An Ordinary Path to Immortality

Chapter 604 Don’t try to fool me, Kang Mazi’s discovery

Fang Ping didn't explain much to them, just took them to walk through the mine tunnels one by one.

Mine tunnels 1 to 3 were the earliest to be mined, and now they are considered abandoned mines. Few people go in on weekdays.

Although mine tunnels 4 and 5 have not been abandoned, people occasionally dig out magnets, but the number is pitiful, and only a few people try their luck here on weekdays.

In other words, after a long period of mining, there are basically no magnets in mine tunnels 1 to 5.

But Fang Ping took Wang Hu and his men to walk around the first five mines one by one, and then stopped at an inconspicuous branch mine tunnel in mine tunnel 2.

"Boss Chen, are you sure this is the place?" Wang Hu pointed to the hard and thick rocks in front of him and asked doubtfully.

Fang Ping said confidently: "Yes, it's here. If you dig two meters deep in this direction, you will find a rich mine."

"Boss Chen, let me say something disrespectful. This No. 2 mine has long been confirmed to be a waste mine. Mining here is simply a waste of time."

"Yes, Boss Chen, it's better to go to the original mine outside than to dig here. There are only more than 70 magnets. If we work harder and ask others to help, we should be able to get something close if we are lucky."

"Boss Chen, it's not that we don't want to work hard, but the No. 2 mine is really not good."

Wang Hu and his men carefully dissuaded Fang Ping, hoping that he could change places. After all, the No. 2 mine is a well-known waste mine.

Fang Ping said firmly: "Do as I say, there will definitely be surprises waiting for you."

Seeing Fang Ping's tough attitude, Wang Hu and others could only carry the hoe and bite the bullet.

Anyway, you are the boss and you have the final say. Don't blame us when you can't dig out the ore.

Seeing that Wang Hu and the others were reluctant and not at all enthusiastic, Fang Ping did not urge them, nor did he blame them. He just sat cross-legged quietly beside them.

Xiao Wu was so anxious that he squeaked and even jumped on Wang Hu's head and pulled his hair, urging Wang Hu to speed up.

Wang Hu and his friends dug for almost an hour and finally dug to a depth of about ten feet.

Just when they wanted to persuade Fang Ping to change his mind again, Wang Hu casually dug a hoe and heard a "ding" sound, which shocked Wang Hu and other experienced miners.

Because they knew this sound very well, it was the sound made when the hoe hit the magnet.

"It's shipped!" Wang Hu's eyes lit up, and he quickly threw down the hoe and took it in his hand.

"It's true, it's really shipped." Wang Hu was very excited.

At the same time, another miner casually smashed his pickaxe into the rocks, wanting to come over to watch. As a result, the pickaxe made another crisp "ding" sound.

He didn't care about joining in the fun, and hurried over to dig a few times, then held up the magnet and said: "I've also shipped goods, I've also shipped goods."

Fang Ping laughed and said lightly: "How about it, do you still doubt my words?"

Wang Hu's face suddenly became serious: "Who, who dared to doubt Boss Chen just now?"

The others immediately cast contemptuous eyes at Wang Hu, as if you didn't doubt Boss Chen just now.

After they dug out the magnet, the others suddenly felt their blood surging, and they swung their pickaxes until they were almost smoking.

For a while, the mine cave was full of dings, and everyone was full of energy. Soon everyone shipped goods one after another.

Everyone's excited shouts and the dings of mining were endless.

They never expected that they could dig such a rich ore in the abandoned No. 2 mine, where a magnetite could be found with just a few hoes.

Compared with the content of magnetite here, the mine occupied by several people in the No. 6 mine tunnel was not so attractive instantly.

This abnormal phenomenon made Kang Mazi and others who were guarding not far from the mine tunnel look at each other in bewilderment. They didn't know what was wrong with Wang Hu and his friends, and they were so excited in the mine tunnel of the abandoned mine.

Those who didn't know would think that they had dug a rich ore in the No. 2 abandoned mine tunnel.

"Don't pay attention to them. I think they are just deliberately making trouble. The purpose is to lure us over and then ambush us."

"Damn, too treacherous. No wonder that Chen is so confident. It turns out to be so vicious."

"We won't go over and make them angry to death."

Kang Mazi and others whispered, all congratulating themselves on their wisdom.

They waited here for two days and found that there was only the clanging of the hoes inside, and the excited shouts of Wang Hu and his friends had disappeared.

"Humph, it's true. Seeing that we didn't fall for it, they couldn't pretend anymore."

"Let them keep knocking. I wonder how long they can pretend."

"Bah, you're exhausted! We've already seen through your evil scheme."

They were bored and cursing Wang Hu to kill time. Suddenly, one of Wang Hu's younger brothers came out of the mine with sweat all over his forehead and said to them:

"Kang Mazi, you are still here. Our boss Chen said that it's enough now. You go in and collect the goods."

Kang Mazi was alert when he heard it. He looked at the people around him and said sarcastically: "You can't pretend anymore. You start using this cheap trick to trick us into falling into your trap?"

"Who are you fooling? It's only been a few days. Where can you find so many magnets?"

"Do you think we are fools?"

In their opinion, Fang Ping and his men must have seen that they would not be fooled, so they deliberately lied to them that the magnets were ready, and then tricked them into going in and killing them.

Wang Hu's younger brother was confused, not knowing what Kang Mazi and his men meant: "Do you still want the magnets?"

"Yes, of course, but we won't be stupid enough to go in and die."

Hearing this, he also knew what Kang Mazi and his men were thinking. It turned out that they didn't believe that they had dug up the mines.

He spread his hands: "It's up to you, come or not, anyway, Boss Chen said that the mines will be almost dug up in a day or two and it's time to move to another place."

After saying that, he went straight back to the mine. There were still a lot of mines waiting for them to dig. Boss Chen promised that when they left, he could take 10% of the mines they dug out and keep them for himself.

Another day passed, and the output of this mine was getting less and less. Fang Ping didn't waste time here anymore, and took them to another mine to continue digging.

Kang Mazi and his companions were puzzled when they saw Wang Hu and his companions sweating profusely but looking extremely excited.

So after Fang Ping and his companions changed the mine tunnel, they sent people to explore the mine tunnel that Fang Ping and his companions had originally used.

Not long after, Kang Mazi and his companions received a shocking news.

In this mine tunnel abandoned by Wang Hu and his companions, there were traces of a large amount of magnetite production.

In other words, Wang Hu and his companions had dug up a lot of magnetite here in the past few days.

Wang Hu's younger brother was not lying to them when he told them that he had collected enough magnetite for Kang Mazi to accept.

"Brother Kang, they are so lucky. They really found a rich mine here."

Kang Mazi's heart moved, and he thought of another thing: "Something is wrong. If they found a rich mine here, then the mine tunnel they are in now is not..."

Thinking of this, Kang Mazi's mind "boomed" and he knew that he must have found something extraordinary, but he needed further confirmation.

"Quick, go and inform Boss Wu..."

. You provide the ordinary immortal road of the great god

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