Another World: My life is on the rise!

Chapter 1327 Jingzi and others, come home with uncle!

Lin En waited for the giant to pass by in secret, and said with a smile:

"So, it's really hard to tell, you can now create a mechanical cluster of this level? If you have a force composed entirely of such machines, you will really be able to walk sideways in the dark world."

[You'd better not ask too much——]

The answer of the intelligent brain is very simple.

She has great authority, but even if she has great authority, she can't tell Lin En more things.

[I can help you interfere with the monitoring and alarms on your route-the rest depends on you-I have uploaded the route map to your consciousness-whether you can get the Death Star crystal in the end-it depends on your fate-]

Her voice was indifferent.

Lin En's mouth corners curled slightly, and he adjusted his monocle.

Obviously she didn't want to reveal more.

But Lin En could also see that there were definitely many unknown secrets hidden in the nest of the God of All Machines.

He smiled mysteriously:

"Don't tell me, we have a long way to go, right?"


I didn't stay here any longer.

With the help of the intelligent brain, this trip was much smoother than the previous wandering around.

Many times he escaped the search of those machines without any danger, which also highlighted the terrible computing power of the intelligent brain. The dynamic route she arranged for him was almost perfect, allowing him to quietly go deep into the detection of one sentry and electronic eye after another.

[Be careful-the next area will be very dangerous-the Rectification Council also saw your purpose-they have made new arrangements for the protection of several resource points-now once you are discovered-you will face the encirclement and suppression of at least one mechanical guard corps-and the all-round erosion of the nano cluster-】

The voice of the intelligent brain came.

Lin En stuck to a wall and glanced at the dark environment outside.

And obviously he also sensed it.

In that dark corridor, there was a faint breeze blowing, but he knew that it was not wind, but micro-nano units that you could not see with your naked eyes.

"Can I go in?"

[In the internal line of the wall on your left hand side - there is an information terminal connected to this block - I will upload a program to you - but you need to upload it to the local area network here by physical means - that program can release a reverse interference band - this can temporarily block most of the information interaction here - but it only takes three minutes -]

[Once the three minutes are up - all mechanical units will resume operation - you will be discovered immediately - at the same time, the outer defense forces will gather towards your position in these three minutes - and I will temporarily lose contact with you -]

[This is the only way - whether you are willing to take the risk - it's up to you -]

Lin En adjusted his monocle and smiled:

"Since we have come this far, there is certainly no reason for me to retreat."

"Three minutes is enough."

Without any hesitation.

Lin En received the program transmitted to him by the intelligent brain, walked to the position told by the intelligent brain, squinted his eyes, and slowly stretched out his empty hand towards the wall.

The next moment, his hand touched the densely packed wires inside.

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He closed his eyes.

Using psychic power, he quickly uploaded the program given to him by the intelligent brain into it. This was a virus, and with the ability of the intelligent brain, it was not difficult to directly seize the terminal network in this area, but there were some things that could only be done by him, and she did not want to let herself take this risk.

In an instant.

Upload completed.

"Okay! "

Lin En opened his eyes.

Almost at the same time, the program of the intelligent brain quickly interacted with the terminal controlling this area along the high-speed internal line.

A shrill alarm suddenly sounded in a huge information hub dozens of kilometers underground. The program of the intelligent brain quickly broke through the firewall, controlled the information interaction there, and quickly entered a series of codes.

In an instant.


A huge information storm spread to the entire area along the dense lines and wireless transmissions.

At that moment, even Lin En, as a digital life, felt the extremely piercing and sharp tone coming from his ears, and countless lines crackled and exploded with a large amount of electric fire. Flowers, all the machines running in the entire area stopped running at that moment.

[You are lucky——(noise) In order to deal with your desire——(hissing)——The Rectification Council has revoked most of the digital consciousness here——(noise) Those who are chasing you are AI without self-awareness and machines controlled remotely by programs——]

[Our connection will be interrupted——three minutes——it’s up to you how much you can get——but you can only take the Death Star Crystal——remember your promise——]


Accompanied by bursts of noise and electronic flow, the signal connection of the intelligent brain was also affected indiscriminately.

"Of course, I am a person who keeps my promises. When I say I will take the Death Star Crystal, I will only take the Death Star Crystal, but can I ask you another question?"

[Say (noise). ]

"Did you also feel the M-type attack I fired through Miss Omnic? You should have been the intelligent brain at that time. How did it feel? Did you feel high?"


A brief silence.

[I (beep——) you (beep——)! You (beep——) (a series of fluent insults that cannot be described in words)...]


Lin En decisively cut off the connection.

He rubbed his ears painfully.

He swore.

If he knew that it was one of their programmers who compiled this obscene voice package targeting him, he would beat them so hard that his mother wouldn't recognize him. They greeted him here and there. He doubted whether these AIs knew what these words meant. They just used them on him! Fuck!

There was no time wasted.

Lin En pinched his monocle and rushed out of the corridor with a smile.

"In three minutes, how much you can get depends on me? In that case, I will be rude to you, AI."

Flying through the area full of nanomachines.

Fleeting through the countless mechanical units that had stopped running, Lin En's eyes had already seen the locked door at the end of the corridor.

And the next moment.

He suddenly penetrated it like a ghost.

In an instant.

The scene in front of him suddenly became clear.

"So they are all hidden here, my crystals!"

Lin En immediately showed a look of ヾ(◍°∇°◍)ノ゙. In the huge internal storage, containers after containers of various smelted metal materials were piled up in various places in this warehouse in different categories, shining under the dim light.

In addition to the most important Death Star crystal of the Trinity Machine that he had been thinking about, there were naturally various other rare and not rare metal building materials.

"And since you are all my friends, then let's go home with uncle!"

As for the promise to the intelligent computer to only take the Death Star crystals...

It was something that the small refrigerator promised.

What does it have to do with me, Lin En!

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