Ancient Martial God

Chapter 1296 The Holy Clan’s Trump Card

"When the Holy Lord arrives in person, the Holy Clan will undoubtedly be destroyed."

The leader of the third peak showed ecstasy. If it weren't for the saints, how could the Sword Holy Land be in such a situation?

Originally, there were supposed to be four peak masters in the Sacred Land of Swords, and three quasi-saints. Such strength was already top-notch in the Rakshasa realm.

If the damn Holy Clan hadn't suddenly appeared like a bitch like Sheng Yanxia, ​​and if Sheng Tianlong and others, as well as the gray-robed Ancestor and others had not broken through, the Holy Clan would have been wiped out long ago.

"If the Holy Lord takes action personally, it will be difficult for the Holy Clan not to die." Zuo Valley Master said.

"Just watch the excitement. After the Saint Clan is destroyed, we will divide up the land left by the Saint Clan." The owner of Jiuxiao Tower said with narrowed eyes.

At this moment, the gray-robed ancestor and others' faces were extremely pale, because the Holy Lord's momentum not only overwhelmed them, but also the entire Dongtian City was shocked.

The martial arts cultivators in the entire city were all intimidated by the aura of the Holy Lord.

Xiao Yun's face was tense. He originally expected that it would take some time, but he didn't expect that the Holy Lord would come so quickly and at this juncture.

"Old Immortal, how is Yanxia doing now?" Xiao Yun asked quickly.

"Looking at the speed of her breakthrough, she still has at least half an hour..." Yun Tianzun replied in a deep voice. Half an hour was already very short in the past, but it is very long in the current situation. After all, casual cultivators The Holy Lord of Tianmeng has arrived.

With the power of the Holy Lord, the entire Dongtian City can be destroyed very quickly.

Not to mention the gray-robed ancestor and others, even if they all join forces, it is already considered good to be able to resist for twenty or thirty breaths.

Half an hour...

It's just too long.

Xiao Yun took a deep breath. He had to fight for half an hour for Saint Yanxia, ​​otherwise the current Saint Clan would not be able to resist the power of the Saint.

"Who is in charge of the Holy Clan?"

A majestic voice fell from the sky, and the air waves caused by the voice made Dongtian City's defense tremble several times.

"I am the leader of the Holy Clan!"

Just as the gray-robed ancestor was about to step forward, Xiao Yun had already burst out of the air.

Xiao Yun...

The gray-robed ancestor and others were shocked.

Not only them, but the Third Peak Master and others also looked at Xiao Yun with surprise. They did not expect Xiao Yun to stand up on his own.

Seeing Xiao Yun, the expressions of the Third Peak Master and others became solemn. Based on their cultivation, it is not difficult to see that Xiao Yun's cultivation has reached the extremely holy realm.

"I just said that this boy will definitely pose a threat to us in the future. It's true, his growth rate is beyond our imagination." Zuo Valley Master said solemnly.

"If I had known, I should have killed this kid." The master of Jiuxiao narrowed his eyes slightly.

"There is no need for us to take action. The three saints will definitely crush them all. Let them stand up now and just ask questions. They will definitely die later." The third peak master put his hands behind his back and looked at the excitement on his face. appearance.

This kind of excitement is rare in a lifetime. Not only is the Holy Lord here, but you can also see the destruction of the Holy Race with your own eyes.

"Xiao Yun..." the gray-robed ancestor shouted.

"Ancestor, as well as uncles and elders, Yanxia is approaching the Saint Realm. It will take her half an hour." Xiao Yun sent a message to the gray-robed ancestor and others.

Hearing these words, the gray-robed ancestor and the others were ecstatic.

Half an hour...

If she can survive this half hour, then Sheng Yanxia will be able to directly hit the Saint Realm and become a true Saint.

Then, the Saint Clan will have the capital to compete with the Rogue Cultivator Heavenly Alliance and the Eternal Palace.

However, you have to hold on for half an hour.

Can you hold on to the Holy Lord for half an hour? The gray-robed ancestor and the others looked tense, no matter whether they could hold on or not, they had to hold on.

"In front of the Holy Lord, if I rely on myself alone, I'm afraid it will be difficult to hold on for half an hour, so I need you all to join hands with me when the time comes." Xiao Yun said with a tight expression.

"How to join forces?" The gray-robed ancestor asked immediately.

"It's not appropriate to say more now. You gather your strength. When I ask you to take action, you can just take action."

After Xiao Yun finished speaking, he rose into the air and stood thousands of feet in the air.

The terrifying aura of the Three Saints was overwhelming, and Xiao Yun's body made a clicking sound, which showed how terrifying this aura was.

"You are only in the Supreme Saint realm, but you still try to talk to me? Get lost!" The three saints shouted angrily, and the sound wave instantly penetrated the three levels of space.

The Third Peak Master and others suddenly changed their expressions. The cultivation level of the Holy Lord was really terrifying, and the sound waves just released were so terrifying.

Even as quasi-holy beings, they may not be able to withstand this sonic power.

Xiao Yun will definitely die...

Sheng Tianlong wanted to rush over, but was stopped by the gray-robed ancestor, because he believed that Xiao Yun had an arrangement, so he would wait until Xiao Yun didn't let them take action.

Facing the sonic power that could crush the quasi-saint, Xiao Yun took a deep breath, and then directly opened the ancient secret realm.

A huge red dragon emerged.


The sound wave hit the red dragon, and it completely withstood it with its body. The scales on its body glowed with a faint red luster, obliterating the power of the sound wave.


The Third Peak Master and others were shocked.

Even the gray-robed ancestor and the others were shocked. They naturally knew that Xiao Yun had two weird monsters, but this monster was different from the ones they had seen before.

What kind of monster is this?

Can he actually resist the sonic impact of the Three Saints with his body?


Xiao Yun controlled the ancient monster Zhulong, consuming most of his soul power to make it roar. The terrifying roar erupted, and the sound waves directly crushed the three layers of space, and this time the shattering was even more complete. The terrifying sound waves Impact towards the Three Saints.

The expressions of the Third Peak Master and others changed completely. Some people on the Yunzhou where they were were covered their ears and screamed because their eardrums were directly shattered by the loud roar.

You know, they have gone very far away.

The sound waves released by the ancient monster Zhulong naturally cannot hurt the Three Saints, but the impact of this sound wave is extremely strong.

The Three Saints stretched out their hands to resist the momentum of the sound wave. At the same time, his expression became solemn.

A holy-level monster...

The Saints actually have a Saint-level monster sitting at their command!

The faces of the Third Peak Master and others who were watching the excitement turned extremely ugly. They did not expect that the Holy Clan would invite a Holy-level monster to take charge.

"Why do the Saints still have such a trump card?"

"have no idea……"

"Why do the holy-level monsters help the saints?" The master of Jiuxiao Tower looked livid. He clearly saw that the saints were about to be destroyed, but in the end, such an accident occurred.

Zuo Valley Master and others looked tense. If the Three Saints of the Rogue Cultivator Alliance could not destroy the Saints, then they might have no choice but to escape from the Rakshasa Territory.

After all, the Saint Clan now has a Saint-level monster sitting in charge.

The Holy Lord is already a very top existence in the seventh heaven, and the monster at the Holy Lord level is even more terrifying. Others cannot see it, but the Three Saints can naturally see that this Holy Lord level monster is stronger than him. More, at least one step ahead.

"I don't know which region you are from, why do you want to interfere in the affairs of our Sanxiu Tianmeng and this saint clan?" The Three Saints spoke first.

"It has nothing to do with you which domain I come from. You only need to know one thing, that is, I will guard this holy clan. I don't want to waste my power. Just go back to where you came from." The ancient warcraft Zhulong said.

Of course, it was not the ancient monster Zhulong who spoke, but Xiao Yun who controlled its voice with the power of his soul to reply, which was equivalent to Xiao Yun speaking.

The holy monsters guard the holy clan...

The Third Peak Master and others turned pale. They thought the Saint Clan had hired them for help at a huge cost, but they did not expect that this Holy Demonic Beast would actually guard the Saint Clan.

What is guarding?

That is to always protect the Saint Clan. If it wants to attack the Saint Clan, then it will definitely protect the Saint Clan.

If this is the case, then they can only run away...

The Third Peak Master and others gritted their teeth. They didn't want to just leave. After all, they had accumulated so much in the Rakshasa Domain. If they went to other domains, everything would have to start again.

In the end, the Third Peak Master and others stayed.

Because the Sanxiu Tianmeng has more than one saint, but three saints. With the temper of the Sanxiu Tianmeng, they will not give up so easily.

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