“Hello, Lady Rias……..”

“”Hit! Excuse me! ~”

After realizing that the scene of her and Luo Fan reaching an exchange was seen by Rias, Ichinose’s face instantly turned red.

So, she said hello and chose to flee the scene directly!

Rias smiled and walked towards Luo Fan, her clear blue eyes filled with unprecedented courage.

If it was just an ordinary delay, she thought it was no problem.

But, Luo Fan actually stood her up because of another girl!?

Could it be that she, Rias, was not as good as the girl who Luo Fan asked for underwear!?

Whether it was the size of the breasts, the height, or the temperament, she was better, right?!

“So, Luo Fanjun, the reason you stood me up is because you are collecting underwear from beautiful female students?” Li Yasi asked with a smile

“It can be said that”

“If you want to give me your words, Rias, I don’t mind.”Luo Fan replied calmly.

At this time, you must not be timid.


Such a calm and frank answer frightened Rias and she took a step back.

Why could Luo Fan say such a thing as a matter of course? When did the world become like this?

“”Um, Mr. Luo Fan, you should remember that you have a fiancée, and I have a fiancée, right?” There was a hint of temptation in Rias’s eyes.

Was Luo Fan joking, or was he really interested in her?

In fact, she was quite satisfied with Luo Fan, both in terms of appearance and strength.

However, she was not the kind of woman who would make a move on her best friend’s man. She also had her own reserve and pride.

But the situation now is that her best friend’s man wants to pursue her?

The situation is different, right?

Even her best friend’s man is interested in her, doesn’t it show that she is an attractive woman?

Under Rias’s gaze, Luo Fan slowly spoke

“The engagement between Sona and I will be cancelled after today.”

“As for you, Rias, aren’t you also very dissatisfied with your fiancé, Riser, and want him to play a rating-game to break off the engagement?”

“If you really want to do this, I can help you.”

Before the collection mission was triggered, Luo Fan would never be so proactive with Rias. After all, his time is limited, and there are still many beautiful girls waiting for him to save in Xiandu Mu Aye.

But now the situation is different, he is still hoping to get the ownership of this school from Rias.

After hearing Luo Fan’s words, Rias’s blue eyes widened slightly.

“Luo Fanjun…….you…….Do you want to do it for me?……..Challenge Reiser again?”

The challenge that Lofan launched to Reiser was engraved in the hearts of many underworld demons.

Although he was not Phoenix, Lofan showed physical and mental toughness that was no less than Phoenix.

In the end, he wore Phoenix down to the point of mental breakdown!

It can be said that Reiser’s sister was moved by the battle between Lofan and her brother, so she chose to transfer to the school where Lofan was.

Ravel was not the only one who watched the battle and was moved by Lofan’s spirit and strength.

Rias was one of them.

It’s a pity that Lofan’s purpose in challenging Reiser was not to rob her of her marriage, but to teach her a lesson. Just to teach that rude yellow-haired bastard a lesson.

Rias licked her red lips somewhat unconfidently. She was indeed excellent, but was her charm great enough to make Luo Fan take action for her?

Speaking of excellence, Luo Fan was above her in both appearance and strength.

Therefore, when facing Luo Fan, even someone as excellent as Rias was a little unconfident.


It was precisely because of the unconfidence.

Rias was looking forward to Luo Fan’s answer even more.

If Luo Fan answered at this time: For her, he was willing to challenge Lesar again, it would be almost equivalent to a confession.

And Luo Fan, facing Rias’s expectant eyes, pulled the corners of his mouth

“No, Rias, I think you misunderstood something.”

“I said I wanted to help you, but I didn’t mean to challenge Reiser myself.”

“I hope that you can become stronger with my help, and then defeat Ruisel by yourself and cancel your engagement by yourself.”Luo Fan said slowly

“Huh? You choose to help me become stronger, and then let me defeat my fiancé and cancel the engagement?”


Lias frowned slightly. Is the relationship between her and Luo Fan good enough to make Luo Fan help her so much?

“On the one hand, I think that according to your personality, Rias, you would be more comfortable if you could solve the problem by your own ability.”

“on the other hand……..”

“I hope you can see my help as a deal.”

“I helped you break up your engagement, and you…….Then you will hand over the ownership of this school to me.”

In the VIP reception room of Advanced Training High School,

Luo Fan and Li Ya Si sat opposite each other.

“Luo Fanjun, what did you just say? Can you say it again?”

Li Yasi wondered if she had heard it wrong.

“Liya, I said, I hope you can transfer this highly cultivated place under your feet to me.”Luo Fan took a sip of tea and replied

“that…….Luo Fanjun, I was only given the power to let you choose and trade followers by my family, but I have no right to decide whether to transfer the facilities of the Gremory family.”Rias smiled awkwardly and said

“Is that so? Then who has the right to transfer this facility?”

“The Gremory family is small and has only one heir. From the first generation of Gremory to me, it has only been passed down for three generations. In addition to me, my mother Venelana and my ancestor Luneas have the right to decide whether to transfer the facility.”Rias replied

“In other words, everyone except you has the power to make decisions in the Gremory family, right?”

Luo Fan raised his eyebrows. This Rias is really useless.~~~

“Well, that’s it.~”

“As for me, I have to wait until I become the highest-level devil before I can have this power.” Rias’s smile became even more stiff.

So that’s it.

So this is why Luo Fanjun wanted to help her become stronger?

Because only after she becomes the highest-level devil can she really mobilize the resources of her family and make a deal with Luo Fan.

Rias was a little sad.

Luo Fanjun, in fact, was not interested in her from the beginning?…….


Rias looked up suddenly.

She understood, she understood everything!

Obviously, a high-level training high school cannot be compared with”breaking off an engagement” and”promoting to a higher-level devil”!

Then why did Luo Fan make this request?

Either Luo Fan really needs this high school, and he needs it more than ever.

Or………..Luo Fan was using this as an excuse to help her! Because he was worried about her self-esteem, he just made a request that was not difficult!

That’s right!

That’s it!

In this way, everything makes sense! Then why did Luo Fan do this?

Sure enough, it was because……..Like her? Don’t want her to marry someone else?

As for what, considering her personality like a flower on the mountain? So make a deal with her instead of helping her directly?

I guess that’s just to save her face.

“Okay, Luo Fanjun, I will practice hard. Please train me well so that I can get the strength of the highest level demon as soon as possible and cancel the engagement!”

Lias stood up and looked at Luo Fan with a firm look in her eyes.

【I think you have misunderstood something.】 Luo Fan pursed his lips. He had to admit that at this time, Liya’s imagination was stronger.

Just as Luo Fan was about to say something.

In the room, a blood-red magic circle was constructed and appeared.


“Don’t bother with that~ Luo Fanjun.”

A flaxen-haired figure who looked very similar to Rias emerged from the magic circle. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)


Lias opened her red lips in disbelief.

Why did her mother come to the human world!?

Luo Fan also looked at Venilana.

【In the original plot, Venelana came from the family of King Baal.】[]

【However, according to the memories I got from my previous life, this world is different from the original plot.】

【There is no man in the Gremory family. Sirzechs is just an adopted son picked up by the first generation of Gremory from the battlefield. What happened to the Gremory family? Can you give birth without a man? How is that possible?】

【Now, Venelana came to me on her own initiative…….Is it what I thought?…….Looks like I have to add a new schedule to my schedule. 】

Under Rias’s gaze, Venilana, wearing a white evening gown, slowly walked towards Luo Fan.

The white garter stockings went deep into the bottom of the skirt along her long legs, and the white pearl jewelry on her wrists and the white thighs next to the cheongsam white skirt complemented each other, attracting everyone’s attention.

Even Luo Fan had to admit that Venilana completely surpassed Rias in mature charm.

Rias’ mother Venilana walked up to Rias, stretched out her hand, and gently tapped her on the head.

“Rias, how can you be so stingy? You are not even willing to give me a small training facility.”

“If Luo Fanjun wants it, I can decide and give this high school to Luo Fanjun.~”

“Really? Then, what price do I need to pay?” Luo Fan asked tentatively.

“No need to pay any price~”

“Oh, that’s right.~”

“I like Luo Fanjun very much. It would be great if Luo Fanjun could come to my house tonight~”

Venilana said as she turned her body, her white skirt fluttering.

When she finished turning a circle, she had already walked to Luo Fan’s side and took the opportunity to hug Luo Fan’s arm.

It was the first time that Luo Fan met such an active person of the opposite sex, and he was a little overwhelmed.

Hey, hey, hey, it’s okay to lean your chest against my hand, but don’t shake your chest while talking~

Venilana’s offensive continued

“Of course, Luo Fanjun doesn’t have to come. I don’t want to make a deal with Luo Fanjun, forcing him to come to my house or I won’t give him this school.”

“only…….Luo Fanjun, are you willing to let me wait for you at home all night?”

Venilana looked up at Luo Fan from below, like an abandoned kitten.


Luo Fan resisted the urge to move his fingers and start playing with the ball, and looked at Li Ya Si helplessly.

If it weren’t for the”spiritual evolution” just now, Luo Fan felt that he couldn’t help it.

“”Mother, could you please not get so close to Luo Fan-kun?” Rias looked directly at her mother and said word by word.

She was talking to Luo Fan just fine, but her mother Venilana came out to cut in.

How could someone cheat their daughter like this?!

She had thought that her competitor might be Sona.

But she never thought that her competitor would be her own mother!?

“Ah~ Rias, I don’t remember when I taught you to be such an impolite child.”

Venilana smiled and raised her head, retracting her pitiful posture just now, and the red-black destructive magic in her hand appeared.

“Mother, I remember you never took the initiative like this before? Could it be that Mother is the type who sees outstanding young men?”

“Rias, do you know what you are saying to your mother? At least I think that everything I did today was what I should do.~”

“Humph! Anyway, please, mother, don’t interrupt my conversation with Luo Fan!”

“Rias, you are the one who didn’t even serve a cup of tea to your mother. How come you forgot your mother now that you have a man? ?”

In the VIP room, the atmosphere of destruction was filled.

Then…….As for Luo Fan

, after realizing that something was wrong, he immediately

“Um, Rias, if you want to continue discussing cooperation, please come to the player preparation area before the game starts.”

“In addition to the transfer of the school, I have another thing to discuss with you.”


This rating-game promotion competition will be open to the four major forces in the form of”live broadcast”.

Therefore, it has also attracted the attention of many upper demon nobles in the underworld.

Even the king of demons, the so-called Demon King, is paying close attention to this game. Because among the contestants there are relatives of the Demon King! And there are quite a few!

So, when the game just started, Serafall rushed to Sirzechs’ room!

“Sirzechs, open the door! Tell me where Gurefia went!”

“I know, if it’s you, you must know the news about Gurefia!”

Feeling that his door was about to be knocked down, the red-haired demon king smiled helplessly and stretched out his hand to cancel the spell on the door. The next second, a black-haired girl with twin ponytails wearing a magical girl cosplay costume rushed into the demon king’s office.

The first time she entered the office, she saw the silver-gray figure


“You are here after all!”

“I knew it! Even if you are on a mission, you will definitely pay attention to this game!”

Seraphel came to Gurefia with a fierce look, staring at her fiercely.

“Gurefia! I’m here for you this time!”

“Why do you let your little brat brother bully my Cang Na?! Tell me! Who arranged the match schedule! Don’t you know that my Cang Na doesn’t have all her followers yet? You actually arranged your Luo Fan for her?”

Seraful’s words were not pleasant to hear, but they were true.

According to her speculation, it is estimated that Cang Na can only win if all her followers fight against Luo Fan alone.


Cang Na uses the followers she gave her

“The schedule of the competition has nothing to do with me. It is decided by the Witch of the Void.”

Grefia glanced at Serafall and ignored her.

She also had her own purpose today and had no intention of arguing with Serafall.

Perhaps……..After today’s battle, she will be sure that Luo Fan…….Is she really back? Not the illusion created by the secret treasure of the underworld that copied her thoughts……..The real Luo Fan was the one who defeated the existence of the Destroyed World and took away her true heart.

Everyone present seemed to have tacitly accepted a fact.

That was……..

Luo Fan will definitely defeat the two opponents he is facing now, and then face Shang Cang.

Even if these two opponents come from the most powerful Great King Family and Grand Duke Family,

【A new book is launched, please give me flowers, comments, and monthly votes~ and].

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