Liyue Hall of Rebirth is located in the southern part of Feiyunpo, Liyue Harbor, not far from Wanmin Hall located at Chihuyan.

During the casual chat with Zhongli, the two came to the entrance of the Hall of Rebirth.

A ferryman in a robe sitting on a bench at the entrance immediately stood up and said,”Guest Zhongli, you are back. Who is this?””

“This is Bai Yujing, I want to ask the hall master if he is still hiring.~”

“That’s not a coincidence. Master Hu just went out, apparently to look for Miss Xin Yan.~”

“There is a vacant room in that hall. Can we arrange for Brother Bai to stay there for one night?”

“Of course, no problem!”The ferryman smiled and agreed:”As long as you don’t mind, we have plenty of guest rooms in the Hall of Rebirth.~”

“A place to shelter from the wind and rain is enough, and He Tan despises it~ As for the name of the Hall of Rebirth, I have also heard of it a little, but in my opinion, everyone has to die, the only difference is the time.~”

“Hahaha~ Okay, okay~ You are quite open-minded, brother. Please come with me. I will take you to the guest room to settle down.~”

“Thanks to this great���I don’t know your name yet.~”

“Hi~ Just call me Lao Hei, but I have a brother on duty and we are from the same family!”

“That’s really fate~”

Lao Hei and Lao Bai?

After saying goodbye to Zhongli, Bai Mo also settled down in the Wangsheng Hall under Lao Hei’s arrangement.

An antique room, it was similar to the old-fashioned room that Bai Mo had seen in Donghuang Garden.

Sitting on the chair in the room, Bai Mo also began to think about how he could earn Mora in this world.

Today’s strongest food hunter system allows it to live in this world for seven days, and after seven days, it must wait for the next activation.

Of course, the speed of time on both sides is different. With the help of the system, no matter which The world passed in less than a second.

Therefore, Bai Mo began to think about whether he could bring some things from modern society here to sell and become a dealer between the two worlds.

Although Liyue is not much different from the ancient Donghuang, the specific situation is still somewhat different. He can’t bring some modern electrical appliances here.

After all, his system is not an Internet cafe in Teyvat. Not to mention whether it can pass the level of the Emperor, the most important thing is that it may not have any network function!

In addition to modern electrical appliances, glass beads? No, Liyue is not short of such things.

Sweet potatoes, potatoes, corn? This world also has them.~

《Barefoot Doctors Manual》,《Friends of Dual-Use Military and Civilian Talents》,《Militia Military Training Manual》,《Militia Cadre Handbook: Are you planning to rebel against the Rock King? I’m afraid a rock spear will hit you directly.


Liyue seems to have a tradition of writing novels~

Inazuma across the sea seems to be popular with light novels~

And the second young master of the Feiyun Chamber of Commerce in Liyue Harbor seems to be serializing”Shen Qiu Shi Jian Lu”.

Can I also be a plagiarist?

《Breaking the Sky》、《Blowing the Lamp》、《The Heroic Shooting》、《A Mortal Cultivating Demons》、《” Slaying the Demon” and so on, it seems that there are indeed a lot of novels that can be copied!

It seems that there is a lot of room for development!

Thinking of this, Bai Mo couldn’t help it anymore, and he took out a pen and paper and started writing:”Heaven and earth are unkind, and treat all things as straw dogs! (This story is about another world, any similarities are purely coincidental, please don’t believe it)

There were no demons or immortals in this world originally, but since ancient times, human beings have witnessed all kinds of wonderful things in the world, lightning and thunder, natural disasters and man-made disasters, countless casualties, and wailing everywhere, which are absolutely beyond human power and cannot be resisted.

Therefore, it is believed that there are all kinds of gods above the nine heavens, and under the nine netherworlds, it is also the place where the souls return, the Hall of Yama.”

“In today’s world, the righteous are flourishing and the evil are retreating. The Central Plains is a land of beautiful mountains and rivers, with a large number of people and abundant resources. It is firmly occupied by the righteous families. Among them, the”Qingyun Sect” is particularly”、””Tianyin Temple”, and”Fenxiang Valley” are the three pillars, and they are the leaders.

This story starts from”Qingyunmen”.”

After thinking about it, Bai Mo finally decided to use”Zhu Mo” as his first novel to test the waters in this world.

However, the content system of Zhu Mo is still somewhat different from that of the Teyvat continent, so it still needs to be slightly modified in combination with the actual situation.

Therefore, the content of the first sentence at the beginning is the content.

Zhu Mo has eight volumes of 1.2 million words.

Bai Mo worked all night and put all his energy into changing the first volume.

After one night, the first volume of 150,000 words was successfully adapted by him.

This volume starts from Zhang Xiaofan’s Caomiao Village tragedy, the Seven Veins Martial Arts Competition, and ends with meeting the demon cult witch Bi Yao in the Wanfu Ancient Cave, and learning the infatuation spell together.

When Bai Mo finished revising the content while recalling the plot in his mind, the sky outside the room had already brightened.

This feeling of copying books seems to be really good~

But when Bai Mo stretched his muscles and bones and looked at the novel he wrote again, his original smile froze.

Liyue doesn’t use Chinese characters. Although it is similar to Donghuang’s small seal script, it is still far from modern Chinese!

So it seems that I still need to find a Chinese-Chinese translator to help me write?

“Then we can only randomly select a lucky audience member~”

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