Putting a cup of warm juice on Hinata's desk, Ino's complaint was in line with her mood. She originally thought that she had completed the S-rank group mission with Hinata's group, but now the reality she has to face is It's a bit frustrating to have to do those low-level D-class tasks.

"The village has now returned to normal order, so I guess we still have a D-level mission to do before the next Chunin exam. Huh?"

Hinata raised her hand to put on her flat glasses when she was dealing with affairs, and then picked up the document in front of her, but when she raised her hand, a very unexpected soreness came from her shoulder, which made her feel slightly relieved. stunned. You must know that as a ninja, and he is still the kind of ninja with excellent strength, Hinata has not experienced this kind of fatigue from aching shoulders for a long time.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing Hinata's behavior, Ino couldn't help but ask, while the white-eyed girl frowned slightly and then moved her shoulders: "Strange, if I'm not wrong, my shoulders are very... tired."

"Did you get a stiff neck when you went to bed at night?"

Putting down the tray in his hand, Ino took the initiative to turn to Hinata's back, raised his hands and rubbed the other's shoulders: "I guess you must be worrying too much, so you are a little out of shape."

"Well... it's probably because of Sting that I was a little too far in the practice last night."

Raising her eyebrows slightly, Hinata was not confused. As someone who knew very well that her body had another user, she immediately thought of what another 'Hinata Hinata' might do.

However, yesterday was the day when her sister Hana was attacked. As her other sister, the other Hinata would stand up at night to comfort and guide her in training. This was what Hinata had expected.

Even if they share the same body, it seems that Hei Chu and Bai Chu do not have the ability to communicate with each other to detect each other's memories. At least, apart from some common sense, the parts of their memories that involve their own privacy are hidden from each other by default. Moreover, when the black chick is resting, he can't know what the white chick is doing.

Considering that this body has a higher affinity with the white chick, this phenomenon is not surprising.

However, it seemed that the other Hinata's exercise last night seemed to be more intense than she expected.

"Isn't it, Hinata, you are so strong now, but you are still practicing so hard all night?"

Massaging Hinata's shoulders, Ino was also a little surprised: "However, this may be the reason why you are so strong, ah... I heard that this afternoon is the time for Lord Wudaimu to choose medical ninjas. Can Sakura be selected?"

Looking at the form in front of her, Hinata was noncommittal about Ino's fantasy, or, in other words, it was something that didn't need to be considered at all.

The Hinata group is currently the largest private ninja faction in Konoha Village, and it is a faction that holds major economic interests, but any leader who does not have a brain cramp knows that it should be drawn rather than suppressed. If Tsunade can put two nails in this organization at this time, she will undoubtedly have a great advantage.

So, not to mention that Sakura and Ino have excellent medical ninjutsu talents, even if they are two idiots in medical ninjutsu, Tsunade will hold their noses and welcome them to become his first disciples.

If it wasn't for the fear of looking too ugly, maybe Tsunade wouldn't use the excuse of choosing a medical ninja at all, and it might not be possible to just go around and accept disciples.

Judging from the data report, the construction of the ninja dog base is very complete. As the owner, Inuzukazuo personally purchased a batch of excellent ninja dog puppies, and was taught by her ninja dog Kuromaru. The advantage of being a ninja dog who can speak as an instructor is that the young ninja dogs can quickly understand and implement the instructions given by the ninja, at least now those puppies have learned to hold their own when eating. Plates are lined up for dinner.

In order to lay a good foundation for these puppies, a circle similar to human triathlons has been established inside the ninja dog base, with balance beams, creeping circles, ditch crossings, drilling holes, and high jumps. If the results are achieved, get some extra food.

Although Hinata is of course not short of money to prepare dog food for these puppies, Mr. Kuromaru, who is an instructor, is quite strict. This old dog's training for puppies can basically be regarded as Spartan education. , the daily guaranteed food is just enough to be full. If you want to get more delicious food, these puppies must make the greatest efforts to continuously exceed the listed physical training goals.

At present, the report in Hinata's hands is about the growth of the first batch of ninja dogs. According to Inuzukapaw's statistics and professional perspective, these ninja dogs can be trained for a maximum of three months before they can be employed. , Although according to Hinata, the police dog in reality is cultivated for at least one year or even upward, but considering that in this Naruto world, humans can kill enemies on the battlefield at the age of six.

Then, let's replace it, a ninja dog who has been trained continuously for four months can work. It doesn't seem to be so difficult to understand.

Moreover, the four-month training and growth is only for these ninja dogs to meet the most basic requirements to be able to fight together. For the rest of the growth, they still need to continue learning with the ninjas who partner with them.

However, despite the unified training, there will still be some mistakes among the ninja dogs. For example, some ninja dogs may be more introverted and irritable, so there is no way to leave the place where they grew up to cooperate with unfamiliar ninjas. These ninja dogs will be left in the Inuzuka house as family dogs, although this There are a lot of tricks in the settings, but after all, the Inuzuka family is now in charge of the training of ninja dogs. It is normal for them to take this opportunity to leave a few excellent ninja dogs for their family.

And some ninja dogs may be very talented. For example, they have mastered human language under teaching. These senior ninja dogs have to have better assignments, such as serving as the doorman of Naruto, or guarding the Konoha gate. of. Even become a new ninja trainer.

In addition, different breeds of ninja dogs will also make their division of labor different. For example, those strong and huge mastiffs are suitable for frontal combat. And those small and sensitive pugs and the like are suitable for information communication. Therefore, in order to avoid these troublesome things first, the first batch of ninja dogs specially selected those ordinary medium-sized wolf dogs, which can be responsible for fighting and have the flexibility to act sensitively. But if the Ninja Dog Base is successful enough that it can be officially classified as a village affairs by the senior officials of Konoha, these Ninja Dogs trained by different disciplines will definitely appear.

"How important it is to be able to master a foreign language, of course, it is more important to have a group of ninja dogs who can understand human speech."

After reading this report, Hinata also affixed an official seal on it with satisfaction, and put it on the desk aside, and someone will naturally be responsible for filing it.

"I'm sorry to disturb you, is Hinata Hinata here?"

At this moment, a very respectful voice came in from outside the door. It was Anbu wearing a mask. Judging from the tattoos on his arm, the other party was the elite who belonged to Hokage.

"I'm right here, what's the point of doing it?"

Raising her hand and taking off the flat glasses on her face, Hinata raised her eyebrows slightly, someone from Anbu directly under Hokage? Could it be that the Lord of the Fifth Generation was finally exhausted by those documents?

"Lord Hokage Five Generations asked me to inform you that there is a meeting that you need to attend now."

Anbu, who was kneeling on the ground, explained her intentions very respectfully, and this made Hinata stunned. Although she was qualified to participate in the meeting as Hokage's staff, she did not expect it to be Tsunade. Send someone to invite her in person.

"Very good, I'll be there soon."

Standing up, Hinata still decided to hint to participate in this meeting. Since he couldn't guess what the other party was going to do, he would naturally know by seeing it in person.

With a slight nod and salute, Anbu, who had passed the word, left in an instant. And after casually instructing others, Hinata also left the Hinata group, intending to attend the meeting held by the Lord of the Five Generations.

(PS1: Ah~~ push a book "Then I became a hunter", well~ it's rare~)

(PS2: The first update, there is one more update~~)

Medical and Conference

"Ahem~ Now that everyone has gathered, I won't talk nonsense. Let's get to the point, about the issue of adding medical ninjas and updating medical facilities."

In the large conference room of the Hokage office building, Tsunade, who was sitting in the main seat, was the first to speak. This position used to be the seat where the Hokage members of the past dynasties sat in meetings. Obviously, it is finally the first to welcome the fifth successor. Second luck.

"Although it's a little dissatisfying that Hokage only remembered to hold a staff meeting after taking office for about half a month, but you can express your opinion."

There is no doubt that Tsunade's laziness and clumsiness made Xiaochun, who was sitting on her left, very dissatisfied. It felt like the ancient emperor had been in the harem after he ascended the throne. towards the same meaning. Although Tsunade is definitely working very hard, her administrative ability is obviously not proficient.

"Cough! Then, let me tell you what I think first."

Tsunade's smooth forehead suddenly stretched slightly, but she still tried very hard to suppress this sense of anger at being ridiculed. There is no way, let's not talk about the elders of Koharu and Mito Menyan, The seniority of these two old guys is enough to suppress her, so Tsunade, who always likes to use fists to deal with people who don't look good, now has to enter into a state of grief.

"We are all listening, and Lord Gothime is currently the best medical ninja in the ninja world, and he should have the highest authority in this regard."

Hinata, who was sitting opposite Tsunade, raised his eyebrows slightly, and he could see that although he came back to become the fifth Hokage, Tsunade's dreams in his youth have not been eliminated. The idea was flipped out again.

And the biggest difference between now and before is that before, she was just a ninja with advice but no decision-making power, but now she is the highest decision-maker in the entire Konoha in theory.

Therefore, Hinata's words are also quite polite. In fact, if Tsunade and Mito Gate Yan get along too well, it will not be conducive to her business and profit.

Even if it's an ally, it's better to be my ally, not someone else's ally.

"I mean very simply, although it may be difficult to expand all ninja squads into four-person formations. But I hope that in each team, people who are suitable as medical ninjas can be given training to increase medical knowledge, so that they can have emergency treatment. The ability of the person will not... be like before, sacrificed in vain because of lack of timely treatment."

He told the plan in his heart, but Tsunade stared at Hinata who was opposite him. There is no doubt that after meeting with another 'hinata' last night, now he sees Hinata in front of him again. , the distinct feeling is as strong as the difference between black and white.

"Tsunate Hime, we all know that you are the best medical ninja, but that doesn't mean that everyone has the ability to learn medical ninjutsu."

Mito Menyan pushed the body on the bridge of his nose solemnly, and then said in a deep voice: "Do you know how much time it will take to add medical courses, and how much it will cost? And, with all due respect, even for some People who didn't have the talent to learn medical ninjutsu forcibly added courses, and the final result was only a drop in the bucket."

"Time, money, manpower, resources, these things can't be wasted on unrealistic plans."

On one side, Xiaochun also nodded sternly, and what she said was definitely not a lie.

You must know that a qualified medical ninja is definitely not that easy to achieve.

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