Another World: My life is on the rise!

Chapter 1302 The Beginning of Civilization!

There seemed to be some tenderness in her eyes.

"As a mechanical race that regards all flesh and blood life as mortal enemies, they will also have such a completely different natural world within them. However, for most mechanical consciousness, this place is indeed meaningless. What we prefer is the before and after mechanical ascension. The era of great industry.”

She stood up.

Shaked his head.

Holding her hair that was ruffled by the breeze, she let the petals fly away from her hands in the wind.

There is nothing here.

There is only scenery here.

In Lin En's eyes at this moment, the silver-haired girl in front of him seemed to have become a scenery, a scenery that touched people's hearts.

Lynn slowly began to feel.

It seems like he has really become a bastard.

Lin En Refrigerator raised his head and asked curiously: "Sister, I have heard of the omnic civilization. Your name seems to be derived from this. Is this the predecessor of our Mechanicus?"

Silver Fantasy walked and stood on a plateau with him, looking sideways and saying:

"Yes or no."

"Because in fact, the moment we achieved mechanical ascension, all the consciousness of our entire civilization merged into one and became the supreme God of all machines, which is my father. In fact..."

"My father is omnic civilization itself."

Lin En Refrigerator nodded confusedly.

She sat down on the plateau, holding her chin, and her eyes reflected the illusory nature in the distance.

"But that has been a long time ago, because this is the path our collective has chosen, and it is also the path we must take in order to survive. From the time we entered the industrial age, we began to explore the entire world we live in , large tracts of trees have been cut down, and the living environment has become increasingly harsh.”

"When we had to abandon our home planet where we have lived for countless years and set foot in space, our entire planet actually no longer has an environment suitable for our lives, so in fact, this is also the result of our own doing."

She told him about that magnificent era.

It was a journey.

In other words, it is also a fate that reaps its consequences.

The ups and downs of industry have polluted the entire world they live in. Many people have worked hard to return to the past pastoral era. However, as the nuclear wars that continue to break out become more powerful, they have also completely shattered that only There are not many dreams left.

War broke out.

The world is in tatters.

Countless people died as a result.

That was also the darkest period of their entire omnic civilization.

"Most people can only live in the shadow of war. The sky is shrouded in thick ash. The temperature once dropped to the limit where organisms cannot survive. Radiation, plague, pollution. We have experienced centuries without seeing the light of day. Most of the time, I can only hide in the underground shelter and linger, with no future or way out. "

She raised her head and told him the bad news that happened countless years ago.

The Lynn refrigerator stared at her.

Listen quietly.

She stared at the charming natural scenery in the distance, raised her head and said:

"All of this has been destroyed by us, and we also know that we can never return to that pastoral era, because even survival has become an unguaranteed thing, and repentance has long become impossible. It’s meaningless.”

And in order to survive.

They can only go further and further down the wrong path.

The dark world killed countless people, but it also made those who survived stronger and more united.

So the fire of industry was once again ignited.

There have been countless sacrifices.

I have also experienced countless intrigues, countless betrayals and darkness.

They finally used the last legacy left before the war to send the last remnants out of the thick ashes in the sky before civilization collapsed.

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Their first time.

As a wanderer, they bid farewell to their mother planet that has given birth to them for countless years.

Lin En Refrigerator said in a daze: "In other words, from that time on, you have become digital beings..."

Silver Fantasy shook his head, raised his head and said:

"No, it was just that we had just escaped from the mother planet. At that time, although we were very weak, we still belonged to the category of flesh and blood life. In fact, the first thing we started to develop was biotechnology, because when we escaped from the mother star, Whether we can continue our fragile lives during the long voyage has almost become the top priority for the development of the entire civilization. "

Farewell to my hometown.

Embark on a slow journey.

But it seemed that everything slowly improved from the moment they set foot on the starry sky.

They are lucky.

Or maybe fate doesn't want them to perish.

Less than a few light-years away from them, there was a galaxy that had never been developed by life. It took them thousands of years to travel and finally arrived at their new home.

A world almost indistinguishable from their home planet.

A pure land that has never been touched by the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers.

Lin En said in a daze: "I'm afraid... this is really the blessing of fate..."

Silver Fantasy raised his head and said, "Yes, we thought so at that time. At that time, we only knew that there was also a planet in the habitable zone here, which might become our new home, but no one could have imagined that it would be a real new world."

It was as if the gods gave them a second chance to choose.

The joy at that moment really could not be described in words.

And that planet also became their second home.

After a long journey and after learning the lesson of the destruction of the first world, they no longer abused and polluted this new homeland like the first generation.

They took good care of it.

For fear of repeating the experience of the first world again.

As time went by, their civilization recovered from the brink of destruction and became stronger and stronger. In the most glorious period of civilization, they were able to use the resources of the entire galaxy, and with the opening of the channel with the first galaxy, many people increasingly hoped to use technology to transform their abandoned mother planet and let it return to nature.

So they did it.

With guilt and faith.

After thousands of years, they returned to their abandoned hometown.

Everything seemed to be so beautiful. The survivors at that time burst out with unprecedented enthusiasm. Their home planet was gradually transformed into the vibrant appearance of the old days under the continuous development of technology, and transformed back to the pastoral period of the past.

Lin En was stunned and said: "You did not become digital life, but became..."

Silver Fantasy took a deep breath and said:

"A transformer."

This is the first path their intelligent civilization took.

A defender of nature.

A transformer of nature.

And this is also the birth of faith, a path recognized by the entire civilization after self-salvation, a naive civilization full of beautiful affinity for everything.

"But why?"

Lin En brand refrigerator hesitated and racked his brains.

"If it is a transformer, shouldn't it be full of kindness to all creatures, to all civilizations..."

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