Another World: My life is on the rise!

Chapter 1344 Is it finally time to cut?

Lin En read a large number of historical documents.

Lin En's eyes flickered constantly, and he fully browsed this period of history of the intelligent machine civilization.


If that's the case, then it is indeed connected.

Before, Miss Intelligent Machine told him about the development process of their entire civilization in the early stage, and the history he saw now should be the development process of the "Seven Gods Co-governance" period before and after the mechanical ascension.

It is also the birth of the Seven Gods.

"I see."

Lin En adjusted his monocle thoughtfully and said:

"I roughly understand that your so-called Seven Gods should be several clusters that have made outstanding contributions to your entire civilization during your development process. From this point of view, the Rectification Council was not created after Lao Wankun fell into hell. They existed in the middle stage of your civilization and have a very ancient history."

And in that period.

There was no king.

The seven members of the Rectification Council were the Seven Gods at that time.

It was only the change of the situation and the final unification that made the then Council of Strictness ascend to the later Wanji, but the tradition of the Council of Strictness was still preserved, and after their fall, they served as the highest ruling authority of the king in the established Mechanicus.

"But if that's the case..."

Lin En slowly closed the digitized book, raised his head with a smile and said:

"What about Miss Smart, since the Seven Gods are the last step in the formation of Wanji, isn't the extra Miss Smart a bit abrupt? It seems that in the entire process of your civilization, there seems to be no symbol representing Miss Smart, right? Don't you think this is a bit of a coincidence?"

Because Lin En also understands this point.

The God of Wanji will not create people out of thin air.

He is still composed of those things, just like the parts that appear after dismantling an excavator, it will not appear out of thin air.

In this case.

What is Miss Smart?

The intelligent computer said coldly:

[I don't know - don't ask me - I'm just an AI created during the Hell period - I can't know so much -]

Lin En's mouth curled up slightly and said: "But you should know about the Hell period, right? Because I have always been confused, is Miss Intelligent Machine really only seventeen years old as she said? Because if Miss Intelligent Machine is an individual differentiated by Old Wan Kun to disperse the pressure of the curse..."

"Then from his active fall to now, there is at least six or seven thousand years of history, right? Could it be that he has been carrying it all by himself for these six or seven thousand years?"

"Don't you think this is a bit illogical?"

The intelligent computer stared at him coldly, but she said nothing.

Just like there are some things she will never tell anyone, those things should have been sealed in the long river of time and forgotten forever.

Lin En closed his eyes and whispered:

"You look like you don't want to talk, it seems there is a story. Let me guess, do you think this story is related to your partiality to Miss Smart? After all, for an AI, even if it has feelings, it should not do such an extreme for someone, and even make a deal with me for this."

"So, what are you feeling guilty about?"

At that moment.

The smart brain trembled violently.

She raised her head instantly, stared at Lin En, and said:

[That's it - I won't answer any more questions from you - If you really don't want to fulfill your promise, I can't check you - do whatever you want - I'm not your opponent anyway - just think that I'm really being used by the devil - everything ends at this moment -]


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She was about to turn into data and leave.

But Lin En grabbed her.

He curled his lips and said, "Hey, hey, hey, you see, you reacted so strongly to just a casual exchange. If you don't want to say it, then don't say it. Why are you acting so petty? But I have to say that to some extent, you are indeed more like a person than Miss Smart Machine. You have richer emotions. It must have been very hard for you to hide them for so many years. "

The intelligent computer said nothing.

And Lin En knew it.

He should have peeled her to the last layer little by little.

And that should be the source of everything.

Because sometimes cute girls are like onions. You just need to peel them little by little, and you will definitely be able to see their soft hearts in the end.

But Lin En also knew it.

This is a gradual process, and it cannot be done all at once, otherwise it will cause the most intense resistance from the other party.

As for why it is like this...

Of course it is because of happiness!

ヽ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ


He felt that he was perverted again! No, no, Lin En, you must not be infected by the bad habits of chaotic creatures, you must stick to your bottom line as a human being, you can't fall like this! If you continue like this, it will be easy for the crying clown to take advantage of you, you must stand up!

Lin En adjusted his monocle and said with a smile:

"It's about time. If the Seven Gods really show up, I have to finish cutting and run away. And, brain, isn't this what you always want to see?"

On the chaotic battlefield.

The small refrigerator in the form of a mechanical humanoid opened his eyes, looked up at the huge mother tree that covered the sky, and looked at the magnificent figure that shuttled through the sky like a meteor.

"I have to leave you."


"Areas 1-5-12 have been broken through-the descendants of the Mother Tree of Desire are making their final counterattack-we have completed the control of the battle situation-"

"The activities of the Mother Tree of Desire are intensifying-strong blood and flesh fluctuations have been detected-the first wave of counterattacks from the Mother Tree of Desire is about to begin-"

"Attention-the assault corps-detected violent energy reactions underground-be careful-"


Under the blood-red sky.

Lin En stood on the chaotic land with a sword in his hand, looking up, watching the huge flesh and blood trunk shaking like crazy.

As countless information flows passed through the consciousness of the major mechanical units, the huge aura of the catastrophe of the Mother Tree of Desire rumbled to the entire battlefield, and the next moment, accompanied by a crazy scream, the ground under their feet boiled like a river.

Boom boom boom --

Countless huge roots shook the strata, and the entire battlefield was overturned in that instant, including her offspring and a large number of mechanical units, all under the terrible stirring, fell into the countless intertwined roots rooted in the ground.

So sometimes I feel that.

I seem to be delaying time.

Just like although I have made a plan to cut in my heart, when it is really about to be implemented, I will always subconsciously find various reasons to resist this happening.

Is it because I have developed feelings for Miss Smart?


Or from the perspective of the small refrigerator I created, after a deep understanding during this period of time, I will also feel that if I do this, it will be a very cruel thing for Miss Smart.

But you are not a small refrigerator.

After all, you are Lin En who has gone to hell. Everything is a drama. You can never become him.

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