly imitating and growing, a madman.

Then slowly, he could no longer take off the mask on his face.

Until one day.

He wrote that character on a whim, jokingly endowed him with a soul, and made him come alive briefly in the play, just as an indescribable bad taste in the past.


You met a girl who treated you sincerely in this false performance...

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