In a newly opened restaurant in Juwang Town ,

Erina finished her day’s work and headed towards Luo Fan’s villa.

“I have just been reincarnated as a demon and I have already completed two contracts on the second day. It seems that the work of demons is not that difficult~”

Demons need to sign contracts with humans to complete their performance.

In addition to trying to reach contracts, she is also responsible for publicity.

The reason why Luo Fan asked Erina to promote was not to let more people summon his followers to reach contracts.

His followers do not need this method to improve their evaluation.

Luo Fan did this to let more people summon him.

Luo Fan did not intend to do the work of demons seriously from the beginning.

What he really wanted to do was to get more trading partners through publicity.

“”Knock, knock, knock!”

The door was opened, and the one who opened it for her was a black cat walking upright.

“You’re back? Come on, cook now~”

Heidimon’s venomous tongue was much weaker than last night.

Erina knew why.

Because Heidimon was a foodie cat.

After drinking the fish soup she made, Heidimon had to admit that Erina Nakiri could play a big role in both life and battle.

“”Heidilumon, what do you want to eat today?”

Erina Nakiri asked while putting on her apron.

After awakening the true demon blood of”Walliver”, Erina felt like she had stepped into a whole new door.

New ingredients, new combinations, and new cooking methods.

Different from the mundane cooking world that has been almost fully explored.

This is a whole new field!

“For me, the same fish soup as yesterday will do.” Heidi Lu Beast swallowed his saliva and tried his best to maintain his cool attitude.

“Fish soup~no problem!”

“What about Lord Luo Fan? Is he still practicing? Did he say what he wants to eat today?”

“You can do whatever you want, as long as it tastes good.”

“Okay, then I’ll improve yesterday’s dishes.~”

“Oh, yes, there is one more thing.”Erina nodded. She almost forgot something very important.

“Is mother awake?”

“Didn’t Lord Luo Fan say yesterday that mother would wake up today at the latest?”

“If I wake up, I can ask my mother what she wants to eat.”

“She is awake, but she is busy now, so she may not be in the mood to pay attention to you.”

Heidi Lumon’s words can be said to be quite direct.

In her opinion, both Erina Nakiri and Managi Nakiri are Luo Fan’s property, and there is nothing to be shy about.

If she were not just a cat now, she would probably have to teach the mother and daughter in person.

“What does”busy” mean? Forget it, I’ll go see what mother is busy with.”Erina didn’t know what Heidilumon meant, so she just walked straight upstairs.

However, she couldn’t take the next step when she was halfway through…..

After reincarnating as a demon, Erina’s hearing and sense of smell have been greatly enhanced.

Therefore, even though the distance is still far, it is inevitable that she heard some sounds.


Let’s not talk about the content of the voice for now.

She can say that she is very familiar with the voice!

“How…….How can……..”

Erina opened her beautiful eyes slightly, unable to hide the surprise that rose from the bottom of her heart.

It was her mother’s voice! She had not heard it wrong!

That voice, suppressed but with the joy of release, euphemistic but with the meaning of seeking pleasure.

After confirming the nature and content of the voice she heard, Erina did not move her feet again………

Half an hour later, Erina, who had figured out the whole story, returned to the kitchen.

The contract cannot be violated.

In other words, it was not Luo Fan who took the initiative.

The development of the situation must have been due to the subjective will of the mother.

She herself signed the contract with the devil without the mother’s knowledge.

Now, how could she say anything about the mother’s choice?

【Perhaps, my mother’s love for me…….Much deeper than I thought………】

Erina remembered that in the hospital, Nakiri Masagi didn’t let her touch her body.

It wasn’t because she didn’t love her.

Her mother chose to stay away from her to protect her and prevent her from hurting herself to save her life.

Is the current situation the same as before?

Her mother made this choice because she loved her.

“It is recorded in the Nakiri family that all the partners of the God Tongue will die within a week after the wedding.”

“So, my mother gave birth to me artificially.”

“One week later……..”

“Everything will be revealed”

“The Fate of God’s Tongue…….Can it be broken?”

Nakiri Erina quietly cooked, with a myriad of thoughts in her mind.


“What am I thinking about?…….”

“She has sold herself to the devil, but she is still thinking about things that don’t matter.

She shook her head, letting her long hair fall.

After tying her hair up, Erina returned to the cooking process………

In Luo Fan’s room.

Halftime. It was not until she ate the meal that Erina cooked that Nakiri Masagi realized that Erina had come back.

Unfortunately, she was busy fighting with the God’s Tongue beside her for the food in her mouth and had no time to care about anything else.

The next day.

After getting up reluctantly, Nakiri Masagi said goodbye to Luo Fan.

“Fanjun, I’m going to go see Erina.”

“She has always been a stickler for details, and I’m worried that she will think of something unnecessary again.”

Unlike Erina’s momentary impulse, it took Nakiri Masagi quite a long time to decide to become a demon servant.

She was worried that Erina’s immature mind would make immature decisions, so she chose to make a contract with Luo Fan.

At least, let her bear some things that she should have borne.

Erina is still young and has no room for trial and error.

Therefore, Nakiri Masagi, who has a spirit of dedication and trial and error, decided to intercept.

Due to an unexpected situation, Erina knew about this matter much earlier than Nakiri Masagi thought.

Therefore, she had no choice but to go and see Erina’s situation first.

“Well, if you encounter any trouble, remember to contact me.” Luo Fan naturally couldn’t stop Nakiri Managi.

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