Ancient Martial God

Chapter 634 Absolutely impossible

Huang Chuying, who was still struggling, suddenly became quiet. This made Situ Feng feel something was wrong, and he suddenly felt a breath emerging from behind him.

The peak of Yuanling realm...

The moment he felt this aura, Situ Feng suddenly turned his head. When he saw Xiao Yun standing not far away, he couldn't help but be shocked.

"It's you……"

Situ Feng's face was full of surprise. He obviously didn't expect to see Xiao Yun here. What surprised him even more was that Xiao Yun's cultivation had reached the peak of the Yuanling realm.

Previously, Xiao Yuncai was only at the peak of the Dao Realm.

In less than a day, Xiao Yun reached a new level. It was obvious that Xiao Yun got an opportunity. When he thought about the opportunity, Situ Feng suddenly felt bad.

"So what if you get the chance? Do you think you can touch me? It would be as easy for me to kill you as it is to kill a dog."

Situ Feng looked at Xiao Yun with a ferocious face, "Damn you bitch, if it weren't for you, how could our Situ family be destroyed and how could my father die? Today, you and your woman fell into my hands. I will chop off your limbs first, then make you into a human urn, and finally let you watch how I love your woman." After saying this, Situ Feng showed an almost crazy smile.

However, Xiao Yun just looked at Situ Feng calmly and was not angered by his words.

Xiao Yun seemed too calm, which made Situ Feng feel inexplicably uneasy. No, how could he be uneasy? He was the future Sword Master who had integrated the Heavenly Book of Sword Dao.

What ability does Xiao Yun have to compete with him?

"I don't like your look, so let me chop off your limbs first." Situ Feng took action. He knew that Xiao Yun was a fellow cultivator of the sword body and had already become an emperor. Although he was mocking Xiao Yun, he did not He despised Xiao Yun, but released the Heavenly Book of Sword Dao when he took action.


As the Heavenly Book of Sword Dao bloomed with brilliant light, Situ Feng's body erupted with unparalleled sword intent. This sword intent was extremely powerful and covered the surrounding area instantly.

"This is the sword intention of the Heavenly Book of Sword Dao that I just successfully integrated. Please experience it." Situ Feng turned into a giant cyan sword and slashed at Xiao Yun. It is integrated into the blue giant sword, and its power is even more powerful.

Facing the slashing Situ Feng, Xiao Yun just waved his hand, and the eight sword intentions merged into one.


The giant green sword was chopped into pieces by Xiao Yun.


Situ Feng froze and stared at this scene blankly.

How can this be!

This was his sword intention that was fused with the Heavenly Book of Sword Dao. It was the most powerful sword intention. How could it be chopped into pieces by Xiao Yun with just one strike?

"Do you know why I want to sell the Heavenly Book of Swordsmanship? Its swordsmanship is indeed not weak, but for a real swordsman, the Heavenly Book of Swordsmanship is a foreign object after all. No matter how strong you are, it is just a borrowed power. Even if you fuse it, you can’t override it.”

Xiao Yun slowly walked towards Situ Feng. From the beginning to the end, Xiao Yun never regarded Situ Feng as his opponent. A sword cultivator who relied on the Heavenly Book of Sword Dao was already a useless sword cultivator. No matter how strong he was, Xiao Yun could kill him with one sword. His sword intent chopped into pieces.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible... you are lying to me!" Situ Feng yelled crazily.

Xiao Yun just glanced at Situ Feng indifferently.

This look made Situ Feng completely crazy, because Xiao Yun's eyes seemed to not take him seriously. This feeling of being ignored was unbearable for the proud Situ Feng.

"Do you think you can humiliate me?"

Situ Feng's eyes were extremely red. At this moment, stronger sword intent surged out of his body. The Heavenly Book of Sword Dao continued to release power and blessed Situ Feng, and his sword intent became stronger and stronger, even in An extremely wide knife path appeared behind him.

This sword path leads directly to the sword master level...

"Did you see it? This is the sword path leading to the Sword Master. I will become the Sword Master in the future."

Situ Feng raised his head and laughed wildly, because under the pressure brought by Xiao Yun, he and the Heavenly Book of Sword Dao were completely integrated. Not only did he manifest the Sword Dao that went straight to the level of the Sword Master, but it also gave him stronger powers. The strength, the aura of the whole person continues to rise, and the sword intention also rises.

"Damn bitch, I'll chop off your limbs first!" Situ Feng jumped up and released the majestic sword intent. The power was at least twice as powerful as before, and under the blessing of the Book of Sword Dao, the power It increased sharply again.

Xiao Yun sighed, and the ninth sword intention emerged.


Nine blades of sword intent were slashed out together, layer upon layer, bursting out with unparalleled power.

The huge blue sword that Situ Feng's body transformed into was slashed and exploded, and the remaining sword intent was slashed on him, and the terrifying sword intent penetrated into it.

At that moment, Situ Feng realized how terrifying Xiao Yun's sword intention was. His own sword intention could not match it at all. Even the sword intention of the Sword Dao Heavenly Book was disintegrated the moment it touched Xiao Yun's sword intention. , there is no power to resist at all.

How can it be……

Situ Feng froze, Xiao Yun's knife intent was already on his neck, and his life and death fell into Xiao Yun's hands at this moment.

After only two attempts, he was defeated.

Situ Feng still didn't want to believe that he would be defeated by Xiao Yun so easily.

"You just said you wanted to cut off my limbs, so let me repay you with this." Xiao Yun thought, and the sword intention had penetrated Situ Feng's limbs.

With a shrill scream, Situ Feng fell to the ground without the support of his limbs. If only his limbs were severed, he could have been reattached, but Xiao Yun's knife intent twisted his limbs into pieces.

In other words, Situ Feng had no chance to recover.

"You have the guts to kill me..." Situ Feng roared.

"No, I won't kill you so quickly. If I kill you now, it will be too cheap for you. I want to get my things back first. Although the sword skills of the Book of Swordsmanship are not very good, it is worth some money. "

Xiao Yun directly grabbed Situ Feng's back with one hand, grabbed the Book of Sword Dao, and pulled it out forcefully.


Situ Feng roared, this book of swordsmanship has been integrated with his swordsmanship, and now that it is taken away, his own swordsmanship has also been taken away.

If he loses his sword skills, he will become an ordinary martial artist, which will make him feel more uncomfortable than killing him.

The Book of Sword Dao tried to break free, but Xiao Yun firmly caught it and threw it directly into the Najie.

As for Situ Feng, Xiao Yun did not kill him, but kicked him in the abdomen. With the injection of power, Situ Feng's Qi sea shattered.

"No..." Situ Feng's eyes were as red as blood. At this moment, his foundation and Qi sea were completely destroyed.

"By the way, there is a huge opportunity in this Ancient Martial Palace. Maybe you can get a blessing in disguise." Xiao Yun said to Situ Feng who almost fainted.

Hearing these words, Situ Feng regained a glimmer of hope.

"But I won't give you this chance."

Xiao Yun's words immediately extinguished Situ Feng's hopes, and at the same time, a sword intent penetrated Situ Feng's eyebrows.

At this time, there was movement in the distance, and the silver masked man and others rushed over, just in time to see Situ Feng fall.

"You hurt Chuying, right?" Xiao Yun looked at the silver masked man and others indifferently.

"Come together and surround and kill him!"

The man in the silver mask gritted his teeth. They were powerful in numbers. With so many people attacking together, they were afraid they wouldn't be able to kill Xiao Yun.

The next moment, the man in the silver mask and others had already surrounded him. They were all geniuses and had experienced many killings. With their superior numbers, how could they be afraid of Xiao Yun?

Facing the silver-masked man who was besieging him, Xiao Yun just raised his hands slightly, and nine sword intentions suddenly surrounded him crazily.

"not good……"

The silver masked man's eyebrows suddenly jumped, and he smelled the breath of life and death.

The next moment, nine blades of sword intent flew past like lightning. The three peerless geniuses who were coming from the front were pierced before they could react, and they died on the spot.

The man in the silver mask froze, and the remaining geniuses also stopped, their faces suddenly pale and bloodless.

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