Ancient wizards return to Hogwarts

Chapter 67 Don’t be polite to Snape anymore!

"I..." Harry faltered.

With this look, he almost knew it was written on his face.

"Please tell me, I really want to know what's hidden underneath!" Daphne asked her question almost impatiently.

It's a rare opportunity to get the answer to a puzzle without having to force your way through a three-headed dog!

However, Harry did not answer her immediately. Daphne's behavior made him a little confused: Why do you want to know what Dumbledore is hiding in the castle?

"Because I'm curious too!" Daphne tried her best to pretend to be a curious baby.

But Harry still felt suspicious.

Daphne's various actions were really suspicious. Coupled with her status in Slytherin House and her performance in the first flying lesson of the school year, Harry felt that he could not tell her the information he knew. After figuring out her Before motivation.

"Did you already know that there was a -"

"Three-headed dog."

"Yes, a three-headed dog." Harry was also studying Daphne's face carefully, hoping to see some clues from her face.

"I actually had a similar encounter before, and by chance I knew what was inside."

"Huh?" Harry was stunned.

"Well, it's no coincidence that you met me tonight. I often sneak out of the lounge and wander around at night." She paused and added: "Night walks are not exclusive to Gryffindor. "

Daphne's words eliminated the barrier between Harry and her, allowing her to gain Harry's trust.

"That's it, but I actually don't know what was inside. I only know that it was a small package that had been in Gringotts before and was moved out by Hagrid - on the same day, Gringotts was invaded. !”

Daphne was somewhat impressed by the news. The news of Gringotts being invaded was widely spread among the pure-blood families, which caused a lot of trouble to Gringotts. Many pure-blood wizards chose to extract the treasures from their own vaults. .

Although Gringotts kept claiming that nothing had been stolen from them, there was a crack in the bond of trust between the two parties.

Although, Harry also provided her with a quite useful clue.

"I'll go back and find a way to investigate."

"That's great, thank you!" A bright smile broke out on Daphne's face, and she prepared to go back to the dormitory on the excuse that it was getting late.

When the two of them reached the stairs and were about to separate, Daphne suddenly said: "I heard that you beat Malfoy severely in a duel before? Well done!"

Harry laughed, happily.

"Isn't he also unpopular in Slytherin House?"

"Of course, I'm annoying him!" After saying this, Daphne walked down the stairs. Her heart was pounding as she felt like she was finally one step closer to solving the mystery behind the trap door.

And Harry suddenly felt that not all Slytherin House was annoying.

"Oh? An invisibility cloak with a special texture?" While listening to Daphne's story about her adventure last night, Les noticed a detail.

Although invisibility cloaks are expensive, they are not uncommon in the magic world. The simpler ones are cloaks cast with a disembodiment spell, while the more luxurious ones are cloaks woven from the hair of invisible beasts.

But according to Daphne, Harry's Invisibility Cloak was as smooth as water, which was very interesting, because Les knew that the hair of the Invisibility Beast did not feel that way, and there were few fabrics in the wizarding world that felt like water.

He had the idea of ​​meeting Harry and borrowing his invisibility cloak to study it.

Someone gave him a pillow when he felt sleepy. Before Les could put his idea into action, Harry took the initiative to find Daphne.

"Would you like to go to Hagrid's cabin to spend Christmas together this afternoon?"

It was a pretty good suggestion, and Daphne agreed. Les sat aside, minding his own business and reading the letter from Lupet.

For him, since the questions have been assigned, he will not interfere with the students' problem-solving process.

‘There are some potion ingredients that you can’t buy at all. ’ He narrowed his eyes.

Rupert has been trying her best to search for medicinal materials, and even activated the relationship with Knockturn Alley, but many potion raw materials are already in a state of market price and demand exceeds supply, and they are not what she can collect in a short time. .

These materials were trivial to Slytherin back then. He was the wizard who owned the largest and most comprehensive potion storage room in the world. However, time has changed, and even if future generations have left some raw materials unused, a thousand years is enough for the magic power in the materials to be lost.

The descendants used my potion ingredients, which shows that the younger generations do not regard me as an outsider, so why should I be polite to these people who inherited my potion storage room?

Les figured it out all at once.

So during dinner, Daphne noticed that Les had a faint smile on his face.

"Les, you seem to be in a good mood."

"That's natural. I'm proud of the heirs of Slytherin House. They have maintained the fine traditions of the house very well." After opening Snape's potion storage room, Les was convinced that at least Snape had Inheriting part of his spirit.

The raw materials for potions here are all amazing. Except for those that require specific dark creatures, other potion materials can be found here!

Rice was moved by Snape's efforts. So he took some of each as a sign of respect.

Interestingly, Les discovered that Snape actually used the potion storage room he left behind back then, but it seemed that he did not master the various anti-theft mechanisms in it. The kind-hearted Rice opened several less harmful mechanisms before leaving to let Snape understand that he still had many secrets in this storage room that he had not yet discovered.

Daphne was confused by Les's nonsense. She scratched her head and took a piece of kidney pie for herself.

She also gained a lot today. Harry was very good at tricking Hagrid. Hagrid accidentally revealed part of the truth - the item was related to Nico Flamel.

This name was unfamiliar to Harry, but to Daphne it was familiar.

Nico Flamel, the owner of the Philosopher's Stone!

Now she knew what was hidden under the trap door.

Both of them were in a good mood.

No one noticed that Snape was absent from dinner today. But when the young wizards at Hogwarts and other professors staying at the school saw him the next day, they were all shocked by the murderous intent that could not be resolved on his face.

"Severus, you seem to be in a bad mood?" After a moment of confusion, Professor McGonagall took the initiative to ask about Snape's condition.

Bah! The fork in Snape's hand was broken.


Updates are here. The next one will have to wait until the early morning - it is still recommended to get up in the morning and read it.


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