Therefore, the real purpose of the evil dragon is to make good use of the human girl with the talent of a navigator to draw the surrounding sea map little by little, and then use this as his dream of gathering wealth and controlling the sea. So, that human girl is indispensable. Fortunately, the other party could be easily mastered by the evil dragon because of the concern of Coco Yaxi Village.

But recently, something is obviously not quite right. Because that human girl hasn't come back for nearly half a year, which is quite different from her previous behavior where she would come back no more than two months at most. It's possible, but if the girl really died because of an accident, then the village she was maintaining would be useless, and it would be appropriate to use it as a victim to relieve the dragon's anger.

Thinking this way, Crooby was planning to call a group of ordinary murlocs to set off, but when he stepped out of the corridor, he was surprised to see a familiar figure who appeared in the big hall of Evil Dragon Park at some point. At the door, a cold sea breeze suddenly swept past, raising the other party's shoulder-length orange curly hair. But Kroobi suddenly felt a little chill from the sea breeze, which made him frown uncomfortably, after all, it was a little too unreasonable.

"Ah, I was talking about you, and you're back, Nami."

Out of concern for this kind of instinctive warning, Crooby cautiously looked at the orange-haired girl in front of him. Although the other party's hair had grown a little longer, the slender and weak figure remained unchanged. There were no pistols or daggers that could pose a threat to his waist. The confirmation of this scene made Crooby feel relieved. After all, the wrist strength of ordinary murlocs is already ten times that of ordinary men, not to mention He Kroobi is an elite murloc with forty dan karate, and this is just an ordinary human girl weaker than ordinary men, so what is there to worry about.

"Oh? Nami is back?"

A glimmer of pride flashed in the eyes of the dragon who just stood up. Although it was indeed a long wait this time, it seemed that this human girl was still uneasy about her own village and came back. Sure enough, humans are such creatures that are easy to control.

"Ah... I'm sorry I've been outside for a long time this time. What were you talking about just now?"

The orange-haired girl slowly walked into the Evil Dragon Park, and her words were naturally flat, which made Crooby's face also show a smirk: "Oh, it's nothing, because Xiaoba hasn't been on patrol yesterday until now. Come back, so we are going to gather the humans in the village and ask them one by one."

The ordinary fish people around also closed their mouths knowingly, and only a series of muffled laughter came out. Obviously, even if Nami was admitted by the dragon himself as one of the cadres of the dragon pirates, neither he nor the fish people felt that the other party was his own kind. This kind of behavior of trampling on other humans and humiliating each other There is no need for instigation at all, and the kind of alien rejection instinct in his bones will be displayed.

Nami raised her head slowly, she didn't feel any tiredness at the moment after spending a night at 'home', and after stepping into this so-called Evil Dragon Park, she finally felt another sense of sobriety. It was as if all of 'Nami''s memories were trying to escape this place, and this allowed her to clearly sense the part of herself, the part of being a villain.

"Why is it so troublesome, Kroobi. I'm human too, why don't you ask me first?"

Finally woke up from the tangle of consciousness, Nami's eyes and expression also brought the kind of softness and warmth that was almost flawless again, and this made the cartilaginous murloc across from her slightly stunned, he had already He was mentally prepared to appreciate the suppressed hatred and anger in the girl's eyes, but what he saw at the moment was the expression of the other party, which made it difficult for his simple mind to adapt.

"Ah... Then, have you seen Little Eight?"

After hesitating for a second, Crooby still instinctively asked this sentence, while the orange-haired girl opposite him smiled warmly, and then slowly raised his right index finger to aim at him in the air. eyebrows.

Clap~! !

The next moment, the sound of viscous and broken liquid splashing suddenly spread throughout the entire area, and the source of the sound was Crooby's head, but now Crooby has no head, because this sound is the whole of his head. With the sound of the explosion, broken bones, blood, and brains were sprayed all around, spreading the strong aura of death along with it.

And Kroobi's headless body also collapsed after a short delay. It was only at this time that the group of ordinary fish people who were behind him with their heads and faces poured out of their heads reacted, accompanied by difficult to hide. Screaming, this group of ordinary murlocs stumbled and rolled into a pile. Obviously, it has been proved that even the brute strength of murlocs is ten times higher than that of humans, but the courage of murlocs does not seem to be How many advantages.

Slowly retracting her fingers, Nami picked up a strand of hair on her forehead freehand, and her face, because of the strong smell of blood, had a hint of excitement and joy that could not be concealed, like a ghost fire In the same way, her eyes also ignited from that pure orange to two fiery reds.

"Ah~ I saw you~"

(PS1: Hmmm~~Start slaughtering fish and slaughtering fish~~I wish everyone have fish every year~~)

(PS2: Second update~~ There is one more update~~ Please recommend and refuel the blade~~)

fruit of blood

Devil fruit, this gift of power is real. Even, it is like a self-conscious existence. When the eater eats it, it will understand its basic functions and names, and will grow to the more and more with the development and enhancement of the eater. increasingly powerful form.

And of course Nami also experienced this feeling. Just about a week ago, she waited for the salesman from Doflamingo's Chamber of Commerce. The box that the other party brought was her flower. Devil fruit purchased by 100 million Bailey. The appearance is similar to the red snake fruit, but the bright red skin is wrapped with patterns like black thorns, and the whole is full of extreme ominous and temptation.

As for the taste of the fruit, there is really nothing to say. Although it may not be more terrible than the so-called stool, Nami felt like eating a mouthful of corrupt blood plasma, and what filled her mouth was not only strong rust There is a fishy smell, and there is an unspeakable rancid stench. Rao is that she was mentally prepared, and she still almost vomited out.

But what's even more terrifying is that she can clearly feel that a kind of power can't wait to penetrate her whole body after taking that bite. This force completed the 'possession' in an instant. She doesn't know how other abilities in this world feel when they gain abilities, but as the soul of a traveler, she is indeed such a terrifying and unbelievable taste.

And why the salesman and the connector will die is because in addition to coming to deliver the goods, they also put forward a coercion that should not be raised: I hope that Nami, a talent who can draw excellent nautical charts, can join Doflaming Chamber of Commerce organizations in the periphery. She can continue to draw nautical charts, and the Chamber of Commerce is willing to share 50% of the profits with her. If she performs well, she may be promoted to become a full-fledged family member.

Whether it is a salesperson or a contact person, they are full of confidence in this kind of coercion. After all, behind them is the existence of one of the seven seas under the king, even the big pirate who is famous in the whole world. However, it was obvious that their understanding of their master was not as good as the girl in front of them.

There is no doubt that Nami knew that she was indeed qualified to be recruited. Because the five nautical charts recreated by her hand have proved that her navigation skills are unique. In this era of great navigation, this kind of knowledge will always be the most popular and unique. After all, no matter how sturdy a warship, no matter how sharp artillery fire, no matter how powerful the ability, can not be the means of guiding the ship to its destination, and determining what is at the end of the ship's channel is always exquisite and skilled navigation. In short, Nami is a moving humanoid gold mine for these people.

However, although the salesperson's proposal sounds appealing, it does not fundamentally change the fact that Nami will become a drawing slave again, and she no longer intends to let this body become a tool for any pirate's ambitions.

So, the death of these two is Nami's answer to the Doflamingo Chamber of Commerce. Maybe their arrogant and arrogant master would know about it, or maybe they would simply choose to hide it in order to avoid punishment, but since their choice has been made, there is no need to worry about it.

What's more, the power has indeed been obtained. Even Nami, who has never had the experience of being a 'Superman', has tasted the sweetness of this power quickly and intoxicatedly. There is no doubt that she did hit the jackpot when looking at the power requirement. Even in the case where almost every ability in the Pirate World can find its own use and can be expanded to become powerful, this ability is fully qualified to be crowned as a 'powerful' laurel.

Because, the nature of the power it manipulates is not those things that have nothing to do with the nature of living things. On the contrary, the things it manipulates and the nature of its power are the most important resource of almost all living things—blood!

For all creatures that need to rely on blood to drive themselves, maintain life, and think and act, this fruit is the essence of power that is most qualified to be called the most vicious power!

Blood and blood fruit!

Nami barely expended her strength, she just detonated the veins in Xiaoba's body and directly smashed the arteries in Crooby's head, even if the two murlocs were strong in brute force or tough in flesh The extent is far greater than that of ordinary humans, but it seems that their blood vessels still cannot withstand the damage from the inside out.

Undoubtedly, according to the power manipulation of Devil Fruit, the blood and blood fruit is a natural superhuman, because the existence of 'blood' itself is one of the proofs that living things are different from nature.


There was another sound of liquid smashing, but this time it was from Nami's own right shoulder. A bullet-like chunk of water ripped apart her tender skin fiercely, and even the bones under it were also planned. , the torn muscles couldn't bear that kind of force, and the whole thing broke from Nami's shoulders.

And it was the kissing murloc who launched the attack, and it was one of the three cadres who used his long mouth to fire bullet-like water blocks, and the instant-killed Crooby in front of Nami undoubtedly made Sensing the immediate threat of death, the elite murloc launched an all-out attack.

But there is no doubt that even though he had launched the attack, fear still enveloped his whole body. This missed water bomb and his trembling body had clearly demonstrated this point, and immediately, the sight of The scene of entering makes this fear deepen again.

Nami didn't feel the pain. In fact, before her broken right arm landed in mid-air, it turned into a mass of blood with a slap, and then flew to her broken shoulder again as if consciously. , and then re-condensed into her intact right arm. The orange-haired girl silently raised her right hand and stretched her palm twice. This casual action revealed a strong irony and ridicule.

Yes, the initial ability of the blood and blood fruit is very simple. According to the knowledge Nami has obtained at the moment, it is limited to the vague concept of [manipulating blood within a certain range]. So strictly speaking, this fruit should belong to the way of [releasing superpowers] in the superhuman system, not the [superhuman body] that changes the nature of his body like Luffy. But it is a pity that the devil fruit ability person is also a living organism with blood, so it is also an individual controlled by this ability.

Undoubtedly, among the thousands of different things, there are always one or two things that are more special, especially when there are targeted special effects.

The particularity of this blood and blood fruit is that the individuals it affects happen to include the eaters, so in a sense, it has both [release superpowers] and [superhuman bodies], which should be different. other ability attributes.

It's like the dark fruit of Blackbeard. Strictly speaking, its biggest feature is that it only temporarily disables other abilities. If you fight against non-competents, this special effect is equivalent to nothing. However, when fighting with other abilities, this special effect immediately becomes a rope that can directly strangle other abilities.

In other words, if the dragon and the others fighting Nami were a group of robots without blood, then her ability to control blood would be useless. Or Nami herself is a bloodless robot, then it is impossible for her to use the power of the blood and blood fruit to protect herself from harm and even heal quickly.

Unfortunately, both murlocs and humans here are just a group of creatures driven by blood and controlled by blood.

"Nami! Are you, don't you plan to keep our promise?!"

The dragon's forehead was full of blue veins, the tragic death of Crooby on the spot, and Nami's answer that she had seen Hachi, all made him feel a deep sense of danger. Even if he thinks that his strength is far superior to his three subordinates, the dragon has absolutely no confidence that he can kill these two people so easily. In particular, the scene where Jiu's attack was completely ineffective made him feel the unfamiliar horror of the orange-haired girl in front of him.

"Stop joking, Evil Dragon. Even if I save 100 million baileys, you will take it away or even throw it away in various ways. Even if I bought the village on the front foot, you will take it again on the back foot. Occupy the village, is this kind of cheating game interesting?"

Nami's red gemstone pupils shone brightly, and her tone also carried an uncontrollable excitement, and the source of the excitement was the strong **** smell in the air. This should be enough to make her nauseous, but at this moment it has a sweetness that seems to make her dance happily, even as if her emotions are being induced to improve, this abnormal sense of joy makes her feel She couldn't help but feel alert in her heart, but at this moment, facing the evil dragon, the biggest enemy, she obviously couldn't be distracted to examine herself.

"Then! Don't blame me for breaking the agreement!"

With a roar, the dragon cunningly did not advance but retreated, and the thick arm of the serrated shark smashed the wall beside him, and then grabbed a huge serrated long knife from it. After getting the weapon, With the momentum that seems to be smashing rocks, he suddenly slashed down at the top of Nami's head!

Nami didn't have time to dodge, her eyes were even confused and stunned about the attack. Obviously, even though she did enjoy the ability to control blood at this moment, her own quality and reflection did not get much improvement. In the face of such a fast and furious attack from the dragon, her slender body was cut into two pieces from head to toe almost without a doubt!

However, this feeling of joy of completely splitting the opponent in half has not yet been realized, and the evil dragon once again saw an incredible scene. The orange-haired girl who had clearly turned into two corpses still turned into two globs of blood again, and then Once again, it reassembles into an intact body with a relaxed and natural picture.

"Oh, it seems that as compensation for being restrained by food, normal attacks are useless no matter what."

The experience of being cut into two halves finally made Nami feel that the abnormal excitement in her mind had weakened to a point where she could control it. And the evil dragon in front of her undoubtedly entered an unbelievable panic. How could it be possible? Even a capable person, how could he still be alive after being split in half like this?

"You monster!!"

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