"Go to the old base in Yinin Village before Orochimaru. Although most of the results have been transferred to Xuenin Village, Orochimaru has placed some spare materials there for the sake of safety. Perhaps, you can also do this. Answer your doubts?"

It seems that he thought of a possibility that could make him laugh, and a strange smirk appeared on the cheeks of Orochimaru, which was no longer human: "After all, you are also the only real Uchiha clan still alive in this world. ."

! !

This vicious remark made Sasuke's brows furrowed for a moment. Obviously, he could hear some possibility that Dou was secretly referring to, and it seemed that Orochimaru had participated in it, and he still stayed. Substantiated data.

No more nonsense with Orochimaru, Sasuke left the grave that was never cut directly and simply. Although Orochimaru did not specify a specific location, the sound ninja village itself is not big, and looking for a base of sufficient scale in it, which is very important for the existing It is not difficult for Sasuke, who is the eternal kaleidoscope.

And outside Yunlei Gorge in Yunren Village, an unexpected confrontation is taking place.

As one of the human pillars of Yunnin Village, Kirabi can be regarded as a wonderful person. He is different from the two-tailed human pillars. Although both can get along with the human pillars in their respective bodies, Kirabi and Eight tails have different abilities. Getting along with each other is undoubtedly the best example. Not only did Yawei and him not have any knots in their hearts, but they also cooperated tacitly. From time to time, they complained about each other more like a pair of bad friends. And this kind of harmonious relationship naturally gave Kirabi an extraordinary fighting power.

But at this moment, even Kirabi, who was naturally optimistic, felt an indescribable sense of pressure. And this pressure comes from above the canyon on both sides of him.

The ghost shark and Itachi stood opposite each other on both sides above the canyon. This group of Zhu Nan, organized by Xiao, probably did not expect that there would be such a confrontation one day.

"I didn't expect it... Itachi-san, we still have a chance to compete with each other, and after you die."

The expression of the ghost shark carrying the Jiao muscle is rare and complicated. It stands to reason that he should have arrived at Yunlei Gorge two days ago, but although he arrived at the place, rashly attacking is not the style of a ninja, so during this time he detected the surrounding terrain. , including the time to assess the speed at which the ninjas of Yunnin Village can reinforce Kirabi, and when his attack is not ready, Itachi's appearance disrupts his overall plan.

"...Give it up, Jiao muscle can't restrain the body reincarnated in the dirt..."

Itachi's expression was obviously a little sighing. After a brief silence, the former Suzaku of Akatsuki still said such words. Obviously, after the mercury lamp had learned the power of the Jiao muscle in the last trial battle with the ghost shark, he soon came up with a way to restrain this big sword, that is to let the infinite chakra reincarnated ninja to act as his thug .

"Ha! Itachi-san, stop joking, you are a ninja, and so am I. This title cannot tolerate rejection or evasion by those who accept the mission."

With a whimper, he pointed the Jiao muscle in his hand to Itachi, the ghost shark's face did not mean to retreat, and the words were simple and direct: "Unfortunately, my mission this time is to capture the eight-tailed man Zhuli, and Itachi-sang If you block the way, you are my enemy."


Itachi silently stopped the act of persuading. The ghost shark was right. The so-called ninja is an existence that will die after accepting a mission. No matter who the mission target is, no matter who is blocking the mission target, he Can be an obstacle that ninjas clear. Regardless of whether these hindering people or things are willing or not.

"Well, but I still want to praise this method is really clever, who would have thought that the Jiao muscle can also be restrained."

Retracting the Jiao muscle, the ghost shark also looked around: "Hey, Little Mercury, come out if you are here. Although you don't quite understand your whole plan, it seems that you also want to catch this eight-tailed this time. ?"

Following the call of the ghost shark, a sudden snowflake appeared in Yunlei Gorge, and after the snowflakes dissipated, a figure like a mercury lamp also appeared. Looking at the ghost shark above the canyon, the black-winged girl shrugged slightly: "No way, there are only so many tailed beasts in this world, I want it, I want it too. So, I can only cut her Hu. , but I painstakingly arranged Itachi Sang to come to reminisce with you, Big Brother Gui Sha should be satisfied."

"Ha, this world is indeed full of all kinds of lies. Who would have thought that you and Izumi would become the two people who decide the fate of the Akatsuki organization now."

Like self-deprecating or pure mockery, Ghost Shark pulled his gaze back to Itachi: "Well, I have to deal with Itachi here, I'm afraid I won't be able to deal with that eight-tailed octopus, so... .."

"Let us two ninjas drain the last drop of blood for their respective missions."

One hundred and eighty-fifth eight-tailed Kirabi

The battle between the ghost shark and Itachi is obviously not something that needs attention next, because in this Yunlei Gorge, the real goal of both sides appears here at this moment.

Kirabi tilted his head and looked at the black-winged girl in front of him. For him, the long-term semi-confinement life in Yunlei Gorge was indeed quite boring, but this did not mean that he would be arrogant because of this. In fact, since the appearance of the mercury lamp , he received the strongest warning from his partner!

'Compare! Beware! There is an extraordinary power in this woman! ’

It was the eight-tailed bull ghost who was warned in Kirabi's heart. As a tailed beast created by the power of the eye of reincarnation, it naturally sensed the same aura on the mercury lamp for the first time, just because of this possibility It's too scary, so it wasn't confirmed for the first time.

"I got it~! I ran out of nowhere~ You are a idiot who is chattering on this uncle's site~! Name~identity~purpose~ Say it all~!"

After a quick dance step back, Kirabi hooked his palm in a signature style: "This is the best way to pay tribute to Mr. Ren Zhuli and me~ idiot~ bastard~!"

Mercury Lamp turned her head slightly, and after a short silence, she nodded slightly like a tasting: "Well... the sound line is generally passable, but RAP's lyrics are too bad, but there may be a little packaging value."

Such an unexpected answer made Kirabi also startled subconsciously, and the black-skinned ninja who liked RAP couldn't help but said, "Oh, you look like this, did you come from this uncle's enka? Oh? I'm so touched! Baby~ asshole!"

"Cough cough~ Please don't worry, tasting your RAP is just a professional habit of my main business, but unfortunately, this time I came to you for a side business."

After coughing lightly, the mercury lamp raised his palm and patted his cheek lightly, as if to free himself from the so-called professional habit, and then said lightly: "Yaowei, because of some things, I need to use it. Your strength, so I want you to come with me."

Such a refusal obviously made Kirabi a little disappointed: "Idiot~ If it wasn't about Yange, I wouldn't just follow someone I don't know~ You bastard!"

"Well, I think so too, so it looks like I'll have to tie you up and drag you away."

With a weird smile, the black wings behind the mercury lamp suddenly soared, turning into two giant black dragons in an instant, roaring and biting at Kirabi, who was in front of him. The black-skinned ninja, who is more flexible than the surface, easily evaded several consecutive jumps, perfectly evading the attack that was enough to catch the ordinary Jinnin by surprise. Although the two black dragons easily shattered the hard rocky ground, this single physical Attacks are useless as long as they are dodged.

But even so, Kirabi's face suddenly became solemn. His strength is basically the best among the human pillars, and of course he is also a ninja who knows goods. The tentative attack of the mercury lamp seems simple, but in fact it is completely driven by pure chakra, which means that the seemingly weak white-haired girl in front of her has a chakra control power that is enough to disdain the movie-level It can smash the powerful destructive power of rocks, and it is enough to prove that the opponent is not a control arrogance at all!

"If you don't agree with each other~ let's draw swords and face each other~! Oye~! Bastard~! BABY~!"

Seeing the moment when the two black dragons were all thrown into the air, Kirabi quickly turned around and threw all the seven short knives on his back in a strange and complicated posture. Ninjas not only have the ability to communicate with tailed beasts, but their own swordsmanship can even easily suppress the kaleidoscope Sasuke in the original book, which is enough to prove the power of this so-called 'seven sword style'!


Mercury Lamp chuckled silently, she was not in a hurry to end the battle. The secret posts of Yunyin Village around No. 1 have already been solved by the ghost sharks who were in ambush before, so there is no need to worry about being discovered by Yunyin Village in a short time. The second is that the battle between the ghost shark and the dirty weasel has just begun, and the mercury lamp is eager to see the result of this battle.

Compared to this, the battle with Kirabi was nothing but to pass the time, after all, we always had to find something to do.

And the perfunctory attitude of the mercury lamp is also clearly reflected in her response to Kirabi's attack. She rather lazily turned her head sideways to avoid the two short knives thrown by Kirabi, the black-winged girl is very respectful He lowered his left hand, and the next moment, Kirabi, who was originally behind the flying knife and tried to chase the mercury lamp head-on, suddenly felt his body being pulled suddenly, as if an invisible palm suddenly grabbed him Like his left foot, the original delicate step forward was suddenly interrupted, and the whole person fell forward as if he had tripped over something!

This fatal mistake obviously did not escape the eyes of the mercury lamp. She slowly lifted the corner of her skirt and stepped down like she was planning to step on an ant, but the landing spot of her high boots was Kirabi's. cervical vertebra!


Kirabi, who found that he was out of balance, was considered a master of swordsmanship. Although he didn't know what happened to his mistake just now, his superb skills still gave him the leeway to dodge. The black-skinned ninja urgently put his hands in the process of falling to the ground. Several of the short knives suddenly stabbed into the ground, and then bounced abruptly from the situation where they were about to fall with the help of the reaction force on the handle of the knife, and several backflips in a row opened the distance from the mercury lamp!

With a loud bang, the rocky ground at the foot of the mercury lamp shattered like a fragile muffin in an instant, and even deep cracks like ground fissures appeared in the surrounding area of ​​more than ten meters. The squashed rubble bounced around like shotguns, and one of them rubbed off Kirabi's temples and ripped off several strands of hair, allowing a tingling sensation to be accurately transmitted to the black-skinned ninja's senses.

"Bastard~ Damn~ With such power, if you step on it, you will probably be crushed directly~!"

Looking at the mercury lamp as if nothing had happened, pulling the soles of his feet out of the gravel, Kirabi's temples also slid down a cold sweat. The fourth generation of Raikage absolutely does not have this level of brute force. The righteous brother who can suppress Kirabi is stronger in speed. the power of.

"Hmm~ New power, very interesting~ Let's experiment with you~ Bastard~ Black skin~"

Imitating Kirabi's RAP quite badly, the mercury lamp is obviously fearless. Her own brute force is definitely not at the level just now. The reason why she can have such an effect is because of the two abilities of Samsara Eye. It is Vientiane Tianyin that pulls Kirabi's body out of balance, and the stepping force exerted by his feet is Shenluo Tianzheng. These two abilities, Payne Heavenly Dao, can only be used alone, except that Payne Heavenly Dao itself is a corpse. In addition, it is also because of Nagato's own mastery of the eye of reincarnation. Although he is indeed able to use the eye of reincarnation because of the immortal body of the vortex clan, in the end, these eyes were not developed by him, so the ability to use it can be used. , but it is impossible to be flexible.

Although the mercury lamp is also exchanged through the eyes of Quan, but her body is indeed enough Chakra of Indra and Asura, which leads to the six Chakras awakening the eye of reincarnation, so using the power of the eye of reincarnation is even more Subtle and arbitrary, this act of substituting abilities into physical arts is even more sluggish!

Needless to say, the advantages of subtle use of abilities, in addition to reducing consumption to the greatest extent, can also focus the effects of abilities in the most detailed areas that need to be interfered or destroyed, so that they can exert 200% of the effect!

"Formidable enemy ~ not good ~ **** ~!"

Silently throwing away the remaining short knives in his hand, Kirabi obviously also knew that he had encountered an unimaginable rival this time. This was not the little **** he could get rid of with his swordsmanship, but a truly capable man. The type that makes even the eight tails feel threatened.

'Compare! The situation is not good! Although I can't be completely sure, at that moment, this woman did have some kind of creepy feeling to me! Let's retreat for now! ’

The eight-tailed bull ghost in Kirabi's body obviously also noticed the clip of Mercury Lamp's reincarnation eye ability. Although Mercury Lamp cunningly blocked his left eye with his bangs, the chakra aura of the ability can never be wrong, it's just that Or because this possibility is too unimaginable, so Niu Gui dare not rush to a conclusion.

"Idiot~! How can there be a ninja who knows that the enemy is strong and will run away~! Besides, this uncle hasn't made a real move yet~! Alright! Let's take out the eighth sword as well!"

However, Kirabi is also a rather arrogant Enka ninja. For him, the mercury lamp is a rare and powerful enemy. Originally, there were no ninjas who could fight against him in the entire Yunyin Village except Raikage. At this time, seeing this powerful enemy who shrivelled him at the first sight, if he didn't have a bit of a fighting mentality, Kirabi wouldn't be worthy of saying that he was a passionate Enka ninja.

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