Another World: My life is on the rise!

Chapter 1357 Are you sure you want to play with me?

And that's what he just said.

In the standby area of ​​the internal factory, Lin En's repair robot has already come to the terminal area that controls the automated operation of the entire factory along the long internal corridor.


Accompanied by the drop of blood-red potion in his hand falling on the ground under his feet.

In an instant.

It's like fallen leaves taking root.

As soon as the blood-red plague potion touched the steel on the ground, it quickly spread at a speed visible to the naked eye. In the microscopic field, the rapid erosion and corruption of the metal was like a huge disaster, densely spreading and wrapping the entire terminal.

And almost instantly, the face of the intelligent brain that was confronting Lin En suddenly changed.

In his consciousness network, a large area of ​​red alarm appeared inside the three-dimensional image inside the hive, and her connection with the area over there was instantly disconnected.

[You hide the flesh and blood plague in my hive? ! ]

At that moment, she realized the seriousness of the problem.

Along with the alarm in the nearby area, the all-round surveillance screen there was instantly opened.

She immediately saw the flashy repair robot that he had used to work inside the hive to earn points some time ago. That's right! That was one of the vehicles he had used before!

But how could this be possible!

If there was still a part of his soul left in the hive, with her control over the entire hive, she couldn't have failed to discover it!

[What did you do? ! ]

Lin En closed his eyes and raised a finger and said:

"Details, AI, when you are on the line with me, if you don't try hard to think of all the places where I might have made a move, how can you beat me, AI?"

"You don't think that I really worked so hard to work for Miss Smart, do you? If that's the case, then you are really too naive."

He adjusted his monocle and showed a sly smile on his face.

Although it does hurt to think about it now.

After all, it was so sincere.

But he still couldn't help but mix some overly rational things in it for his own use, and when he used it afterwards, he really felt that he had been thoroughly infected by the bad habits of hell.

He wiped the moisture from the corners of his eyes.

After all, when cooking for everyone, he didn't forget to hide rat poison in it...

"But it's really useful, isn't it?"

In a moment.

"Warning-Warning-The plague has spread on a large scale-Factory Area 18 is disconnected from the main network-"

"The target is heading to the next area-Please search for the enemy immediately-"

The piercing alarm sounded in the network controlled by the intelligent brain.

And this is Lin En's purpose, because the existence of the data world still depends on the physical foundation. The external defense of the hive is indeed extremely powerful. It is indeed a difficult thing for the vines of the mother tree of desire to break the outer layer of the hive in a period of time.

But everything is relative.

If the outside is strong, the inside must be soft, not to mention that during the time when Lin En was working, he had already thoroughly explored her inside inside and out.

Now controlling the little robot is just like going home.

Lin En closed his eyes and whispered:

"It's useless, AI, that's your logistics area. No one has penetrated into your interior for thousands of years. Too comfortable and conceited, in fact, your will has long been corrupted, right? I can upload the action route of my robot to you, you can think about how to defend it. There is no automated machinery on that route, and if you control the combat units to clean it up..."

"Then don't blame me for using you as a breakthrough point for my ability."

So what should you do now?

If you dare to connect to the real unit, I will influence you with desire.

If you don't dare, I will spread the plague everywhere and break your data partition from the physical level bit by bit.

In the hive, the AI ​​is eagerly searching for all the measures that can be mobilized.

She didn't say a word to Lin En, and immediately used her data network to connect to the combat unit closest to the robot, but almost at the moment of activation, the huge desire attack spread instantly, forcing her to disconnect from it immediately in the shortest time.

[Asshole - you bastard -! ]

She gritted her teeth and immediately adjusted the automation program, wanting to rely on the firepower outside the hive to smash the huge tree trunk that was holding the hive.

But it didn't work!

There was not enough time!

And because of the problem of shooting angle, less than one-third of the secondary guns could really reach those roots.

But this didn't mean that she had no way!

[Start the energy mode - start the No. 1 hive engine - rise at full speed - get rid of his restraints! ]

She gritted her teeth and gave the order.

She did choose the best option now. When the desire attack blocked most of the outside area, as long as the hive was pulled up into the black fog, forcibly broke the restraints of his huge root system and interrupted his contact with the hive, she could still turn defeat into victory!

Rumble, rumble—

Under the huge kinetic energy, the huge beehive began to rise, and the huge root system holding the bottom of the beehive was also tightened little by little.

As long as they escape from the Desire Mother Tree's range of desire before the flesh and blood plague affects the core engine, the battle situation can still be controlled by her!

Lin En was surprised:

"Intelligent brain, are you sure you want to play with me like this?"

Intelligent brain said coldly:

[We have known each other before - and I know the current state of the Desire Mother Tree better - it is you who lacks time now - you can't afford it - but I can -]

The corner of his mouth curled up.


The current state of the Desire Mother Tree is indeed very bad. Just now, after suppressing the curse, it can only stimulate this part of the control of the power of desire by making her soul turbulent.

Although it is said that all their conventional forces have been swept away, and the two major hives have temporarily lost their mobility due to the attack of desire, as long as the No. 1 hive is still there, they will still have a hard time leaving.

"We could have cooperated, but since this is the case..."

Lin En smiled and tapped his temple, switching to his main consciousness living in the Sea Heir Body.

His Sea Heir Body slowly opened his eyes.

Then he took out his curse pupil from the system space.

Gently gave the roots spreading under his feet.

As the roots gurgled, the eyeball also merged into it little by little.

He said softly:

"You also said that we have some understanding of each other, so you should also know that you are not only facing the Mother Tree of Desire, but also facing me..."

"You should also understand that I am the most terrifying one."


Almost at that moment, Lin En installed the Curse Eye in the tree trunk.

With the sudden opening of the Curse Eye on the trunk, it instantly locked onto the rising hive.


At that moment.

The huge power from the Mother Tree of Desire instantly poured into the Curse Eye, causing the eyeball to emit a terrible curse wave in an instant.

"I think this is the first time you have tasted the curse released by the root body?"

In an instant.

The pupils completed the focus.

And the intelligent brain in the hive also instantly detected an extremely terrible curse chill, which made her face change drastically.

But it was too late.

"Curse, activate."

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