This was her agreement with Tiernan.

She successfully came to Pinocchio and helped the people here to resolve the crisis.

Tiernan's wish was also fulfilled at this moment.

After all, Pinocchio is finally back on track.

Everything seems to have become better.

And the Pinocchio that these former unknown guests have been looking forward to.

In a sense, it is about to start over.

And just as Huang Quan was speaking.

Suddenly, there were bursts of footsteps behind him.

These footsteps were getting closer and closer.

And louder and louder, you can feel that it is not one person.


Huang Quan said immediately

"And the future nameless guests are also ready to set off for their next stop."

Her words can be regarded as a perfect commemoration of the past and a vision of the future.

When Huang Quan looked back, he had seen all the members of the train crew.

To be precise, everyone except Pam.

Ji Zi, Walter, Xing, Dan Heng, and March Seven.

The five of them came here together.

The purpose of their coming here is naturally to say goodbye and commemorate.

After all

, in a sense, he has taken over the wishes of his predecessors.

This is the inheritance of pioneering.

Xing: So we are here? It seems that we have to say goodbye this time.

March Seven: I always feel that things are still unusual.

Liuying: All in all, this encounter with Huang Quan should be regarded as a coincidence.

Huang Quan: It is a coincidence. To some extent, it is also the inevitability of fate.

Huang Quan: Since you have also come here to say goodbye, then we are destined to meet.

Black Swan: There is a sense of destiny, and such memories are indeed very precious.

Funina: So this time it is really a coincidence.

Kamisato Ayaka: That's right, it is indeed a coincidence that I came here.

Firefly: Is it fate that makes us meet?

Xing: But it's also good, I can say goodbye to Huang Quan properly.

Himeko: The journey of a story is about to end, and a new story journey is about to begin.

Himeko: So there must be a good ending.

Himeko: We have accomplished many things in Pinoconi, and now it can be regarded as a brief report.

March Seven: Yes, yes! All in all, it is still very fulfilling.


On the exposure screen.

At this time, all the members of the Starry Sky Train team came here. After seeing Huang Quan, Ji Zi looked at him and nodded slightly.

"But before we leave, we have one last thing to do."

Ji Zi said, and then looked at Xing who was standing beside her.

Obviously, at this time, she hoped that Xing could come forward.

After all, in a sense,

Xing was the first person to meet Huang Quan.

At this time, Xing also said directly

"Come and say goodbye to you and all the nameless guests."

Xing: Wow, you leave this opportunity to me?

Xing: I really feel valued!!

March Seven: This can be regarded as a little exercise of your courage. But I feel like you don't need any exercise at all.

Black Swan: That's right, Xing is already brave enough, she can ignore other people's gazes.

Firefly: Hahaha, are you talking about rummaging through the trash can or shooting birds?

Firefly: But the little gray-haired one is really fun. Firefly:

All in all, it is really appropriate for Xing to come forward in this situation.

Ester: Indeed, as early as the beginning, it was Xing and Huang Quan who met.

Xing: Yes, now that you mention it, I remember! We were the first two to meet!!

Gold Dust: Hahaha , if that's the case, it's really more appropriate for you to come forward.

Portio: Yes, I remember that Huang Quan pretended to be the Sea Ranger at the beginning. To be honest, it was really annoying.

Portio: But I didn't expect that he would be a companion in the end.

Portio: This is just fate.

Robin: In Pinocchio, everything is possible and everything is allowed. Fu Xuan

: That's right, I hope there will be a relatively perfect ending in the future.

Xing: Let the protagonist come out now and put a perfect end to all this.

March 7: Okay, you are the only one who thinks you are the protagonist.

Doctor Zhenli: In fact, she does have many perspectives and appearances.

Xing: Hehehe, that's right! At times like this, I should come forward!!


On the exposed screen.

At this time.

Huang Quan also spoke

"It's my honor."

She was very grateful.

But also very calm.

"I've experienced too many goodbyes"

"I am very happy that I can say goodbye to you all with a smile this time."

From these short words, one can feel some sadness.

Or rather, these sadness are inevitable.

She seems to have experienced many farewells, and none of these farewells are very happy.

March 7: This feeling is really weird.

Star: Let me think about it... When Huangquan passed by, his home was destroyed by nothingness.

Star: After that, it seems that there is an unknown guest who wants to launch himself into nothingness.

Black Tower: And then she just disappeared.

Portio: After that, it was the agreement with Tiernan. Robin:

It seems that there are really many farewells, which sounds really distressing. Screw Gumm

: Perhaps it is because of this that it is contaminated with nothingness, and it will inevitably be so in the end.

Ruan Mei: In a sense, this is a curse.

Gold Dust: But fortunately, our lives are relatively strong, aren't they?

Firefly: That's right, even if the future has already been doomed, we must resist fate.

Firefly: I think there will be a relatively good ending in the future.

Firefly: Everyone must keep working hard


On the exposed screen.

At this time.

Huang Quan was still talking.

To be precise, she did not intend to take the main position first.

"But before leaving"

"You probably have a lot to say to the nameless guest from the past, right?"

Huang Quan said this, and then looked at the monument.

"Bringing a perfect end to the story of the deceased"

"Is the best consolation"

"Go ahead, they are all here."

Then, Huang Quan gave up his seat to the train crew.

At this time, the train crew also walked to the monument. They looked at the monument together and chose to say goodbye to them. March 7 couldn't help but sigh at this time.

"To be honest, I was quite surprised when I first heard the conductor's request.

"No name, no name……"

"Pioneers do good things and never leave their names"

"So much time has passed……"

"How can we find the whereabouts of those three people in such a big Pinocchio?"

March Seven said with emotion.

And this is indeed what everyone thought at the beginning.

Xing: Yes, it seemed impossible at the beginning.

March Seven: Even the conductor himself was prepared for not being able to find them.

Gold Sand: It seems that your conductor really cares about the former nameless guests.

Firefly: Hahaha, even the worst nameless guest was forgiven.

Black Swan: All in all, it was like looking for a needle in a haystack at the beginning.

Black Swan: If I hadn't heard their story, I might not have thought that the watchmaker was actually one of the nameless guests.

Firefly: Yes, after all, no one thought that they could leave such a strong and colorful mark.

Zhongli: And it seems so... It seems that Kaituo is indeed very famous in the universe.

Ningguang: He is someone worth making friends with. After all, everyone will be in a bad situation sometimes.

Ningguang: No matter who you are, you hope that there is a righteous person who can help you when you are in trouble.

Topa: Yes, this is human nature.

Potio: Hahaha! From this point of view, it is understandable why the company must make friends with the Star Train.

Feicui: Because the transaction with them is not a loss in itself.

Topa: Maybe we will need their help in the future?

Xing: As long as you have not done anything bad, I think we will help.

March 7: Be chivalrous and help others, this is what we have to do. To read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network! )


In the exposure screen.

At this time, March 7 was still sighing

"But now it seems……"

"In the land of dreams, everything is possible."

She was very emotional.

Everyone could feel it.

The beginning and the end of this journey were so dramatic.

Similarly, this journey was so memorable.

Dan Heng beside her���At this time, he also opened his mouth and said

"History may not leave the names of the dead"

"But the stars will bear witness to their footsteps.

This is the Star Train.

The Star Train shuttles between the silver tracks.


They will leave a track in the Milky Way.

This is undoubtedly a good thing for everyone.

Especially the company.

After the silver track is laid, the company can naturally develop trade.

And those nameless guests who have contributed to the development will definitely be recorded by the stars.

This is the romance of the nameless guests themselves.

Only in the think tank of the nameless guests themselves can there be such a record.

Dan Heng continued to sigh.

He also paid the greatest respect to the predecessors who had passed away.

"The first ray of light in the long night"

"Often can't illuminate anything"

"Because it is fleeting, and the night is too long."

Dan Heng was talking about the predecessors.

"But people will remember it."

"If there is always something to light up in the night sky"

"Then, after the first star fell……"

"There will be countless meteors across the sky."

This kind of successive romance is unique to pioneering.

Star: The first light that breaks through the sky, does this give people hope?

Firefly: I think in a sense, what you do is like this.

March 7: So, that's really touching.

Star: I feel embarrassed to say it all of a sudden.

Black Swan: The first light will not illuminate anything, but there will always be light.

Black Swan: I wish you can always light up this starry sky.

Huangquan: That's right, the existence of every world may require the existence of such a group of people.

Bronya: He They all hold lofty wills and firm beliefs.

Bronya: No matter how difficult the future may be, they will do their best.

Portio: Hahaha! Holy crap!! The Star Train is indeed interesting!!

Portio: Well, it seems that the patrol is really close.

Yan Qing: Yes, no matter where the problem occurs, they will go to help.

Gold Dust: After all, this is already recognized in the universe.

Portio: In comparison, the company's reputation is not good at all.

Gold Dust: Oh, the company is a business after all, don't make comparisons at this time.


On the exposed screen, at this time, they had already taken out the wine that Shu Weng had chosen.

And now, they all raised their glasses together.

The glasses clinked together and made a sound.

This was the best commemoration for the predecessors.

At this time, Dan Heng also led everyone to speak.

"Boreklin Tiernan, Lazarina Jane Estella, salute you!"

"Pioneers of the Silver Track——"

Everyone was respectfully silent at this time, choosing to bow their heads.


Here is a tribute to the history that is no longer silent, the passionate and brave rush, 503 and the journey to the stars.���

It is also the best interpretation of Pinocchio.

Xing: The past history has been revealed.

Sanyueqi: Yes, the past history will not remain silent anymore.

Mockingbird: Pinocchio has successfully vindicated them.

Mockingbird: I think this is the best result for them.

Xing: And the passionate and brave rush, this is really the best portrayal of the three of them.

Firefly: That’s right, whether they choose to stay here or to open up again, they have no hesitation.

Firefly: This is the last moment of life, and they have dedicated all their strength to this place.

Black Swan: They are all predecessors worthy of commemoration, and they have all left deep memories.

Portio: My God! Such people are worthy of respect.

Finina: Yes! Such people are worthy of respect.

Kamisato Ayaka: The younger generation bids farewell to the older generation, which is also a relatively good result.

Nashida: I hope everything will be relatively beautiful in the future.


In the exposure picture.

At this time.

Everyone on the Star Dome Train has also seen the fence next to the monument.

And on the fence of the monument.

At this time, there is a statue sitting cleverly.

This statue is a statue of a hound.

To be honest, it is very unexpected here. It is watching something.

March 7 is also very surprised by its appearance.

"This statue... shouldn't have been here last time."

She asked doubtfully.

It seemed like something was wrong.

And Jizi understood what was going on in an instant.


It seems that this is the last puzzle that Mr. Gallagher has left for us.

"In the end, we still don't know his true identity."

"I can't even tell if he is a living person or not."

Jie Zi sighed like this.

To be honest, it was also very surprising.

And all the previous speculations.

At this time, it seems that they have been responded to in some form.

Liuying: Speaking of this, I remember that Mr. Gallagher said before that he was only 13 years old.

Xing: Yes, at that time, he looked like an uncle and didn't look like one.

March Seven: Then we have guessed that if he is not a human, there is this possibility.

Furninna: To be honest, this speculation is still because he is a mysterious minion, right?

Nashida: Because I can change my appearance at will, so there is the current Gallagher. Kamisato

Ayaka: But it feels like he has experienced a lot in the past.

Black Swan: So on the whole, the biggest possibility is that it is really a hound.

Shajin: Is that so? Don't mention this possibility, it really is possible.

Poteo: My God, so is it really a hound?

Liuying: In fact, we can also ask Mr. Gallagher in person……

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