Ancient Martial God

Chapter 1916 Soul Control

The moment Xiao Yun and others stepped into the Ancient Artifact Palace, they were immediately covered by invisible power, and then teleportation power emerged.

Immediately afterwards, everyone was teleported out.

Endless darkness passed by, and Xiao Yun felt that all his perceptions were blocked, and it only lasted for a breath.

Soon, Xiao Yun's perception slowly recovered.

After his senses were restored, Xiao Yun found that he was alone, and Hong Lian and others were missing, apparently separated during the teleportation.


A familiar voice reached Xiao Yun's ears.

Xiao Yun couldn't help but be a little surprised. At this moment, his senses were still slowly recovering. He didn't expect that the charm demon would leave his body on its own.

At this time, Xiao Yun's perception finally fully recovered, and the demon was hanging in front of Xiao Yun. It was now the size of two palms.

After Xiao Yun's soul improved, the charm also improved.

Xiao Yun never let it appear because it was a trump card he had reserved and would not use it until the critical moment.

"Why did you run out on your own?" Xiao Yun asked Yaoyao.

"Yaoyao!" Charming Yao pointed forward.

It's okay not to point, but under this finger, Xiao Yun couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

I saw a red bloodshot sphere in front of me. This bloodshot sphere was slowly squirming like a living thing, and inside it was the body of a male martial arts cultivator.

This male martial artist had obviously died not long ago, and there was still some aura of strength left on his body. Although there was only some residual aura, Xiao Yun could tell from his aura that he was very strong during his lifetime, at least not weaker than Master Xingchen and others.

Such a person was trapped and died here...

The bloodshot sphere squirmed very slowly, and it didn't seem to be fast, but with Xiao Yun's super perception, he could feel the terror of this creature.

It is not slow, but deliberately squirms at an extremely slow speed to confuse others. Once it gets close, its speed will be astonishingly fast, and it can swallow other living creatures in an instant.

This weird creature seemed to want to move over, but because of the presence of the monster, it didn't get too close.

Xiao Yun immediately understood why the demon suddenly ran out on its own. It was because it sensed danger, and Xiao Yun's consciousness had not yet fully recovered, so it came out first to frighten the strange creature.

If the demon hadn't come out and frightened this strange creature, Xiao Yun estimated that he would have been attacked by this strange creature during the recovery stage of consciousness, and he might even have been killed by it.

Seeing the strange creatures not far away, Xiao Yun gave up his plan to take action.

Yaoyao has been standing by to protect him. The strange creature that makes Yaoyao so fearful is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface.

Xiao Yun quickly flew into the distance.

The strange creature that was slowly squirming stopped squirming. It was obvious that it knew that Xiao Yun had run away. Since its prey had run away, it would not pursue it.

"Thank you." Xiao Yun gently rubbed Yaoyao's head.

"Yaoyao..." Yaoyao chuckled.

Suddenly, Xiao Yun sensed someone coming from a distance, and there was not just one person, but eleven people. The auras of these people were very powerful, not weaker than Young Master Xingchen and others, and even much stronger.

Xiao Yun quickly put away Yaoyao, and then looked in the direction of the visitor. When he saw the visitor, he couldn't help but show surprise.

Four quadruplets, who are stout and almost identical in appearance, are carrying a ribbed sedan, and there are gold wires hanging around the entire sedan. Each of these gold wires is covered with unique lines, and each line contains amazing power fluctuations.

There is a woman in the ribbed sedan. Because of the gold wire, her appearance cannot be clearly seen, but her approximate body shape can only be vaguely discerned.

Behind the ribbed sedan, followed five men and one woman, all wearing black gold armor. Each of these armors had an ancestral artifact fragment inlaid on them.

Although it does not reach the level of a quasi-ancestral weapon, it is second only to a quasi-ancestral weapon.

If this kind of black gold armor were sold, it would definitely be worth a lot of money.

At this time, the ribbed sedan stopped, and the woman in the sedan opened the golden silk, revealing her stunning face. In terms of appearance, this beautiful woman was no worse than Honglian.

"You are still alive in this blood demon's territory. You are quite capable." The beautiful woman looked at Xiao Yun and said.

Blood Demon?

Xiao Yun frowned slightly.

"This is one of the dangerous places in the Ancient Artifact Palace. The area is not big, but people who fall into this place almost have a narrow escape from death. You should have seen the blood demon over there. Even though it moves slowly, its speed is very fast. It’s amazing. If you are touched by it, even if you break through and become the True God King, you will not be able to escape death." The beautiful woman said slowly.

"Is it difficult to kill?" Xiao Yun couldn't help but ask.

"It's not that it's difficult to kill, it's that it's impossible to kill. Once you attack it, not only will you not be able to hurt it, but it will make it stronger. The more you attack it, the stronger it will be. In addition, its root system It spreads underground and has a thousand cores. Unless all the cores can be destroyed at once, there is no way to get rid of it."

The beautiful woman continued: "Its core is spread over tens of thousands of miles, and it is in the deepest underground. The space of this ancient artifact palace is very strong. Even the King of Zhengshen can only destroy more than ten cores in a single shot. It’s just the heart core. The destroyed heart core will grow back quickly.”

"So, the Blood Demon is very difficult to deal with in the Ancient Artifact Palace. Of course, as long as you don't get close to the area where it is and don't take action against it, you won't provoke it."

"Thank you for letting me know! I'll take my leave." Xiao Yun thanked the beautiful woman and turned around to leave.

"I told you so much, and you just left?" The beautiful woman narrowed her eyes slightly, and a strange luster suddenly appeared in her eyes.


Xiao Yun only felt his sea of ​​consciousness tremble.

The power of soul...

Xiao Yun showed an expression of surprise. He didn't expect that this beautiful woman had such strong soul power and could invade his own sea of ​​consciousness.

However, the power of this soul is at most equivalent to the level of a great soul. Xiao Yun's soul is already the king of souls, and it instantly overwhelms the power of the beautiful woman's soul.

"You have been charmed by my Horcrux. From this moment on, I am your master." The beautiful woman looked at Xiao Yun and said.


Xiao Yun immediately understood. It turned out that the beautiful woman relied on the Horcrux to release the soul method to confuse others. No wonder she didn't realize that the soul method had been cracked by herself.

Looking at the beautiful woman, the quadruplets in the sedan, and the people behind them, apart from the clear eyes of the quadruplets, the other five men and one woman all had dull eyes.

Obviously, these six people were deceived.

Xiao Yun hesitated for a moment, and then became like five men and one woman, his eyes a little dull.

"What's your name?" the beautiful woman asked.

"Xiao Yun." Xiao Yun answered truthfully.

"Looking at the way you are dressed, you should not be from the Origin of the Ancestral God, but from the Ancient God Imperial City, right?" the beautiful woman continued to ask.

"Yes, Master." Xiao Yun continued to answer.

"There are thirteen places in the Ancient God Imperial City. If you can get one, your strength should not be bad. Of course, the overall strength of the Ancient God Imperial City is still weaker and not as good as the origin of our Ancestral God. However, if you can get one more Having someone at your disposal is better than nothing at all." The beautiful woman said calmly.

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