Another World: My life is on the rise!

Chapter 1206 Did you ever think I would come?

"So he has always been like this..."

Messiah looked at Lin En's back stiffly. Although he was obviously very strong, at certain times it would make you feel an indescribable lack of tone.

Xueyi closed his eyes and said, "Otherwise, all you need to know is that his mouth is very powerful in all aspects."


[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→𝙩𝙬𝙠𝙖𝙣.𝙘𝙤𝙢]

Because even if the whole body is paralyzed, that mouth will definitely be the last one to move.

And he seems to have some kind of strange aura that can infect the people around him. You will easily be incorporated into his rhythm when he speaks, and then he will defeat you with his rich experience.


"It doesn't make any sense for you to do this."

In the corridor leading to the core, Ezefalah stared coldly at the back of Linn who was walking in front.

Lin En said slowly: "But we need to unite all the forces that can deal with the Flesh Cult, right? Besides, no one knows what the final result will be. You can really be sure that Seraph has completely separated from Cthulhu. Integration? If not, then I don’t know who’s belief collapsed in the end.”

Lynn was well aware of the conflict between them.

Ezefalah did not completely devote himself to the dark faith. This was just a difference in the understanding of God within the same sect.

She believed that Seraph and Cthulhu had already become one god, so no matter which one they believed in, they were the same, while the apostles and his brother still adhered to their old ideals. This was their most essential contradiction.

Lin En turned around and said with a faint smile:

"Then if you find out in the end that Seraph is still Seraph, and the old god is still the old god, then how should you deal with it?"

Azefalah fell silent.

But her expression remained calm, and she couldn't see any thoughts.

But there is no doubt that the conflict between them is difficult to resolve, and Lin En only suppressed the conflict temporarily, and eventually it would explode one day.

But enough is enough.

"How long does it take to reach your core sealing place?"

Time passed quickly and Linn galloped.

"At the rate we're going, it's going to be at least another five minutes."

"Then speed up. We must seize the initiative before the Flesh God Religion breaks through the seal..."

But it was at this time.

They suddenly felt huge vibrations coming from under their feet, and a huge roar suddenly came from the depths of the hermitage. This roar even made the buildings around them rumble and shake, and a wave of The breath of terrible disaster came like a violent wind.

Everyone was shocked instantly.

"They broke through another seal!"

The faces of the apostles suddenly turned pale, because those flesh and blood believers had been here for several days. At the current speed, it was only a matter of time before they released the old one.

Linn suddenly raised his head, his eyes serious, and grabbed Aizefala's tentacles.

"It seems that time waits for no one. Messiah, Lady in Blood Clothes, Aizefara and I will take the first step, and you will follow!"

After giving instructions.

Without saying a word.

Linn instantly turned on the high load mode of the mechanical body, and his body turned into an afterimage almost instantly, blasting away towards the area with Ezefala at an unimaginable speed.

The deepest part of the hermitage.

One after another, the flesh cultists stood in the erosion marks, the torches in their hands lighting up the entire area.

They raised their heads in the darkness and stared at the giant door that exuded sacred aura and chaos and disaster. Even they were so small in front of that door.

The leading flesh cultist stretched out his withered hands and touched the lines on the door.

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"The Lord of Cthulhu, the old Lord of the Deep Sea. At the end of the ancient last era, this great being became the first god to fall after the great cleansing. It was the ruler of the ocean, and it was also the last one. Pioneers in the war.”

"When our Father God was born and awakened from the remains of the past, the memories He carried told Him that He had failed."

"Just like the wars that may have occurred many times during the attack on the limbo of hell, the largest alliance in history composed of the old gods of several eras also fell in the chaos of color. Down."

“But it was also successful at the same time.”

"Because there is a god from the old era who finally became the first living being in history to break through the siege and return to the main universe."

He held the torch, raised his head, and stared at the door solemnly and solemnly.

The torch burns.

Like the ancient flames of war shining in this world.

"You are our fire."

And this is also the last layer of seal.

As long as they can break through here, they will be able to see the god who escaped from hell after countless years, and what they have to do is...

Wake him up!

"Preparing for the final work of breaking the boundary, our God is watching us from hell. This is our glory. We will definitely witness this glorious history on behalf of the Flesh Religion!"

He held the torch, his eyes were deep, and he slowly backed away.

One after another, the flesh-loving ones took off the hoods on their heads, revealing their ferocious flesh-and-blood cheeks. They soon turned into sticky traces one after another, attaching themselves to the door and spreading out. Final corrosion and impact.

And for this goal, they massacred a special race in hell.

They collected a large amount of flesh, blood and cells from that race, and eventually cloned them into their bodies, giving them the ability to break through boundaries.

This is a great project!

It has also lasted for thousands of years, until the last burst!

Only success! No failure allowed!

The firelight shone brightly, and all the flesh and blood followers had serious eyes, showing their determination to die.

But at this time.


A blue death light burst out from the end of the distant corridor in an instant. Unprepared, the bodies of several flesh and blood cultists were directly penetrated, and they let out shrill screams.

The expressions of all the flesh and blood cultists suddenly changed.


They shouted ferociously and turned their heads sharply.

And it was at that moment that they saw the figure at the end of the corridor, holding a monomolecular sword, flying towards their direction like an afterimage at an unimaginable speed.

The mechanical body, the traces of blue light flowing all over the body, and the eyes beating with digital light flow.


That moment.

Everyone's expressions changed drastically, and they recognized the figure who had killed their divine projection almost at a glance.

It's that guy!

The guy who's been holding them back!

"It seems that you all know me, so have you ever thought that I would appear here?"

Lin En smiled lightly and approached quickly like a cheetah.

"It's over everyone, your invasion of Blue Star has become history, and you will all die here today."

【bite! You have turned on the high-power combat mode of the Supreme Body, and the load of the Heart of the Colossus has been increased to 35%]

[Psychic mode has been activated! Smart Lock Mode is activated! Current number of people targeted: 35, wish you good luck. 】

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