Ancient wizards return to Hogwarts

Chapter 70 Ravenclaw’s Full-length Mirror

This silver-looking cloak really feels like holding a handful of water in your hand. This material reminds Les of the robes worn by the false gods in Northern Europe. Those gorgeous robes are also the same. texture.

But the material wasn't the most amazing thing about it. What surprised Les the most was the magic attached to it.

What is attached to it is not an "ordinary" spell like the Disillusionment Curse, but a combination of spells that even Les seems to find a bit tricky.

But what confused Les was that this combination of spells only achieved an invisibility effect, the kind of invisibility that could be seen through by himself.

This is quite a bit like building a top-of-the-line computer and then using it to play Texas Hold'em poker.

This invisibility cloak seemed unremarkable at first glance. If he wanted to make new discoveries, Les needed to keep the invisibility cloak in his hands for a while to study it, but the relationship between Harry and himself was obviously not that familiar.

But it’s okay to try it on. After getting Harry's permission, Les put on the invisibility cloak.

However, after putting on the cloak, Les still didn't find anything extraordinary about this cloak. It seemed to be no different from an ordinary invisibility cloak, except that it was more comfortable to wear.

Use precious materials and complex magic to create a work of art? A trace of confusion flashed through Les's mind. He always felt that there was something fishy in this matter.

Now was not the time to think about the problem. If he delayed any longer, Les was afraid that Harry would think that he had absconded with his clothes. He took off the Invisibility Cloak and handed it back to Harry.

"It's unlike any invisibility cloak I've ever seen before."

Harry smiled back: "Indeed, Ron also said it was unusual."

Ordinary invisibility cloaks will expire in a few months or a few years, but Harry's invisibility cloak is said to be a relic of his father, which means that it has been effective for at least eleven years.

The spell lasts extraordinarily long, which may be one of its special features, Les thought, and planned to check the information on Harry's father.

After a brief chat, the slightly strange combination of two Gryffindors and two Slytherins began their journey to explore the castle.

"Come on, let's squeeze in. The cloak is quite big." Harry opened the cloak and motioned for the two of them to come in.

To be honest, this cloak is obviously not large enough to accommodate four people, even if they are all young wizards who have just entered school. Daphne tried hard to control her expression, but she still couldn't help showing a look of disgust: she didn't want to be squeezed under the same cloak with these two guys.

The airtight cloak will block the air exchange, and all she will inhale is the exhaust gas exhaled by the two people. Maybe their hot breath will spray on her neck... Just think about that scene Daphne got goosebumps all over her body.

Harry was slightly embarrassed: he didn't know what to do for a moment. He couldn't kick Ron out from under the cloak, could he?

Fortunately, there was Les, who calmly resolved the awkward atmosphere.

He said that it was difficult for four people to move under the cloak, so it was more convenient for him and Daphne to use the Disillusionment Charm. Then Les took out a small pendant, pretended to turn it around, and used the movements in his hand to cast a disillusionment spell on himself and Daphne.

Harry was a little curious about the Disillusionment Charm used by Les. However, he was not familiar with Les and was not very embarrassed to speak. In addition, Ron on the side was urging him to go, so he could only suppress his thoughts for the time being.

"So where are we going?" After walking around the hallway a few times, Daphne's patience ran out. She didn't want to waste time on such things, so she asked.

"I'm looking for a tall suit of armor, and there's a magical mirror in the room nearby."


The familiar feeling of rising blood pressure!

How many sets of armor are there in Hogwarts Castle? I'm afraid even Principal Dumbledore couldn't answer this question - Rice didn't know either. They didn't like to put armor in the castle at that time. They all used stone beasts. Armor, especially full body armor, did not become popular until the fifteenth century.

Although she didn't know the exact number, Daphne was sure that Harry's behavior was extremely unreliable. Harry trying to find a specific suit of armor in the castle was like trying to buy cold medicine but only remembering the word "capsule" in the name.

"How magical?" Les also wanted to know what the magic of the mirror in Harry's mouth was.

"That mirror can reflect the family of the person looking in the mirror. You can look at that mirror with me." Harry put on the invisibility cloak and went out on an adventure by himself last night. As a result, he accidentally bumped into Filch this time, and accidentally stepped on Mrs. Norris's tail. Mrs. Norris chased Filch for a long time, and finally hid in an abandoned classroom. Only then did he hide.

In that room, there was a mirror that Harry couldn't forget. Through that mirror, Harry saw his parents for the first time.

Harry's words caused Daphne to fall into silence. After a while, she took the initiative to help Harry recall the environment near the suit of armor.

The four of them worked together and found the classroom in no time.

In fact, it is not difficult. Just take Harry to the place where he met Filch, then analyze his escape route, and prioritize options with abandoned classrooms.

When he opened the door and saw the mirror in the classroom, Les was stunned: he felt an extremely familiar feeling from the mirror. He couldn't help but walk to the mirror and put his hand on it.

Memories came flooding back.

The carriage drove slowly along the road, and the four people in the carriage lay down in the carriage to rest in the most comfortable posture.

"Is there a way for us to know the effect of clothes on our bodies without wearing them?" Rowena suddenly asked such a question.

The other three people in the carriage:...

"How troublesome can it be to get dressed?" Godric frowned: Why does Rowena think about being lazy every day? First, he invented the magic that allows the carriage to drive automatically, and then he invented a strange prop that puts candlelight into a container and releases it for automatic lighting at night.

"Some dresses are very troublesome to wear!" Rowena explained.

"You can get a magic mirror. The mirror can read your thoughts and then represent them on the mirror." Salazar Slytherin gave his own suggestion, "This way you can imagine that thing in your mind." What the clothes look like, and then the mirror will automatically reflect how you look wearing the clothes.”

"What a great idea! I'm going to make a mirror right now."

When Rowena Ravenclaw received her mirror, even her best friend Helga Hufflepuff couldn't help complaining that something was wrong with her brain.

They thought that Ravenclaw would be enough to get a makeup mirror, but they didn't expect that she actually got a copper plate that was so large that it could reflect the whole body of a person, and then polished it into a giant bronze mirror.

"It saves money to polish it yourself!" she said confidently.

However, Ravenclaw's magic mirror did not achieve the effect she expected.


Here’s the update, good night everyone!

Next update in the morning~


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