Another World: My life is on the rise!

Chapter 1019 Of course it’s because I’m a demon!

[Abandoned underground parking lot]

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→𝗍𝗐𝗄𝖺𝗇.𝖼𝗈𝗆]

With a flash of red mist, Lin En's shrinking and deformed body appeared in the white mist with a snapping sound, along with the hundreds of "corpses" he had collected, under the bend of the scythe. among.

Bloody Doll exclaimed.

He immediately floated over with the doll in his arms, looked up at Lin En's deformed flesh and blood body in shock, and exclaimed:

"Hmm! So big! Unscrupulous doctor! You are really becoming more and more twisted now!"

Gurgling gurgling——

Accompanied by the squirming and twisting sounds of flesh and blood.

Lin En's body shrunk little by little, and the saints he swept up one after another were thrown to the ground unconsciously. Messiah also snorted, panted palely, and turned his head to look. Lin's human form slowly emerged from the squirming flesh.



There were no surprises. This might be regarded as the biggest strategic misjudgment in the history of the Priory. The seven apostles were suppressed without any suspense. This was completely inconsistent with the power analyzed from the fragments of his body. He was terrifying. beyond their knowledge.

Gurgling gurgling——

Lynn's cheeks were slowly revealed, then her neck, torso and legs.

In just a few seconds, Linn returned to his human form. He walked calmly step by step in front of Messiah, looking down at her and moving his clicking wrists.

"You have bored me, so for the next period of time, just stay here obediently, but don't worry, after I contact your senior management, you will soon be regarded as Spend the currency, although it is indeed a bit despicable to control you to achieve my purpose, but who let..."

Linn adjusted his monocle, with a mysterious expression on his face.

"Am I a devil?"

Messiah raised her head complicatedly, clenching her slender fists tightly, and the huge indescribable thing was reflected on her face, making her angry and trembling, but she knew that in this situation, , she had no ability to resist at all.

He could easily kill them all.

"You are a madman, so what if you use us as a bargaining chip? Do you really think that our monastery will cooperate with you? Just give up! Our people will find you soon. You just defeated us, but I can tell you that our Lord and First Saint will get the news soon!"

"The two of them are the true followers of our saint. Even you can never be their opponent! Sooner or later, you will wake up one day!"

She stared angrily at Lynn.

Lin's lips curled up, and he stretched out his hand to grab her chin and cheeks, turning her angry and white cheeks to him, slowly admiring her expression.

"I like to see you threatening me, like a little girl without a brain, but I really didn't expect that you still haven't understood the difference between Blue Star and Hell. Let me tell you, we The most powerful creatures on Blue Star will appear extremely mediocre in hell, and even our human technology level will look ridiculous like a toy."

"I was once hunted by a mad woman for a long time. Their civilization has been able to use nuclear weapons as a one-man weapon for biological extermination. I was bombarded by her round after round, and was almost tortured to death by her, but then What do you think?”

Linn leaned into her ear and said.

"I caught her and slapped her."

Messiah's body trembled subconsciously.

"And it's a mechanical composite shape. It's the kind of high-strength material that can't be cut with lasers. But in the end, I broke it. And the power behind her is more powerful than you. Her father is a machine." The ascended madman is countless times more powerful than me, but guess why I’m still standing here?”

Linn smiled secretly, stood up and backed away slowly, admiring her slightly trembling expression.

"So you'd better be a little smarter, because you have to understand that compared to those weird races, what I like most is humans. I don't think you want to be played by me as a lustful girl who only knows astringency, right? Hahaha, I have a lot of experience with this, Messiah.”

Messiah shouted at him in anger: "You pervert! Madman! Devil!"

【bite! Messiah’s fear of you +10, anger of you +31]

【bite! The Messiah’s fear of you +11, and his anger +45]

Linn was speechless.

He was already tired of hearing this kind of praise.

It seems that these girls from the order camp all have one thing in common. Whether they are machines or humans, their reserve of swear words is seriously insufficient. They just keep saying these words over and over again. If they are caught by evil creatures, they will not even be able to take advantage of their words. ah.

If you really want to say it, chaotic creatures like the Desire Tree are still interesting. It takes a lot of brains to play with her and make her angry. Their vocabulary and ability to retort are very challenging.

Linn waved directly.


Tentacles instantly swept her and the other six unconscious saints up, and hung her upside down from the rafters.

"Baby, how is the contact with Night City?"

Linn turned around and asked casually.

The blood doll hugged the doll in her arms tightly, and raised her head in confusion. Because she was only half the size of Lin En, when Lin En faced her, the huge thing was pointing at her, making her swallow her saliva subconsciously.

"It has been sending signals all the time, and it has indeed connected to several places, but it seems that none of them are in the Night City. By the way, unscrupulous doctor, can you put on your pants? I am still a little girl after all! You are naked in front of me like this..."


Lin En closed her eyes and stretched out her hand to give a slap.

Don't take it for granted that you are a little girl just because you are in the form of a girl. When you were cheating people in the Wandering Soul Alley, I guess I was not even born yet.

You are already a ghost of dozens or hundreds of years old.

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The bloody doll covered his head in grievance, turned around and brought Lin En to the blood-red magic circle, and said:

"Look for yourself, I don't know where the problem is, anyway, I have already operated according to what you said... Can you pay me today's wages first? "

Lin En ignored her.

He squatted down in front of the bloody magic circle, staring at the operation of the magic circle, stretched out his hand and pressed it, instantly connecting himself to the magic circle.

He closed his eyes.

At the moment of connection, the signals connected to the magic circle immediately appeared in his consciousness in the form of a system panel.

[Ding! The magic circle connection information is being transcoded... The transcoding is successful... It has been converted to the normal band...]

[Ding! The magic circle has been running for a total of 19 hours, and the connection is successful: 5 times. The language is deciphered... The received information has appeared on the panel...]

[Unknown World (1) Reply: A band that has never been seen before. We have received your broadcast, but unfortunately we cannot decipher your language system. This is the Border Information Coordination Center of the main universe number 1334w. The Parano technology civilization is responsible for monitoring. If you are an unregistered star zone civilization, please contact us again. After submitting your language system and civilization history, we will send a message to your civilization within the next five interstellar years. Representatives - the black nightmare is coming, please join our joint system and contribute your strength. ]

[Unknown World (2) Reply: Zizizizi - Guluhuala - Katzpapapa - (abnormal sound, cannot be deciphered)]

[Unknown World (3) Reply: Want to have some fun? No matter what the purpose of your message is, we have received it. If you feel lonely during your journey in the main universe, please be sure to contact us again. Our world will provide you with all the pleasure you want. Whether you are male, female, or asexual, we have ways to satisfy all your desires. Do you want to listen to the gentle voice of a succubus? Oh~ah... (The subsequent content is meaningless, GG content, refuse to decipher)]

[Unknown World (4) Reply: Eh? ! Eh!! What sound! The magic circle seems to have received something incredible! Can you hear it? ! Can you hear it over there? ! ! This is Winterspring Valley! Which plane are you from! It's the first time in hundreds of years that we have received a signal from the outside world! Please keep in touch! Hello! Hello! ]

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