Another World: My life is on the rise!

Chapter 1198 Lament of the past!

At first, it was just some apostles who were too close to that area.

At first, they just thought it was an auditory hallucination.

But as time went on, this phenomenon became more and more serious, and even later, every apostle who set foot in the hermitage would have that whisper in his mind. Until a mutation occurred, they had to order that no apostle except the first apostle was allowed to set foot in the hermitage.

The mutation occurred.

An apostle fell into madness in the whisper.

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He began to become ill, and sticky erosion marks appeared on his body. At a party, he lost control and killed two apostles and hundreds of clergy who were traveling with him, one of whom was his wife. Although he woke up quickly, he chose to commit suicide because he could not bear the great pain.

And the erosion marks began to spread in his diseased area, gradually corroding everyone who set foot in.

And it was because of such a terrible thing.

For the first time, the monastery had disagreements and confusion about their path.

Some people thought that the whispers came from their gods, and they should accept it, but more people thought that it was pollution from the deep sea, the disaster that their gods fought against, and some bad signs appeared in the sealed land...

But there was one thing they could never refute or refute.

Because the whispers came from their angelic blood...

"But despite this, my brother and I still controlled the situation. My brother suppressed all different voices and implemented high-pressure control in the monastery for a long time. As time went by, we gradually erased those different voices, but the whispers still existed, so we could only prohibit anyone from going to the monastery."

Her voice gradually became ethereal and sad.

Obviously it was a bloody era.

But her brother thought it was worth it, even though the whispers in his mind were more intense than everyone else's.

"He inherited his father's character. No matter when, he is the most determined one, but he is tougher than his father, or it is precisely because he began to doubt that he wanted to maintain his piety in this extreme way..."

But the facts proved.

Everything did not get better.

The whispers still exist, and they become more and more serious as time goes by.

Until one day.

The whispers in their minds...

became the tone of the Seraph.

As soon as these words came out, Messiah's whole body was shocked, his face turned pale, and Lin En also stopped, with Azefara's cheek reflected in his eyes.


There was an inextricable sadness in Azefara's eyes, but her voice was still as calm as the deep sea.

"Everything proves that the gods we believe in have merged with the disaster of the deep sea. Although we still don't know what happened in that sealed land, the voice is so clear."

Their gods are probably no longer their gods.

This speculation.

Drove those who still stayed in the hermitage crazy.

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But her brother still adhered to his creed. He became paranoid. When she stepped into the hermitage again that day, she saw countless blood.

His brother killed all the apostles who were still in the hermitage.

Because their faith was shaken.

They gradually accepted the whisper.

At that moment, she felt genuine fear for her brother for the first time. He was covered in blood and almost turned into a demon.

"But he didn't do anything to me. He hugged me. He said that there were only two of us left. Only we still believed that our God would not change. He just had some things happen to Him. He is still the angel of love who once blessed the world and imprisoned himself to fight against the disaster of the deep sea."

Azefara said godlessly.

"He said that there were only two of us left. "

He still loved her.

Just like the story in the Bible that had already begun to circulate in the world at that time, God created the Garden of Eden, where Adam and Eve were the only two humans, but did Adam know that his Eve had already bitten off the apple under the temptation of the venomous snake.

She was the first heretic.

In fact, soon after the whisper sounded, she had already accepted it as a matter of course. She did not become paranoid like her brother, and she did not even care about those dogmas.

Because she is God.

She was accustomed to the ugliness of human nature in the dark age of the Middle Ages.

War, plague, deception, oppression, and even she herself had to become one of them. They attacked everywhere in the name of God. She witnessed the many Crusades with her own eyes, and witnessed how they did all those ugly things under the cloak of faith.

She tried to change, but she was powerless.

The torrent of history will not be changed because of your personal will. It was a chaotic era.

So sometimes I wonder...

"Why do you have to protect these people?"

God cannot change them.

I can't change them.

So at that time, she accepted the fact that their gods might have been corrupted without any struggle, but she didn't dare to let anyone know, especially her beloved brother, because at that time, they had already survived the first year of the Apocalypse. The last two people...

And this may also be the beginning of her contradictions and pain.

"I'm afraid that he knows. I'm afraid that we can no longer be as close as before. I even thought that my brother would kill me, but I know he won't because he loves me too. I always think of him covered in blood. What he said to me, he said there were only two of us left..."

Aizefala raised his head and said:

"I know that if I tell him about my change of faith, he won't kill me, but he will kill himself... He won't survive. "

Then let me take the responsibility.

She told herself this all the time.

Bury this secret forever, always remain consistent with your brother, and let him at least know that he is not alone, and that his sister has been supporting him from two thousand years ago until now.

But it's really, really hard.

Because as her beliefs changed, signs of erosion inevitably began to appear on her body.

But she couldn't let her brother find out.

She can only continue to fight and endure the eroding pain, but she actually knows that as long as she accepts this gift from the whisper, all the pain will disappear, and she may really become that disordered Haiji, but what does it matter? What does it matter if you lose yourself? Because this is what she believes in.

But she had to resist, if only for her brother.

She once stood in that hermitage.

She once shouted towards the deepest pollution.

Come on her, let all the noise come on her! She's willing to accept it! She is willing to accept all that pollution!

Spare her only brother...

It was like some kind of response, or at that time, she was actually able to control those erosions to a certain extent. Maybe she was the only individual with the blood of an angel who was also contaminated by erosion marks, but at least in After that scream...

The whisper that enveloped his brother had really weakened.

"He couldn't wait to share his joy with me. He said that his persistence was useful. His god has been fighting against the disaster of the deep sea. Sooner or later, the monster of the deep sea will be suppressed by the angels. Sooner or later, his god will One day I will return as before..."

She spoke calmly.

But she didn't see him. She locked herself in the deepest part of the underground, because no one knew that after that cry, she had turned into a monster in the deep sea with neither humans nor ghosts.

Tentacles squirmed under her yellow robe, and the etching marks climbed up her neck.

The changes at that time were even more intense than they are now.

But she persisted.

She chopped off her tentacles one by one, tore off her corrupted skin, and endured the pain.

And from then on, she put on the yellow robe and mask forever, becoming the mysterious one who never showed her true face...


Ps: Sacrifice my Didi~

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